Quarterly Connection

P.O. Box 468

Moffat, Colorado 81143


Dear Reader,

We want to start out by saying…“Thank You Very Much” for requesting more information about thisexciting new program…the “True Reverse 2-Up System”! As promised in our advertising, prepare yourself for a no nonsense presentation of the completeopportunity, all based onfacts. Don’t expect to find any “hype” or “BS” in the following print. There will not be any. Soon you’ll need to make an important decision. We’ve found that people like to make important decisions based on facts. This is the type of delivery you’ll get. And this is why we have more and more people making more and more money with The True Reverse 2-Up System than most all other programs out there.

There is no big “secret” to what we do here…why it works…and why so many people are having success with our program. In fact, many people are making money for the first time in their lives, using our system. We take a simple “Matrix”. Then, we apply The True Reverse 2-Up System…where it takes only 2 Sales to be into profit. We add onto that an Infinity Bonus. Now you have things working for you and not against you…and this is what makes everything work for our customers and members.

This is not one of those “once in a lifetime” opportunities that you see people making claims about so oftenin the mail. The truth isthere are many great opportunities in the marketplace today. There will always be great opportunities available. That’s what’s great about living in America! Unfortunately, there are so manyscams out there that it’s sometimes difficult to determine what’s real and what’s not.

Most of the higher paying opportunities end up being way too expensive for the average person to afford. That leaves the “little guy” with few choices. There are countless illegalgifting programs,money games and fly by nightpyramid schemes. And people keep joining those things and they keep throwing good money away…in hopes that they have finally found something that will work! But the results usually end up the same…its money down the drain. If you’ve tried any of those things, you know exactly what we’re talking about. Most all of them are “here today and gone tomorrow”!

In fact, if you’ve tried to make money from home before, there’s a 97% chance that you didn’t make any at all! If you didmake any money, there’s a 99% chance that it was very little. With those horriblestatistics in mind, a team of talented, professional marketersgathered together to do something about it! That’s when “Quarterly Connection” was born. Our mission is to BREAK the 97% barrier!

If you’re a person that canfollow simple, easy, step by step instructions,then you can bevery successful with “Quarterly Connection”. Read the entire program carefully. If there is any part that you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to call on us so that we can help you. We’ll always be only a phone call, letter or email away to answer any and all of your questions.

Most Sincerely,

Your Quarterly Connection Staff