Year 10 Chemistry: Metals
Topic / Syllabus statementsReactivity series / Describe the physical and chemical properties of metals
Place in order of reactivity: Ca, Cu, H, Fe, Mg, K, Na, Zn by reference to their reactions with water / steam, dil. HCl
Describe the reactivity series as related to the tendency of a metal to form its positive ion, illustrated by its reaction, if any, with the aqueous ions,the oxides, of the other listed metals
Describe the action of heat on the hydroxides and nitrates of the listed metals
Account for the apparent unreactivity of aluminium in terms of the oxide layer which adheres to the metal
Extracting metals with carbon / Place in order of reactivity: Ca, Cu, H, Fe, Mg, K, Na, Zn by reference to the reaction of their oxides with C
Describe the ease in obtaining metals from their ores wrt the reactivity series
Describe the extraction of FeDescribe in outline, the extraction of zincfrom zinc blende
Name the uses of zinc for galvanizing and for making brass
Name the uses of copper related to its properties
Displacement reactions / Deduce an order of reactivity from a given set of results
Iron and steel / Describe the conversion of iron into steel using basic oxides and oxygen
Describe the idea of changing the properties of Fe by the controlled use of additives to form steel alloys
Name the uses of mild steel and stainless steel
Describe the conversion of Fe into steel
Extracting aluminium / Name the main ore of Al
Name the uses of Al
Week starting /Work to be covered
Week 1 / Using Ramsden pp.209-212, make notes on metals. Your notes should include:Alloys
The structure of metals
The metallic bond
The crystalline structure
Grains, dislocations and imperfections
Malleability and ductility
Make notes on the uses of metals and alloys (see pp.217-8)
Do qu. 1-2 p.218
Week 1 / Heat the following metals in a Bunsen flame and record your observations in a table: Copper, lead, tin, zinc, iron, aluminum, magnesium
Add a small sample of each of the following metals to 1/3 test tube of water. If there is no reaction, heat the water gently. Record your observations in a table.
Watch a demo of sodium and potassium reacting with cold water.
Add a small sample of each of the following metals to 1/3 test tube of dilute hydrochloric acid. If there is no reaction, heat the water gently. Test the gas evolved for hydrogen. Record your observations in a table.
For all of the above reactions, write balanced symbol equations. A summary of the reactions can be found on pp.212-214
Write a tabulated summary of the reactions of metals – an example is on p.215.
Week 1 /Carry out the procedure outlined on the sheet Putting metals in order and place the metals into a reactivity series based on these results.
See for more information. If you want to go a bit further (harder chemistry), tryMake notes on the Thermit Reaction (if you’re really lucky, I’ll show you this reaction)
See for more information.
Qu 1-3 p.216 and qu.1-4 p.217
Week 2 / Put 2 spatulas of lead oxide into a boiling tube and add half a spatula of carbon powder. Heat the mixture strongly until it is glowing red hot and then quickly pour the contents into a beaker of cold water.
Write down your observations
Write a chemical equation for what happened
Can you place carbon into the reactivity series?
Carry out one of the following procedures (see sheets):
Getting copper out of malachite
Extracting copper from its ore
Getting metals out of metal oxides
Week 2 / Read pp.222-3 and make brief notes on the blast furnace. You must include all the reactions which occur in the furnace. See
Do the sheets on the blast furnace.
Make notes on steel and the uses of iron and steel (see pp.226-8)
qu.1. p.227 and qus 1-2 p.228
How is silver extracted from its ore? (
Week 2 / Read pp221-2 about extracting aluminium and make brief notes, making sure you include the reactions which occur at the anode and cathode.
Do qu 1 p.232 and the sheet Questions on extracting aluminium
Make notes on the uses of aluminium and the environmental cost of aluminium extractions. (See Ramsden Key Sc. Chem. P.230-1 for notes on aluminium extraction. P.221 also contains some background information on aluminium.)
Aluminium is quite high in the reactivity series, but it shows little reactivity – for eacxmple, if a piece of aluminium and a piece of iron (which is lower in the R.S) are left in the open air for a week, the iron will react with the air (rust) but the aluminium won’t. Why? Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer.
Week 3 / Write a short essay on the following: (assessed)
- Extracting zinc from its ore
- The uses of zinc
- Brass – what it is and how it’s made
- Galvanising
Make notes on the extraction and uses of zinc
Week 3 / What is an alloy? (Ramsden p.217)
Make a list of common alloys, their properties and uses
Make notes on the manufacture of steel alloy (Ramsden p.227-8)
Copy and complete this table to show the different kinds of steel.
Type of steel / Description / Uses
Copy and complete this table to show the function of different additives and the uses of steel.
Additive / Properties of the alloy / Uses
is an excellent website all about steel. Click on about BHP Steel and then on Student information
Week 3 / Weigh a strip of copper and a carbon rod carefully.
Using the piece of copper as the anode and a carbon rod as the cathode, set up an electrolytic cell, with copper (II) sulphate solution as an electrolyte (see p.223 for a diagram)
Let the current flow for 15 minutes and then reweigh both electrodes.
Write up the procedure, noting the half equations which occur at each electrode and the direction of electron flow in the external circuit. Use the sheet Active Electrodes to help.
Write a short set of notes on the uses of copper.
Extra: Look up the meaning of the term anodic sludge. Is it a waste product?
Week 4 / Read through the summary pages on extracting metalsSheet – Questions on extracting metals
Do the following questions from the Theme E Questions (starting on p.265 of the text book): 1-11, 24
Sheet – Extracting metals from their ores
Problems on extracting metals (assessed)Test
Item / Date due / WeightingEssay / notes: zinc and its uses / Week 4 / 25%
Problems on extracting metals / Week 4 / 25%
Test: Electrolysis / Week 4 / 50%