Healthwatch Hounslow
Minutes of the Board Meeting held on Thursday 21st July at
LPCC Room 2, Civic Centre, Lampton Road, Hounslow, TW3 4DN
Present: Stephen Clark, Chair of Your Voice in Health & Social Care (YVHSC) (SC)
Stephen Otter, Chair of Healthwatch Hounslow (SO)
Munira Thobani (MT)
Lorelei Watson (LW)
Celia Golden (CG)
Sue Charteris (SCh)
John Marshall (JM)
Gerri Green (GG)
Tim Spilsbury (TS)
Namrata Pandey (NP)
Mystica Burridge (MB)
Apologies:Arun Gupta (AG)
Tauriq Mehkary (TM)
Bimal Roy Bhanu (BRB)
Beena Bhanu (BB)
Geroge Foster (GF)
Steve Ringham (SR)
1. Welcome, Apologies, Declarations of Interest
SO opened the meeting and welcomed Members.
2. Apologies
Apologies noted.
3. Minutes of last meeting
Minutes noted and signed.
4. Chief Officers Update
TS gave an overview about status of all our reports. He said that we are largely on target on reaching the maximum number of the Emerging Communities.
TS updated the group about the soft launch of our new Digital Platform and that all the marketing material has been sent across to the board.
SO suggested for a Press Release to make the Borough and the GP Practices aware of the new Digital Platform. He also suggested a pack to be given out in all meetings to promote the website along with details about the widget to help GP’s engage with the idea.
CG suggested for an easy read version to be shared across the borough.
TS updated about the status of all our reports and contract monitoring.
5. Safeguarding Partnership Board
MT pointed out the following areas of concern she came across in the Adult Safeguarding Board meeting attended on 9th June:
  • Potential duplication on Safeguarding Board’s and our work
  • Quality checkers
  • Training of staff regarding safeguarding issues
  • Not very much happening in the voluntary sector
  • We need to make sure if there is sufficient knowledge among staffs and volunteers
  • NHS England raised questions asking about whose responsibility is it to raise issues
The Board’s decision was that we should be involved with the Safeguarding Board as involvement gives us an independent voice.We need to maintain links and pick on things which are not being done and also to identify things which require action.
Action: TS to meet Katrina Bell
6. Patient Experience Report Q1
MB updated that we have 269 patient experiences this quarter which is a slight drop from last quarter but there is a rise in positive feedbacks. We have more of a mixed ethnicity feedback and a increase in the mixed age range.
We have 135 positive and 132 negative feedbacks for this quarter from which we have 72 negative feedbacks and 100 positive feedbacks for GP surgeries. The positive feedbacks are mostly from Chiswick.
There were more feedbacks from the emerging communities where a lot of them did not know about the services provided and they complained about lack of continuity of care. Also, there were complaints about lack of information for diabetes patients as they did not find the support meetings and groups useful.
SO said that we should highlight these kind of comments so that we don’t mix them up with CCG.
MT said that feedback for reception is universally bad and the reason behind is not properly being addressed.
Dental and pharmacy giving good customer services was highlighted by TS.
SC expressed concern on how to address the criticism received from GP’s.
TS said that we can do a separate report about individual GP Practices as we are reaching a stage where we have to start escalating the concerns.
TS mentioned that the Digital Feedback centre launch will help us monitor more complaints. He also updated about a new advert which will be played on the TV screens of all GP surgeries, promoting our new website.
Action: MB: MTsaid rather that doing pie chart and graphs we can do positive and negative feedbacks according to the areas on a map which will be easier to understand.
7. PID Discharge
SO suggested adding recommendations in the report might be useful in explaining what we are trying to achieve and that it will help to bring out our potential work.
TS brought to the board’s notice that HW Richmond is not interested in partnering with us.
CG & SC agreed that we should observe and capture data for Hounslow patients getting discharged from Richmond Hospitals. It will be good to notice whether Richmond patients are getting better services/treatment than Hounslow patients.
8. Annual Report
Annual Report approved and signed off.
TS updated that the Annual report is to be sent for printing soon.
JF & SO were happy with the Finances and praised TS for his efforts.
9. GP Access Study
TS updated that as per CCG’s requirement HWH completed 2500 forms by the residents of Hounslow Borough. The questionnaires were based on primary care GP access for patients in Hounslow. The report based on those forms is ready to be circulated. As per the report the breakdown of questions is as follows:
53 % patients said that it is difficult to find appointments
46% patients find it difficult to find urgent appointment
60% patients prefer Saturdayin another local practice to take GP appointments
77% patients are not aware of 111 number and only 23% patients have used it.
10. Work Plan
SO said that the work plan needs to be updated with another column which will have the team member’s name who will lead each individual groups.
SC said that we should be more precise about the expected outcome about LHM and the whole project.
MT said that we should be more consistent about outcomes than the outputs.
TS discussed the scrutiny panel review.
SO wants a new list to be added with the Work Plan identifying those meetings which the Board can attend.
Action:The Board
To add the name of the member who will allocate work/goals to each member.

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