(Affiliated to British Riding Clubs)
(Please Note that if you join from the 1st October you membership will run until 31st December 2019)
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Postcode:…………………………..………[If this is not given you will not receive ‘Rider’ Magazine]
Tel. Number:………………………………………Mobile Number:…..…………………….…………..
Email Address (please write clearly) :…………………………………………………………………………
We are making an effort to cut down on our Carbon footprint by setting up a group email for members to receive schedules and newsletters via Email
If you would rather receive your newsletter by email please tick this box
If you would like to continue receive paper copies through the post then please add £5 to your membership to help us with cost of envelopes and stamps.
Senior:Junior:Date of Birth (*Juniors)….…/………/……Non Riding Member:
Juniors – Note new BRC age limit (Under 18 years on 1st January 2019):£16.00) These prices will increase
Seniors £20.00) by £5 if paid after 28/02/19
Friend of NRC (Non Riding Member) – No subsidy on entries£5.00
Return with your remittance to: Lyn Penrose, NRC. Membership Secretary, Newlands, 10 Welcome Close, Trispen, Truro, Cornwall, TR4 9BH. Cheques payable to: ‘Newquay Riding Club’.
PLEASE NOTE: It is a requirement of the club that
every member must help at events throughout the year.
Helper incentive cards were issued to all members. If you have these and want to cash them in towards entries please let us know. These cards will still be used and if you help at an event please get them signed by an authorised committee member. New cards will be reissued with your membership cards at the end of January 2019. If you want a card before then please let Lyn know.
Please select the events that you would most like to help at (Must select AT LEAST two);
Winter Indoor Dressage:
Winter Indoor Show Jumping:
Open Shows:Help setting up:
Cross Country Events :Help setting up:
Summer Gymkhana Series:
Summer Show Jumping Series:
Summer Dressage Series :
Dates for the above events will be available with your next newsletter or they will be available on our website
We would like to thank all helpers (and their families) in the past who have kindly given up their time to make all our events a success.
If anyone would like to become a committee member please let us know. We are a very friendly bunch and welcome any new ideas/input.
The Club regularly competes at Team qualifier events so please let us know if this would be of interest to you.
ADMIN USE: Fee: Database: New: Membership Card/Welcome: E-mail: