2017 Young Philanthropists Program Grant Application Guidelines
New Canaan Community Foundation’s Young Philanthropists will focus their 2017 grantmaking on the areas of Education and Human Services for low income individuals.
Efforts both in New Canaan and in surrounding areas are eligible for support. Applicants should describe the collaboration between their organization and other nonprofits and the collective impactof their program on their clients.
Approximately $15,000 in total grantswill be awarded. Average grant size will be $2,500.
Applying for this funding does not impact eligibility for main cycle grants.
- Young Philanthropists Program grantswill be awarded to nonprofit organizations to support projects or programs that provide services in education or human services. Grants may support either capital projects designed to have a significant and lasting impact or operating support for program expenses.Programs preventing or addressing homelessness are of special interest to the grantmakers.
- Programs demonstrating the greatest impact from the YP grant dollar investment will receive higher priority in funding decision-making.
- YP grants are made only to organizations that have received IRS tax-exempt status.
- No grant requests will be considered for endowments or for expenses already incurred.
Young Philanthropist Grant Application Deadline: January 20, 2017
Grant Applications to the Young Philanthropists Program at NCCFmust be received via email by5 PM on January 20th. Grant awards will be distributed on May10th.
Information to be Supplied by Grant Applicant
A.Grant Application Cover Sheet(Available on the Publications and Financials section of our website under Young Philanthropists Program)
B.Narrative:Limit to two (2) pages. Use these headings, subheadings and numbers. If a question does not apply to your organization, please indicate that with “N.A.”
1.Organizational Information (describe all organizations involved in any collaboration)
- Brief summary of mission and current programs;
- Description of population that benefits: socio-economic status, language, age, physical disabilities etc.;
- How you use volunteers and work with others providing similar services.
2.Purpose of this grant
- Statement of community needs/issues to be addressed; description of target population to benefit;
- Description of anycollaboration, project goals and impact of program for which funds are being requested;
- Project description, including leadership,objectives, activities, timeframe, and number served;
- Description of how you plan to evaluate the success of the project, including outcomes and results. What difference will you make in the lives of program participants?
C.Budget/Financial Information (Provide the dates each document covers)
- Budget for this grant request showing income and expenses
- Listing of all funding sources solicited for this program, including the amounts requested and status of your proposal with each one
- Organization's annualoperating budget and actual income-and-expenses for most recently completed fiscal year.
D.Grant Follow-Up Report –Submit if you received past YP funding (Available on the Publications and Financials section of our website under Young Philanthropists Program.
Submission Requirements
- Two(2) or Three (3) PDF filesemailed to :
- PDF #1: Grant Application Cover Sheet & Narrative (Section B not to exceed 2 pages)
- PDF #2:Supporting material
- PDF #3: Grant Follow-Up Report(if received past YP funding)
All materials must be received via emailby 5 PM on January 20, 2017. If you do not receive a confirmation email, contact the office to confirm receipt of your files.
Call or email the office with questions, at 203-966-0231 or .