


Of the Board of Governorsmeetingheld on Tuesday, 14 February2017at 10amin the Directorate Boardroom, St Mary’s Road, Ealing

Present: / Mr Chris Humphries (Independent Governor) –Chair of the Board of Governors
Mr Mike Bellamy (Independent Governor)
Mr Dermot Blastland (Independent Governor)
Mr Mark Cammies (Co-opted Governor)
Mr Allan Dodd (Independent Governor)
Mr Derek Hicks (Co-opted Governor)
Professor Peter John (Vice-Chancellor)
Mr Jonathan Lawrence (Co-opted Governor)
Mr Christopher McLaverty (Co-opted Governor)
Mr Kris Murali (Independent Governor)
Ms Sara Raybould (Academic Board Representative)
Dr Kirpal Tahim (Independent Governor)
Mr Dave Titley (SU President)
Ms Valerie Todd (Independent Governor)
Mr Patrick Younge (Independent Governor)
In attendance: / Professor Nick Braisby (Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education)
Mr Adrian Ellison (Chief Information Officer)
Professor Joelle Fanghanel (Pro Vice-Chancellor, Academic)
Mr Chris Fenner (Director of Property Services)
Mr Patrick Fuller (Acting Director of Finance)
Ms Marion Lowe (University Secretary)
Ms Coral Mason (Assistant Clerk to the Board)
Professor Anthony Woodman (Deputy Vice-Chancellor)
Apologies: / Ms Jennifer Bernard (Independent Governor)
Ms Shirley Cameron (Independent Governor)
Ms Justine Stephenson (Independent Governor)
Ms Zabin Visram (Staff Governor)

1Apologies for absence, announcements and declarations of interest

1.1Apologies were noted as above.

1.2There were no declarations of interest.

1.3Members welcomed Mr Derek Hicks to the Board of Governors. Mr Hicks would be serving as the co-opted Governor with experience in Higher Education.

2Minutes of the Meetings held on 22 November 2016 (Appendix 1) and 24 January 2017 (Appendix 2) (BG 1617 16)

2.1The minutes of the meetings held on 22 November 2016 and 24 January 2017were confirmed as a fair and accurate record of the meetings.

  1. Matters Arising Reports (BG 151617)

Meeting of 22 November 2016 (Appendix 1) and 24 January 2017 (Appendix 2)

(BG 1516 07)

3.1The University Secretary introduced the matters arising reports and explained that all matters arising had either been completed, were on the current agenda or would be presented to the next meeting of the Board on 9 May 2017. The Board noted the following:

22 November 2016

M5.1 – New fast track courses amounted to 18% of applications for 2016-17. Members were assured that approval of all new courses followed the University quality assurance processes.

M10.21 – The University Secretary reported that HEFCE had received the report on the activities the University had undertaken with regards to implementing the Prevent Duty. HEFCE were satisfied that these activities demonstrated that the University was paying due regard to the duty as required.

24anuary 2017

Some references in this section have been redacted

3.2The Board of Governors NOTED the Matters Arising Reports.

  1. Approval of Recommendations from Committees (BG 1617 18)

Audit and Risk Committee meeting of 1 February 2017

Ras al Khaimah: Partnership with Wisdom Business School(Appendix 1)

4.1Some references in this section have been redacted

4.6The Board of GovernorsAPPROVED the establishment of an academic partnership in the Academic Zone of the Ras al Khaimah Free Trade Zone.

4.7The Board of Governors RESOLVED that:

a)The University shall establish a branch in the Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates under the operating name University of West London RAK Campus (the "Branch").

b)The University undertakes to ensure ‘’teach-out” procedures are enacted for all students registered with the Branch, in the event of programme closure or deregistration of the Branch.

c)The University appoints Professor Anthony Woodman of British nationality and holder of passport no. 099154601as Manager and Academic Head of the Branch (General Manager) with the appropriate authority and responsibilities to ensure Academic Quality and delivery at the Branch are maintained to appropriate standards.

d)The University may grant additional powers to the General Manager through a separate power of attorney.

e)The General Manager may be dismissed, and its powers may be amended by the University.

f)The University confirmed that the Chair of the Board, Mr Chris Humphries, was empowered to sign on behalf of and bind the University.

Governance and Nominations Committee meeting of 24 January 2017

Appointment of Deputy Chair (Appendix 2)

4.8The following Governors left the meeting while the next two items was discussed:

Mr Mike Bellamy

Mr Dermot Blastland

Mr Mark Cammies

4.9The Chair informed members that, following discussions with Mr Mike Bellamy and Ms Jennifer Bernard, it was agreed that Mr Mike Bellamy would be the Deputy Chair of the Board of Governors until his term of office came to an end on 30 September 2017. Ms Jennifer Bernard would assume the role ofDeputy Chair of the Board from 1 October 2017.

4.10The Board of Governors APPROVED the appointments as outlined above.

Membership of the Board of Governors (Appendix 3)

4.11Members considered the contribution made by Mr Dermot Blastland as an Independent Governor, as a member of the Student Liaison Committee, Remuneration Committee and Honorary Awards Committee.

4.12Members considered the contribution made by Mr Mark Cammies as a co-opted member of the Board of Governors and as a member of the Finance Committee. The Director of Property Services confirmed Mr Cammies had made a significant contribution relating to the acquisition and sale of University properties.

4.13Members noted the proposed appointment of a professoriate representative on the Board and the election process for a Staff Governor on the Board and a member of Academic Board on the Board.

4.14The Board of Governors:

a)APPROVED the appointment of Mr Dermot Blastland as an Independent Governor, as a member of the Student Liaison Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Honorary Awards Committee from 1 April 2017 to 30 March 2020.

b)APPROVED the appointment of Mr Mark Cammies as an Independent Governor on the Board of Governors and as a member of the Finance Committee.

c)NOTED the process for the appointment of a professoriate representative on the Board of Governors.

d)NOTED the process for the election for an Academic Board representative and a Staff Governor onto the Board of Governors.

e)NOTED the appointment of Mr Derek Hicks as a Co-opted Governor with experience in education.

Lead Governor Scheme (Appendix 4)

4.15The University Secretary informed members that the Lead Governor Scheme had been considered as part of the Effectiveness Reviewwhich hadrecommended that the Scheme be revised to ensure consistency, setting out clear expectations on the part of the Schools and the Governors. The Board considered the revised scheme and agreed that it should provide a clear framework.

4.16It was agreed that Governors would also be offered the opportunity to take on a Lead Governor role for identified service departments.

4.17The University Secretary confirmed that, subject to approval, Governors would be allocated to Schools and service departments. Lead Governors would be appointed for two years.

Action: University Secretary

4.18The Board of Governors APPROVED:

a)The revised principles and procedure for the Lead Governor Scheme.

Workforce Advisory Committee meeting of 3 February 2017

HR Policies (Appendix 5 and 6)

Staff Grievance Policy and Procedure (Appendix 5)

4.19The University Secretary informed members that the policy had been simplified to make it user friendly and provided a flow chart setting out the grievance process. Members agreed that all efforts should be made to ensure problems were resolved beforeprogressing to the formal stage.

Staff Dignity at Work Policy and Procedure (Appendix 6)

4.20The University Secretary informed members that the Policy had been amended to reflect changes at a national level in this area. The Policy had been streamlined and clearly articulated the employer’s and employee’sresponsibilities.

4.21The Board of Governors APPROVED the Policies set out above.

Safeguarding Policy (Appendix 7)

4.22The University Secretary informed members the Policy had been revised in line with government statutory guidance. The main changes related to how the University responded to external agencies and how to deal with child on child abuse.

4.23The University had also considered filtering IT access for FE students and it had been agreed that it would be difficult to filter accounts for FE students in a HE environment. However, further work was being undertaken to review possible additional filtering although noting that students had access to their own 3G and 4G devices which were often used as part of the learning process.

4.24Members noted that the policy had recently been tested and had worked well.

4.25The Board of Governors APPROVED the revised Safeguarding Policy

5.The Vice-Chancellor’s Briefing (BG 161719)

5.1The Vice-Chancellor updated members on the following:

  • The HE and Research Bill had been reviewed by the House of Lords and had been returned with over 600 amendments but it was not expected to delay the approval of the Bill which was expected at the end of May 2017.
  • With the impact of Brexit, EU students would be classed as overseas students but it was hoped students would be removed from migration figures. Data produced by LSE indicated thatif EU studentswere excluded from applying for Student Loans this would result in a 57% decline in EU students.
  • The government announced an investment of £170M into Institutes of Technology as part of the industrial strategy. The Institutes would deliver education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM subjects).
  • Some references in this section have been redacted
  • The University had also been working on raising its REF profile. This included employing research active staff and interviews were currently in progress for professorial appointments across all schools.
  • The NSS campaign was in progress and early signswere positive.
  • Some references in this section have been redacted
  • The West London Food Innovation Lab had opened and was, in part, EU fund. The Lab would officially be opened in May/June 2017.
  • TNE partnerships were growing and the model was proving to be effective.
  • Notting Hill Housing Group (NHHG) had agreed to the amendment of the terms of the contract relating to Paragon student accommodation and the University would now control rents and with a view to taking over facilities support.
  • The University hoped to finalise an agreement with QuestorsTheatre for use for teaching for the BA Acting.

5.2The Board of Governors RECEIVED and NOTED the Vice-Chancellor’s Briefing.

6.Property Update (BG 1617 20)

Slough Sale (Appendix 1)

6.1Some references in this section have been redacted

6.5The Board of Governors:

  1. APPROVEDthe sale by the University of the Freehold Land subject to the occupational interests granted to Ditton Park Academy and Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Limited at the Wellington Road site, Slough (“Property”) to Slough Borough Council (“Purchaser”) pursuant to the terms of a sale contract (“Sale Contract”), transfer form (“Transfer”) and overage deed, (“Transaction”).
  1. APPROVEDthe Transaction and the University’s execution of and entry into:

a) the final form Sale Contract;

b) the final form Overage Deed.


a) the sale of the Property by the University to the Purchaser pursuant to the Sale Contract; and

b) the entry into the Overage Deed.

iv) APPROVEDthe execution on behalf of, and corresponding entry into by, the University of:

a) the Sale Contract;

b) the Overage Deed; and

c) any other documentation necessary to give effect to and complete the Transaction.

v) APPOINTEDand AUTHORISED a person (or, where the document is a deed, two persons) to:

a) execute (and, if appropriate affix the University’s seal to) each of the documents referred to above and any other documents that may be necessary or desirable to give effect to the Transaction, and sign the minutes of this meeting; and

b) agree any changes to such documents that they deem reasonable.

Property Update (Appendix 2)

6.6The Director of Property Services provided an update on work taking place across all University campuses noting the survey for the Sports and Leisure facility was in progress.

6.7Some references in this section have been redacted

6.8The Board of GovernorsNOTED the current issues relating to the key property transactions.

7.SU Report on the composition of the student body (Presentation)

7.1The SU Deputy Chief Executive provided an overview of UWL student characteristicswhich confirmed UWL was a leading widening participation university. The analysis allowed the University and the SU to focus on where resources were better targeted to provide students with the best opportunity to achieve their potential.

7.2In addition, using data compiled by the University Planning Office and the SU, detailed information on student profiles at school and subject level allowed the University to have an understanding of the type of students attracted to particular courses and how the University could encourage students from different demographics to apply for those courses.

7.3The Deputy Chief Executive stated that the ‘Big Conversation’ strategy was successful because of the size of the University and these conversations allowed the SU to have a greater understanding of the student population and what their concerns were. An understanding of the student demographic allowed the SU to plan for the future by sharing the information with the University thus ensuring resources were allocated efficiently.

7.4The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed those students who did not live local preferred to live in University provided accommodation and it was hoped that, with the University controlling the Paragon House lets, the majority of first year students would be guaranteed accommodation.

7.5Members welcomed the presentation and requested members of VCE investigate how the information could be marketed to raise the profile of the University locally and nationally. In addition, the data could be taken to local schools to encourage students to apply to UWL.

Action: VCE/Marketing

7.6The Executive and Deputy Chief Executive would be attending the Board of Governors away day on 6-7 March 2017 where the proposed new University strategic plan would be discussed. Discussions would inform the development of the SU strategic plan.

7.7The Board of Governors NOTEDthe presentation.

8.Quality Assessment (BG 1617 21)

Quality Assessment Proposals (Appendix 1)

8.1The University Secretary informed members that paper built on the work arising out of the Effectiveness Review and was set in context of the HEFCE revised model for quality assurance, noting that work was ongoing and was embedded into all Board and Committee activities. As a result of the Committee work set out in the document, the Board would be able to sign off the assurances required by HEFCE.

8.2It was agreed to hold an annual meeting between VCE, the Board of Governors and the SU in July to ensure all stakeholders were satisfied.

Action: Assistant Clerk to the Board

8.3The Board of Governors APPROVED the approach to quality assessment toenable the assurances required of the Board of Governors.

Nation Student Survey (NSS) (Presentation)

8.4The Interim Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor provided a recap on the 2016 campaign and updated members on the current NSS campaign which had been well received by students.

8.5The results of the 2016 campaign were very positive and UWL had the best annual increase in London. Response rates were up 5% in 2017 to date, noting that early completion of the NSS indicated a high level of satisfaction.

8.6The work to schedule the survey in class time may be contributing the increase in response rates and, while it was difficult to predict the results, internal module questionnaires indicated an increase in student satisfaction.

8.7The Board of Governors NOTED the presentation.

Learning Analytics, Retention, Engagement and Student Success at UWL (Presentation/Appendix 2)

8.8TheChief Information Officer set out the strategy for improving retention. UWL had appointed Civitas and, using historical student data, identified student characteristics and behaviours that put students at risk of dropping out. Using this information, the University can take early corrective action. Initial focus has concentrated on BME students and Foundation (level 3) students andthe School of Computing and Engineering with data indicating the project was producing positive results.

8.9The University was rolling out Inspire for Advisorswhich was a tool to help Personal Tutors, Course and Module Leaders to identify students who were at risk and to put actions in place to support these students.The data produced would allow the University to direct resources to support vulnerable groups of students.

8.10The Board of Governors NOTED the presentation and report.

9.Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) (BG 1617 22)

9.1The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) outlined the process for Year Two of the TEF and what is currently known about TEF Three and Four.

9.2Some references in this section have been redacted

9.5The Board of Governors NOTED the paper and the TEF Year Two submission.

10.Effectiveness Review: Review of Recommendations (BG 1617 23)

10.1The University Secretaryupdated members on the action plan arising from the recommendations that came out of the Effectiveness Review.

10.2The Board of Governors AGREED the response to the recommendations and action plan arising from the Review of Effectiveness.

11.EnvironmentalSustainability(BG 1617 24)

11.1The Director of Property Services informed members that, as a result of the work undertaken by the Environmental Review Board (ERB), a revised University Carbon Management Plan had been articulated to reflect UWLs commitment to develop an environmentally sustainable campus. This would improve the energy efficiency of the campus and to ‘integrate sustainability thinking into corporate decision making and operational procedures’.

11.2The Board of Governors:

a)NOTED the report from the Environmental Review Board, and

b)APPROVED the outline Carbon Management Plan.

12.Committee Calendar (BG 1617 25)

12.1The University Secretary outlined the changes to the Board of Governors and Committees Calendar which included a change to the phasing of the Board meetings to accommodate the HEFCE operating model for quality assessment.

12.2The Board of Governors NOTED the Calendar.

13.Away Day Programme (BG 1617 26)

13.1The University Secretaryinformed members the meeting would focus on working on the next University Strategic Plan.

13.2Sessions would include a presentation by Mr Derek Hicks, Co-opted Governor with experience in HE, Mr Steve Fowler, co-opted member of the Audit and RiskCommittee and Dr Kostas Tzortzis, Head of Strategic Planning looking at the UWL basket of competitors.

13.3Members requested a session on future scoping and theVice-Chancellor agreed this would be covered in his presentation. This should include what a future Board would look like, its composition and remit.