Held on Wednesday7th February 2018 at Long Marston Village Hall at 8.0pm
18/18To receive and accept Apologies for Absence
18/19To receive Declarations of Interest particular to this meeting
18/20To approve Minutes of the Meeting on January 10th 2018and sign as a true record
(Minutes available to view on website – )
Cllr Thirkettle proposed that the minutes of 10th January were signed as a true record; this was seconded by Cllr Ailing. The minutes were duly signed by the Chairman
18/21To review actions from previous meeting, where not covered elsewhere in agenda
The Council reviewed and updated the actions log
18/22To review Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Financial and Management Risk Assessment and adopt changes.
Cllrs Morgan, Chalmers, Ward and the Clerk had reviewed the Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and the Financial and Management Risk Assessment and the proposed changes had been circulated to all Cllrs. Cllr Winship proposed that the changes were accepted and the Council adopt the revised Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and the Financial and Management Risk Assessment; this was seconded by Cllr Thirkettle. It was agreed the Clerk would add these to the TRPC website. (Action)
18/23To update on skate ‘pump track’ location and public consultation
Cllr Thirkettle confirmed that the public consultation would take place on Wednesday February 28th at 7.15pm at Victory Hall. The director of the company who would install the pump track would be present at the consultation. Cllr Thirkettle told the meeting that the pump track is a new system and so if installed within the parish would be the third in the country. He said that the outputs of the consultation would be reviewed and discussed by Cllrs at the next meeting. Other feedback received from parishioners would also be fed into the consultation, such as the petitions and emails received. (The Clerk noted she had received an email in support of the pump track from a Long Marston resident.) Parishioners can contact the Clerk or any of the Cllrs with their views if they are unable to make it to the consultation. Cllr Morgan said he would be present at the consultation, as did a number of other Cllrs.
18/24To update on agreement between LMFC and TRPC regarding Long Marston Changing Rooms
Cllr Winship confirmed that the agreement had now been signed by both TRPC and Long Marston Football Club and the Clerk had the signed copy. The first payment would be due at the end of June. Cllr Morgan thanked both Cllr Winship and Cllr Fox and LMFC for their work in drawing up the agreement.
18/25To update on progress with establishing Working Parties following Parish Council Plan Questionnaire results
Cllr Fox informed the meeting that the Highways Working Party had first met a few weeks ago with 4 members and a few more to potentially join. The WP had put together Terms of Reference outlining the approach the WP will take. Cllr Fox said the WP would look for small scale improvements in traffic at a number of sites overa shorter time frame rather than focusing on large engineering projects.
Cllr Ayling said that the Social Cohesion Working Party was still in the recruitment phase and would meet towards the end of February.
Cllr Ward said that the Safer Walking Routes Working Party still needed to establish who was interested in joining.
18/26To update on defibrillator for Long Marston
Cllr Morgan said that he had received a quote for an external cabinet for the Long Marston defibrillator of £525 +VAT +£10 carriage and £140 for the electrical installation. This totals £675 which is slightly over what was in the budget for the defibrillator cabinet. Cllr Morgan said it had been recommended by the South of England Ambulance Service and he would report at the next meeting after he had the final information from the ambulance service and formal agreement from LMVH committee.
18/27To propose new location for TRPC notice board in Wilstone
Cllr Lovis reported that the current TRPC notice board at Wilstone was located on the side of the bus shelter and effectively being held up by the shelter and not in a very good condition. He said that the cost of replacing the notice board would be in the region of £1,000 and he wasn’t sure that this was a good use of money. Cllrs discussed whether it was best to replace or refurbish the notice board and it was agreed to obtain quote for re-furbishing the board. Cllr Chalmers said he would come back to the next meeting with a quote. (Action)
18/28To review quotes for tree surveys within Parish and agree next steps
Cllr Chalmers had obtained two quotes to survey the trees on Parish Council owned land as identified in the 2017 Health & Safety Risk Assessment. The survey would identify which trees needed attention. Cllr Chalmers had circulated a tender report to all Cllrs and proposed that the Council accept the quote from Colin Chambers who had previously been the Tree Officer at DBC. This was seconded by Cllr Ayling. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Mr Chambers to accept his quote and arrange for the survey to be carried out. (Action)
18/29To review fees for Wilstone Cemetery and discuss next steps for required work
Cllr Morgan reported that Cllr Chalmers had produced a drawing of the cemetery showing the area that required clearing and had estimated that 80p plots could be situated in the new area. The Clerk had circulated proposed fees to increase the income from the cemetery to cover the maintenance costs of the cemetery. The increases were staggered over three years. Cllr Lovis questioned why the increases were incremental and asked why the Council wouldn’t put the fees up to cover the costs from 1st April 2018. Cllrs Fox and Ayling agreed. It was agreed that the Clerk would amend the figures so that the full increase became effective from 1st April 2018. The Clerk said that the maintenance costs would increase once the area had been cleared as there would be a larger area to maintain. It was agreed that this increase should be reflected in the fees. The Clerk said she had received a quote from Astrope Ltd to undertake the clearance work at a cost of £420. Cllr Ward proposed the Council accept the quote; this was seconded by Cllr Fox. The Clerk would contact Astrope Ltd to accept their quote and ask them to carry out the work.It was agreed that this £420 was a one-off cost and shouldn’t be reflected in the fees. The Clerk would re-circulate the revised fees for approval at the March meeting. (Action)
18/30To discuss memorial requests for Wilstone Cemetery
- The following planning applications were discussed:
4/03106/17/ROC – 17 Tring Road, Wilstone
Variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission 4/01331/17/FUL
4/00089/18/FHA – Rose Cottage, Astrope
Car port to front garden
4/03239/17/FHA – Rose Cottage, Astrope
Extend existing garage and side and rear extension (amended scheme)
4/00034/18/FUL – 32, Tring Road, Wilstone
Demolition of existing garage, construction of new single storey detached dwelling
4/00044/18/AGD – College Farm, Wingrave Road, Gubblecote
Steel framed storage building
Cllr Ward said it was unclear from the plan where the building would go and asked the Clerk to follow up with the planning officer. (Action)
- The following DBC planning decisions were noted
4/03080/17/TPO – St Cross Church, Wilstone
Fell horse chestnut
4/03125/17/FUL – 7, Tring Road, Wilstone
Part demolition of motor house & construction of new 3-bed dwelling
- The following summary of payments & receipts was noted
C Reedman (£49.50), HMRC (£59.80), DJ Winfield (£790.00), DJ Winfield (£126.00), Reg Porter (£2,502.00)
Direct Payments
L Bancroft (£422.36), C Reedman (£232.79), EON (£22.05 ),Astrope Garden Ltd (£127.89) Palmers Business Support (£18.00)
HMRC - VAT rebate (£8,708.11)
Interest (£1.79)
Business Reserve 17th January 2018 £45,462.15
- Cllr Ward proposed a resolution to make the following payments; this was seconded by Cllr Ayling
Payee / Amount / For
D Bateman / £39.74 / Padlock for LM Changing Rooms
L Bancroft / £103.41 / Expenses (telephone costs and stationery)
Cecilia Hall, Puttenham / £144.00 / Use of Hall for meetings in 2017
HMRC / £60.00 / Tax on January salaries
C Reedman / £39.15 / Warden expenses December
Town & Country Landscaping / £1,100.00 / Repair and replace wooden posts at Wilstone Recreation Ground
- Online Banking – Following information circulated by the Clerk, Cllr Winship proposed a resolution to open a new online account with Unity Trust Bank; this was seconded by Cllr Lovis. The Clerk noted that there would be a bank charge of £18.00 a quarter on the new account.
- Request for Financial Support from Village News – The Council had received a request from Village News for financial support of up to £2,000. Mike Tomlinson, Chairman of Village News had attended the meeting on behalf of Village News management. He said that historically production costs had been met by advertising and sponsorship and deficits had been covered by reserves but that now the reserves were getting close to the self-imposed minimum of £1,000 and that if the situation continued the ongoing production of the magazine could be at risk. Mr Tomlinson said that a review of current processes had been undertaken and actions were being taken to improve the situation. He said that the Parish Council had been a strong supporter of Village News since 2004. Cllr Lovis said he thought Village News was a very important part of village life and was supportive of the fact it was free to parishioners. He asked on what basis the Council had been supportive in the past. Mr Tomlinson said that the Council had provided a £500 donation at the start, had purchased a camera and provided money for editor training. Cllr Lovis then asked whether the £2,000 was a one-off request which Mr Tomlinson confirmed it was and that £2,000 would allow the magazine to maintain its reserves. . He handed copies of the magazine’s figures to the Council. Cllr Lovis said that the figures showed a shrinking reserve and asked what the magazine was doing to address this. Mr Tomlinson said that they were looking at different revenue sources including taking payments for inserts, starting a 100 club, running classified adverts and looking at sponsorship. Cllr Thirkettle said he agreed that Village News was a fantastic publication but asked whether the Council had enough in its reserves and also said he thought the Council needed to see a business plan from Village News as to how they would address the situation before the Council could make a decision. Cllr Winship asked Mr Tomlinson how urgent the request was; Mr Tomlinson replied that the magazine would run out of money by the middle of the year. Cllr Winship said that should give the Village News Management team time to come up with a robust plan as to how they will improve things. Cllr Morgan agreed that the Council wanted to help but as it was public money, it would be useful to see a business plan. Cllr Lovis offered to support Village news in the production of a business plan. Mr Tomlinson said he would go back to the Management team and may come back to the Parish Council although noted that Village News were looking at other sources of income. Cllr Ayling asked Mr Tomlinson to come back to the Council if the situation became more critical.
- Internal Auditor appointment – Cllr Thirkettle proposed a resolution to appoint Ernest Newhouse as the Internal Auditor to the Council for the review of financial year 2017/18; this was seconded by Cllr Fox.
- DBC Precept forms – the Clerk confirmed that these had been sent to DBC following the last meeting and she had received acknowledgement that they had been received.
18/33To receive correspondence
- The Clerk had received an email from a resident of Orchard Place, Wilstone, concerningwater pooling outside the property which was freezing. He was concerned about elderly residents in the property. The Clerk had replied saying this was a matter for Herts Highways.
- Cllr Chalmers had received an email from the residents of 49 Tring Road, Wilstone regarding the land adjacent to their property. They had asked whether there was any likelihood that the Parish Council would sell them the land in question. Cllr Chalmers had replied saying that the Council were still in discussions with Wilstone Village Hall about the lease on the land and associated issues and that the Council weren’t in a position to make a decision until these had been resolved. The Clerk noted that she had incorrectly put that the email was from the resident of 47 Tring Road, Wilstone and clarified that no correspondence had been received from 47 Tring Road and the email in question was from the residents of 49 Tring Road.
- Cllr Ayling had received a message via the facebook page from a family in Wilstone who had conducted a litter pick from Wilstone Green to Piggeries Pine and had said they would be happy to do more but asked whether the Council would be able to provide any equipment, She continued that Dacorum are running a ‘Love where you Live’ litter pick and would lend equipment. Cllr Fox said that an output of the Parish Plan Questionnaire was to look for local litter pick champions and thought the Council should be supportive. It was agreed to add this to the March agenda for a full discussion. The Council expressed their thanks to the Squire family for litter picking.
- The Clerk had received a letter from Icknield Road Cycle Club informing the Council that a time trial would take place on Sunday 8th April which would come along Cheddington Lane and into Long Marston.
- Cllr Morgan had received an email from a parishioner regarding the state of Watery Lane – lots of water, hedges growing onto the road and limited places to pass and had asked whether this could be looked into. Cllr Morgan agreed to follow up with Highways. (Action)
- Cllr Morgan had received an email from a resident expressing concern that residents who had put pressure on Dacorum in relation to the boundary dispute between the Council and 28-30 Station Road hadn’t been recognised at the December Council Meeting. Cllr Morgan said the Council wanted to convey its thanks to these residents for their role in the resolution of the dispute.
- Cllr Morgan had received an email from a resident of Lukes Lane asking whether the Council had objected to the planning application at Marsworth Airfield. Cllr Morgan had confirmed the Council had.
18/34To discuss Any Other Business and items for future agendas (NOTE: this item is for discussion only, Councillors can’t take decisions on items raised under AOB)
- It was noted that the Parish meeting would take place on March 7th, prior to the full Council Meeting. Cllr Morgan would provide the Chairman’s update at this meeting.
- The Clerk said she would be attending the Dacorum Clerks Meeting on March 8th where there would be an update from the Clean, Safe and Green team and the Finance team.
- Cllr Morgan had spoken to the contractors who mow the grass on Long Marston Rec who had agreed to provide a quote to clear and tidy the land behind the boundary with 28-30 Station Road.
- Cllr Chalmers requested that verge cutting be added to the March agenda
- Cllr Ward said that she had spoken to Clayton Rae, DBC Countryside Access Officer about footpath 24 running from Watery Lane towards Astrope Lane as it is very muddy. Clayton said he would get some quotes for the work and it could form part of this year’s P3 grant. Cllr Ward reported that Clayton had some numbered discs that would be added to the footpaths so walkers knew which FP they were on.
- The Clerk reported that Long Marston Hall committee had a chiller that they no longer used regularly but had asked if it could be stored in the meeting room of the Changing rooms. The Clerk agreed to speak to Long Marston Football Club as this was now a decision for them.(Action)
- The Clerk had received a request from pre-school to be able to use the disabled toilet located at the side of the LM Changing Rooms on a regular basis when they were using the Recreation Ground. It was agreed that this request should be passed onto to LMFC.(Action)
- Cllr Morgan reported that a meeting had been held with Apex regarding play schemes for the summer and this would be added to the March agenda
- Cllr Thirkettle reported that there had been a delay with Herts Highways moving the speed device from Wilstone to Puttenham but that this would be happening soon.
18/35To open the meeting for Public Participation