Credit to Gottfried Eggenhofer voc3b_u01_gap.doc
LösungYM3u01YM3 Unit 1 BasicDate:Name:
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every / E ______morning Sheila Collins comes to the hospital. / jede(r, s)housewife / Mrs Collins is a ______. / Hausfrau
country road / She was driving along the ______. / Landstraße
birthday party / She was driving home from a children's ______. / Geburtstagsfest
soon / We'll be home ______. / bald
run - ran - run / A fox ______in front of her car. / lief
try - tried - tried / She ______to stop. / versuchte
get out / She couldn't ______of the car. / herauskommen
notice / She ______d the flames. / bemerken, wahrnehmen
someone / There's ______in the car. / jemand
give - gave - given / Julian ______the stone to his friend. / gab
arrive / The ambulance ______d after ten minutes. / ankommen
see - saw - seen / Mrs Collins ______a fox in front of her. / sah
adventure / Have you heard about her ______? / Abenteuer
fly - flew - flown / Elizabeth ______to northern Alaska. / flog
wolf (wolves) / She wanted to make a film about. / Wölfe
make a film / She wanted to ______about an wolf and his pack. / einen Film machen
find - found - found / She ______nothing. / fand
begin - began - begun / She ______to film the wolves. / begann
on the other side / The wolves were ______of the river. / auf der anderen Seite
fall - fell - fallen / She ______and her leg was broken. / fiel
hurt - hurt - hurt / She jumped over some ice and ______her leg. / verletzte
nobody / There was ______to help her. / niemand
think - thought - thought / "I must get something to eat," she ______. / dachte
something / "I must get ______to eat," she said to herself. / etwas
eat - ate - eaten / She ______the meat. / aß
drink - drank - drunk / She ______some water from the river. / trank
are/were gone / The wolves ______. / fort, weg
come back / The wolves did not ______. / zurückkommen
voice / She heard ______s. / Stimme
hear - heard - heard / She ______the helicopter coming. / hörte
snowstorm / In the afternoon a ______started. / Schneesturm
suddenly / S ______a snowstorm started. / plötzlich
stay / They ______ed in the shelter when the bombs fell. / bleiben
during / They stayed in the shelter ______the storm. / während
spend - spent - spent / He ______most of the time with his friend Atik. / verbrachte
reach / Three hours later they ______ed a lake. / erreichen
cut - cut - cut / He started ______ting the reeds. / schneiden
leather cord / He took some ______. / Lederschnur
take - took - taken / He ______some snow balls. / nahm
break - broke - broken / The storm ______. / brach (aus)
crawl / They ______ed into the shelter. / kriechen
Why / ______are you so angry? / warum
everything / I read ______in the newspaper. / alles
press a button / To make a photo just ______. / einen Knopf driicken
below / There was a snowfield ______. / unterhalb
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