Updated Jan 2012

IAHR FoundationalHealing Rooms Training



1. Choose a name for the Healing Rooms Foundational Training

Consider the audience you want to reach. Will your conference be only for those interested in becoming healing room team members or will you open up your training to anyone who wants to receive healing, interested in healing, and/or wanting to join your team. I usually suggest the latter as many people after attending the training will want to become part of your team.

2. Include the date, time, address, and the name of the place for the training

3. You may want to list the names of the healing topics being covered.

B. Local Churches

1. Consider writing a letter to the local churches.

(See attached sample – the first letter I sent to the pastors of the churches in my area when I began in 2006.)

2. Place the letter in a manila envelope along with a few posters and flyers for the churches and organizations in your area.

3. Personally deliver the information if possible. You and/or you and your team can be a part of this process. You can begin to build relationships with pastors and leaders in your community.

4. Monthly pastoral meetings. Ask your pastor if you could present IAHR and/or this Foundational Healing Room Training briefly in one of their meetings. You explain the pastoral approval letter that is sent to them concerning any new team members from their church. Consider showing the 7 minute video from Cal Pierce that I sent you telling what IAHR is about.

C. Bulletin Boards and Store Front Windows

1. Place posters, flyers, or postcard sized advertisements on bulletin boards in churches and around town.

2. Places to consider for bulletin boards: laundromats; coffee houses; small restaurants; schools and businesses. Team members may have connections with certain organizations.

3. Store front windows – You can usually ask the manager for permission to do this.

D. Local Radio or TV stations; Local newspapers

1. Often the local Christian radio stations or TV stations have free advertisement.

Check more than one month in advance, as some require that amount of time

2. Local Newspapers – some cities have a nominal fee for advertising events like this.

E. Social Media

1. E-mail –

● Sue Burdullis can advertise this event to the Central CA directors. If other healing rooms in your area have people they want trained, they may want to come.

●A number of cities have large Christian group e-mail lists you can advertise on

● Ask your church if they are willing to advertise on their e-mail distribution list.

● Ask other local healing rooms in your county to help advertise via their e-mail lists.

● Begin to develop your own group e-mail list

2. Website –

a. Develop a website for your healing room. You can do this through IAHR or on your own. You can list your website for further information on the event. Sue Burdullis can give you the contact information of the person who built Camarillo Healing Room’s website.

b. Ask your church if they would advertise the event on their website.

3. Facebook, Twitter, etc – Have people on your team or those you know advertise

this event through these and other types of social networking.