GPSD 2015-2016Course Syllabus

Course Title: Wellness

Grade Level: 9 Credit Available: .5 Pre-Requisite: none

Teacher Contact Information:

Name: Jenner Yriarte Room Number: 135

Email Address: Phone Number: 541-474-5710

District Webpage:

Please visit my teacher webpage for additional course information – go to the district homepage, select school, staff webpage, and find Yriarte.

Grades will be issued at the end of the first and second semester. Progress reports will be mailed home at the end of 6 and 12 weeks. Parents and students are encouraged to follow progress on Power School. Visit the district webpage to learn more about how to access your account.

Course Description: Wellness is a Semester long class that covers the areas of Physical, Social, and Mental/Emotional Health. Whenever possible we will address topics specifically to a Teen growing up in Grants Pass, Oregon: decision making, positive and negative influences, risk and protective factors in our lives, pros/cons of social media, drugs and their affects on families, and sex education.

Course Expectations: Students will be expected to contribute to a positive learning environment. When someone walks into the room they will find a class that is having fun, engaged, feels safe, and participating at the task at hand.

Course Standards: Students will be scored on their knowledge and skill on the standards expected for the course. Students will not only be given an overall grade for the course but will also be measured on specified standards aligned with course content. The standards will be measured using the following rubric scale.

Rubric Scale / Descriptor
5 / Mastery: Superior academic performance through evidence of in-depth understanding and demonstration of skill/standard.
4 / Approaching Mastery: Consistently meets and sometimes exceeds the basic skill/standard and has a complete understanding, and can demonstrate the skill/standard.
3 / Proficient: Meets the standard with basic knowledge and demonstration. Some errors may be present.
2 / Working Toward Proficient: Not yet passing. Occasional demonstration of skill/standard.
1 / Not Proficient/Insufficient Evidence: Limited achievement of the grade level standards/expectations. Proficiency cannot be determined due to missing assignments, and/or length of time in school.

Specific Course Standards:

1. Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.

2. Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology, and other factors on health behaviors.

3. Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision making skills to enhance health.

4. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.

Grading Criteria: 80% of grade will be weighted on knowledge of the Course Standards above. 20% will be weighted on the practice of those Standards.

-Students need to have a 70% or better in order to pass Wellness.

-In addition to a 70%, students will be assessed 5 times throughout the Semester on every power standard. There are a total of 4 power standards in each Unit Assessment. They must be proficient at least 4/5 times in each standard in order to pass the class. For example if they receive a 2 on Power Standard 4 on the Unit 1 Assessment and a 2 on Power Standard 4 in the Unit 5 Assessment they will not pass Wellness (even if they had an 80% overall score).

District Grading Scale:

A. 90-100%Mastery

B. 80-89%Approaching Mastery


F60% or lessNot proficient

Late Work or Missing Work: Students must complete assignments and submit them to the teacher in order to show that they are working toward proficiency. Late work will be accepted up until the end of the next Unit Test.A student that is behind may be called into Cave or Office Hours. Example: Unit 1 work can be made up until the start of Unit 3.

Reassessment: Students wishing to improve on an Assessment will be given one opportunity to do so. They have up until the end of the next Unit Assessment. Students may be asked to complete and show understanding of a Review assignment given by the Teacher before they can be reassessed. Students with 2 or less will automatically be called in and students with 3 or better will make that arrangement on his/her own.

Required Texts and Other Supplies/Fees: Occasionally we will use the Prentice Hall Health. Students will be expected to have a pencil, paper, and notebook when they come to class. Students are encouraged to have a divider and some sort of system to keep papers organized in the chance a grade doesn’t get entered, to study for tests, etc.

Class Policies/Expectations: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible

Academic Support: Will be given during Cave period or Office Hours. A student receiving a 2 or lower on an Assessment will be called in by Mr. Y; a student with a 3 or higher will not so it is up to that student to make that arrangement with Mr. Y on his/her own.

Differentiation strategies available in this class may include extension activities, acceleration, or other activities, depending on the needs of the student.

Please keep the information above for your records and turn this lower portion into Mr. Y for his records.

I have read this course syllabus and understand the content.

Printed Name of Student:

Student Signature______Date ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______

My son/daughter has my permission to participate in the Sex Ed Unit Yes No