September 12, 2010

Attendees - Rick and Veronica Torres, Mark Snyder, Mike Twomey, Christine Golding, and Bob Corradi

6:09 opened meeting

Minutes from August – Christine discussed that she wanted to make an edit to the minutes. Based on Mark’s input, the idea was suggested that Christine write the edits and that we would process the minutes at the next meeting.

Secretary – With the resignation of Kathy effective between meetings, there was a motion by Mark to nominate Mike Twomey. Nini seconded it. On a voice vote, Mike was elected. Christine volunteered to lead the effort on writing a newsletter.

Financial Report

Still a large number of unpaid bills. We have received in several payments. We need Jeannette to review payments. Nini to huddle with Jeannette and determine the number of open accounts. Mike Twomey proposed that we send bills after that meeting to those accounts still in arrears. Nini seconded. Motion passed. Rick proposed that we accept the report as given. Bob seconded. Motion passed.


1.  Barnstable Painter – Bob to talk with painter about possibly pushing the painting to April. He will propose that we possibly provide a deposit with him to hold his price until April.

2.  4 Vinyl signs for tennis courts were installed by Rick – 2 on each court. $150 total approximate.

3.  Tennis court clean-up pushed to April ’11.

Architectural Control

1.  Rick Torres to follow-up on Breen and Cook. Rick has reached out to Cook with no response. Rick to continue to pursue.

2.  Sadowski – Mike Twomey reported that there is a meeting on the 20th with Dr. Sadowski and his lawyer. Mike and Rick will represent ACC at the meeting.

3.  Christine made a motion to nominate Tom Coniaris to the Hearing Committee. Based on an informal vote - Mark, Mike and Christine voted in favor. Rick voted against. Mark, as acting President, stated that he would look to appoint Tom. Further discussion ensued about a 2nd member. Mike suggested surveying Thom Maul, Gerry Swift, and Bob Sullivan to see if they’re interested in fulfilling the role. Rick stated that he would reach out to each of them.

Old Business

1.  Electronic Voting – Discussion regarding Tom Coniaris’s proposal took place. While there was general consensus that this is a direction the Board would like to move in, there were concerns. Concerns centered around the timeframe to turn things around, actual by-law edits, length of discussion and how a vote gets called, storage of “electronic discussion,” minimum number for an “electronic quorum.” Everyone to investigate things and think about it over the next month for further discussion at next meeting.

2.  No progress reported regarding Alla’s letter to residents looking for email addresses. Nini to write and disseminate a letter.

3.  Mike continued to follow-up with Verizon. Verizon sent a crew out last week. Verizon admitted that there is a known issue with cables in the conduit that need to be replaced. The temporary manager stated that replacement cabling has been ordered. It will be at least a couple of weeks before they’re in. He is due to leave the job on 9/25. If the job has not been completed by then, Mike will speak with him before he leaves.

4.  Started to chat about what to about we should do about long term the WMH Rd and Crescent Hill. Based on previous meeting, Jeanette was going to look at what Torrey Beach did. Nini to look into possible local engineering firms to come out and evaluate WMH and Crescent Hill.

New Business

1.  Letter to be drafted by Mike to be sent from Board to residents of Crescent Hill regarding the riding of dirt bikes on community property.

2.  Numerous pink ribbons on trees on house on Fox Run. Rick (as part of ACC activities) to investigate and speak with owner to see if there are plans to cut trees.

Motion to adjourn: 7:51

Next Meeting – October. Date and Location TBD.