Access to HE Diploma –Grade profile analysis timeline (example)
Access to HE Activity / When? / How? / Person(s) responsible / Factors to ensurevalidity of grading (examples)Planning for the Desktop Review – reflect on grade profile analysis from the previous year / June/July / Team meetings and individual unit actions / Curriculum Managers and Access Coordinator / Ensure demand and volume of work is consistent across units and diplomas
Ensure demand of assignment briefs is fair and consistent
Highlight any issues with units
Internal standardisation activity 1
e.g. Choice and contextualisation of grade descriptors / June/July / Add to agenda for CPD day / Access Coordinator / Ensure choice of descriptors and components is fair and consistent across briefs and units
Check contextualisation is clear and appropriate to the task and GD
Check all students have the opportunity to achieve distinctions
Desktop Review internal moderation / September / IM schedule and staffing plan agreed in July / Curriculum Managers and Access Coordinator / Check all assessment methods are appropriate
Ensure assignments are clearly written and comparable
Internal standardisation activity 2
e.g. Assessment judgements for a Pass (L2 and L3) / October / Add 1 ½ hours to team meeting / Access Coordinator / Compare assessment judgements of assessors for a Pass at L2 and L3
Ensure assessors and IMs can benchmark against the judgement of others
Desktop Review feedback from external moderation / November / Discuss at team meeting / Curriculum Managers and Access Coordinator / External feedback taken into account and acted upon
Information shared about chosen approaches and possible impact on grades
Internal standardisation activity 3
e.g. Assessment judgements for Merit and Distinction (this could make use of AVA on-line samples and reports) / January/February / Standardisation meeting scheduled / Access Coordinator / Compare assessment judgements of assessors for Merit and Distinction
Ensure assessors and IMs can benchmark against the judgement of others and AVA standards
Entry requirements and offers from HEIs – impact on students? / February/March / Discuss at team meeting / Access Coordinator, assessors and IMs / Are students getting first choices, are high/low grade profiles needed?
Assess possible impact on grades
Assessment and grading of student work / Throughout the course / Deadline dates and staffing agreed / Assessors / Checkassessor feedback links to ACs and GDs
Check grades are justified
Internal moderation of student work / Throughout the course / Deadline dates and staffing agreed / Internal moderators / Check assessors judgements are fair and consistent and link to ACs and GDs
Access to HE Activity / When? / How? / Person(s) responsible / Factors to ensure validity of grading (examples)
Internal standardisation activity 4
e.g.Resubmissions / April / Add 1 ½ hours to team meeting / Access Coordinator / Ensure resubmissions are managed fairly and consistently
Preparation for Moderator Sampling Visit, including interim review of grade profiles / March/April / Team meeting and individual actions / Curriculum Managers and Access Coordinator / Ensure all staff are aware of the emerging grade profiles across units and diplomas
Prepare explanations for patterns, trends and abnormal profiles
Feedback from external moderators from Sampling Visit / April/May / Team meeting and individual actions / Curriculum Managers and Access Coordinator / External feedback taken into account and acted upon
Information shared about grading judgements across units and diplomas
Preparation for Final Awards Board, including summative review and analysis of grade profiles / June/July / Team meeting and individual actions / Curriculum Managers, Access Coordinator, assessors and IM / Ensure all profiles are available for Final Moderation Visit
Discuss them at team meeting
Prepare valid explanations for patterns, trends and abnormal profiles
Feedback from HE:
- Intended progression rates to HE
- Actual progression rates to HE
- Feedback from ex-Access students
- Feedback from HE Institutions
On-going / Shared at team meetings, via email etc / Curriculum Managers, Access Coordinator / Ensure all assessors are aware of HE offers, intended progression routes and possible impact on grade profiles
Share information from HE on the achievement of students on their HE course; compare with standards on Access
Share feedback from students on their achievement
Completion of Annual Quality Review Report for One Awards / September/
October / Team meeting and individual actions / Head of Quality, Curriculum Managers, Access Coordinator / Refer to guidance and regional/national data provided with AQR Report form
Draw on grade profile analysis and activities throughout the year
Provide detailed explanations for grade profile patterns, trends and anomalies
Recruitment planning for following year – review entry requirements and recruitment process, plus IAG / November / Marketing meeting / Curriculum Managers, Access Coordinator, Marketing / Consider entry requirements for the previous year and possible impact on grades
Review as required