Our Building Data Trends:
Continuous Improvement Plan Summary
Tactic #1: Becoming Standards Based
Implementation of standards based courses of study as they are adopted by the BOE.
Implement the Everyday Math Program (Grade 4). Maximize the intended use of Everyday Math K-3.
Continue to provide for building-based professional development in differentiated instruction. Encourage the development of instructional practices in differentiated instruction.
Elementary language arts instruction shall include a guided reading approach utilizing flexible grouping with the assistance of assigned Title One and/or Reading Intervention tutors.
DIBELS and WRAP assessments shall be utilized to assess student progress in reading, inform instructional practice and determine placement of students into flexible groups.
Tactic #2: Data Collection and Utilization
Design intervention systems (remedial and enrichment) based on student needs documented by data in an effort to impact the Local Report Card, Performance Index measures, AYP and Value Added measures. Submit a written proposal to the Department of Teaching and Learning by November 1 for winter/spring implementation.
Design and implement a plan for building wide practice of achievement test routines in preparation for May testing.
Utilize the Progress Book System in grades 3-5.
Collect, analyze and utilize all student achievement data to impact instructional planning.
Continue to establish and use systems by which subgroup data is tracked to ensure meeting Adequate Yearly Progress measures as part of the accountability system.
Tactic #3: Communication and Collaboration
Continue to utilize communication tools to provide students, parents, and community members with information related to the district planning initiative, DIBELS assessments, the standards, and the state/federal accountability system and building action plans.
Utilize the Progress Book System as a tool to communicate student progress in grades 3-5.
Implement Strategies to conduct regular two-way communication between the elementary building and the middle school(s) it feeds.
Review, evaluate, and align purposes of and practices pertaining to parental communication.
Tactic #4: Best Practices
Implement the newly revised Guidance Course of Study to focus on the specific needs of each student.
Continue the implementation of the District Wellness Policy seeking partnership opportunities where appropriate to enhance the wellness throughout the district.
Continue the “Feeling Good Mileage Club” at lunchtime recess to promote lifetime exercise, fitness, and self-esteem.
Continue cross grade level buddies to foster sense of responsibility, community, and academic achievement.
Continue additional in-school assemblies and programs.
Investigate and initiate cross grade level collaborative meeting times.
Investigate, develop and initiate a plan to better utilize all staff.