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M/s. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) is expanding its offsite facilities at Mumbai for which they require New Tankages along with Associated Works. M/s Engineers India Ltd. , Regional Office –Vadodara are consultant for this project .
The tender scope is fabrication, erection, testing etc. of 6 Nos., 18M Dia (appx.) tanks including supply of plates and other works as described in the tender.
For carrying out New tankages alongwith associated works at HPCL – Mumbai Refinery , Sealed item rate tenders in single stage under two bid system ( Part I : Techno-commercial bid and Part II : Price bid ) are invited from the competent agencies with sound technical and financial capabilities fulfilling the Qualification Criteria as stated under Sl.No.-2 below :
Tender No. /Name of Work
/ Job completion Schedule / Earnest Money Deposit ( EMD )6000199-HD-48009 / Tankages & Associated Works ( TF1) at HPCL- Mumbai Refinery . / 10 ( Ten ) Months from the date of LOI. / Rs. 5,00,000/ by DD or bank guarantee
The Cost of one set of Tender document : Rs. 5000/
Sale period of Tender : On working days between 31/10/2006 to 15/11/2006 ( Both days inclusive ) .
Pre Bid Meeting: 21/11/2006 ( 10.00 Hrs. IST ) at HPCL- Mumbai Refinery
The due date for submission of bid : 06/12/2006 ( 13.30 Hrs. IST )
Opening of Techno-Commercial bids : 06/12/2006 ( 14.00 hrs. IST )
a)Engineering, procurement of materials, fabrication, erection, inspection, testing, calibration, painting and supply of cone cum floating roof storage tanks including design of floating roof of cone cum floating roof storage tanks, civil foundation, fire protection systems etc as part of composite work tender.
b)Engineering, procurement of materials, fabrication, erection, inspection, testing, calibration, painting and supply of dome roof storage tanks, civil foundation, fire protection systems etc as part of composite work tender.
Details of tankages are given in Annexure –1.
Agencies intending to participate shall fulfil the following qualification criteria (technical & financial) :
BQC ( Technical )
2.1The Bidder shall be a regular tankage fabricator having adequate resources and facilities to carry out the specified scope of work.
2.2The bidder shall have designed, fabricated, erected, tested, and commissioned at least one floating roof tank of not less than 18 meter diameter during last seven years (seven years to be reckoned from bid due date) which shall have completed at least one year of successful operation in the field (one year is to be reckoned from bid due date). Bidder shall also have executed at least a single contract of storage tanks having minimum quantity of erection weight not less than 550 MT during last seven years ( Seven years to be reckoned from bid due date).
2.3In case bidder does not meet the criteria specified in 2.2 above on his own in terms of “design” of floating roof tank but meets the criteria in terms of fabrication, erection, testing and commissioning, he can still be qualified provided.
i)The bidder engages a back up consultant who meets the criteria specified
in 2.2 above in terms of design.
ii)The design documents and the GA drawings of floating roof are prepared by the backup consultant and fabrication drawings prepared by the bidder based on backup consultant documents are approved by the backup consultant.
iii)The backup consultant furnishes the back up guarantee for design, engineering and performance of the floating roof.
iv)The bidder furnishes along with his bid the MOU/ Letter of Agreement with the proposed backup consultant confirming the requirement as defined under (i), (ii), & (iii) above.
2.4The details of past experience for design, fabrication, erection, testing and commissioning of floating roof tanks of not less than 18 meter diameter and the details of single contract of storage tanks having minimum quantity of erection weight not less than 550 MT executed by the bidder along with the owner’s certificate shall be submitted along with techno-commercial bid as per formats (Annexure-3) enclosed. Where backup consultant is engaged for design, similar information shall be furnished for the backup consultant as per the format (Annexure-2) enclosed.
BQC ( Financial )
Annual Turnover :
2.5The Annual Turnover of the Bidder shall not be less than the value Rs. 18 Crores, in at least one of the immediately preceding three financial years.
Net-Worth :
2.6Net worth of the Bidder during financial year 2005-2006 shall be positive.
Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence by way of copies of work orders, completion certificates and balance sheets including Profit and Loss Accounts, Certificate from Bank etc. alongwith the Bid to establish Bidder’s conformance to Qualification Criteria.
Failure to meet the above Qualification Criteria will render the Bid to be rejected. Therefore, the bidder shall in his own interest furnish complete documentary evidence in the first instance itself, in support of their fulfilling the Qualification Criteria as given above.
The following may please be noted :
a)Total Scope has been defined in the tender document.
b)HPCL reserves the right to use in-house information for assessment of Bidder’s capabilities.
c)Bidder should not be under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings.
d)Bids on Consortium or Joint Venture basis are not acceptable.
Modality of obtaining Tender document :
Tender document can be purchased from the office of the undersigned ( Room No.-156), First Floor , New Administration Building , during the office working hours . The interested parties should bring the following at the time of purchasing tender document :
i)The request letter on their company’s letter head .
ii)The copy of LOI / work order , Work completion certificate from the client / consultant or any other documentary proof of completing the job , copy of audited profit & loss accounts .
iii)Demand Draft or Pay Order for an amount of Rs. 5000/ in favour of M/s Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. – Mumbai , towards the cost of tender document.
Tender document shall be issued to only those vendors who prima facie meet the qualification criteria . It may be noted that issuance of tender document does not mean that bidder is pre-qualified . The documents of qualification criteria & other relevant details submitted along with the bid shall be reviewed in detail during the course of techno-commercial evaluation of bids.
i)The bidders shall be guided by the detailed terms and conditions and eligibility criteria specified in the tender document .
iii)Central Government Public Enterprises ( CPSE ) are eligible for purchase preference as per prevailing Government of India guidelines . CPSE with negative net worth can also apply provided they meet other criteria .
iv)EMD shall be paid in favour of HPCL - Mumbai in the form of a Demand Draft payable at Mumbai or Bank Guarantee in the prescribed pro-forma issued by a Scheduled Bank in India (except for co-operative banks) and valid for five (5) months from the due date of submission of bid.
v)The bid will be summarily rejected if the requisite Earnest Money Deposit ( EMD ) is not received along with the techno-commercial part of the bid. Central Public Sector Enterprises are exempted from furnishing EMD subject to submission of declaration to that effect . Agencies registered with NSIC for similar works are also exempted from furnishing EMD subject to submission of copy of valid registration certificate .
vi)HPCL shall not be responsible for any expense incurred by bidders in connection with the preparation & delivery of their bids, site visit and other expenses incurred during the bidding process.
vii)The bid will be rejected if the relevant documents of tender qualifications criteria are not received along with the techno-commercial part of the bid .
viii)The tender documents are not transferable and the cost of tender document is non-refundable.
ix)Tenders received after due date and stipulated time , as specified in the tender document or extended due date & time , due to any reason whatsoever including postal delays will not be considered. Where parties are requesting tender document by post, HPCL is not responsible for delay due to any reason including postal delays in receiving the parties requests as well as receipt of these documents by the party
x)HPCL reserves the right to reject any / all tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
Chief Manager – Project Materials
EIL JOB NO.: 6760
EIL’s BIDDING DOCUMENT NO.:6760/T-63/06-07/RAL/39.
HPCL Tender No.6000199-HD-48009
Tankage work involves cone cum floating roof tanks as follows:
Sr. No. / Item no. / No. oftanks / Tank size / Unit weight in MT
Dia. (m) / Ht. (m)
1. / 061-TK-1001 / ONE / 18.0 / 16.0 / 148
2. / 061-TK-1002 / ONE / 18.0 / 16.0 / 148
3. / 061-TK-1003 / ONE / 16.5 / 15.0 / 120
4. / 061-TK-1004 / ONE / 18.0 / 16.0 / 148
Tankage work involves dome roof tanks as follows:
Sr. No. / Item No. / No. ofTanks / Tank size / Unit weight in MT
Dia. (m) / Ht. (m)
2. / 061-TK-1005 A/B / TWO / 16.5 / 15.0 / 153
Sr.No. / Tank service / Tank size / Client** / In house design (Yes / No) / Name of backup consultant
(if any) / Type of floating roof
(Single / Double deck) / Unit weight in MT / Year of fabrication
Dia (m) / Ht. (m)
**Certificate from client for successful completion and operation of the tank shall be enclosed along with the techno-commercial bid.
Sr.No. / Order /
Contract No. / Type of tank (Floating Roof / Fixed Roof) / Item No. / Tank Size / Unit Erection Weight
(MT) / Client** / Location / Year of order placement / Year of scheduled completion / Year of actual completion
(m) / Ht.
Fixed Roof means Cone / Dome Roof.
**Copy of contract and certificate from client for the erection weights of the tanks and year of completion of the tanks shall be enclosed along with the techno commercial bid.