1. Identifiers: /
Project Number: / PO59161
Project Name: / Mexico: Introduction of Climate Friendly Measures in Transport
Duration: / 5 years (2002-2007)
Implementing Agency: / The World Bank
Executing Agency: / Overall execution responsibility is with the Secretaría de Medio Ambiente (SMA) (Environment Secretary for the City). Secretaría de Transportes y Vialidad (Secretary of Transport) and Sistema de Transportes Eléctricos (Electric Bus Operator) of México City and the Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes del Estado de Mexico (Secretary of communications and transport) will participate under the overall coordination of SMA.
Requesting Country: / Mexico
Eligibility: / Mexico ratified UNFCCC on March 11, 1993
GEF Focal Area: / Climate Change
GEF Programming Framework: / Operational Program 11
2. Summary:
The project is part of a 10 year multi-sector program that seeks to contribute to improvements in air quality in the MCMA through the reduction in the emission of criteria pollutants, therefore reducing human exposure and improving health indicators for the large population living in the area. The program focuses on reductions in emissions of particulate matter, ozone precursors and emissions of greenhouse gases from mobile and fixed sources in the MCMA, of which the transport sector has been shown to be a large contributor. The GEF proposal makes part of the larger effort to achieve these reductions and harmonize said efforts with investments that would mitigate greenhouse gases from the transport sector. The effort supported by the proposed GEF operation will promote the introduction of climate-friendly measures and technologies that would strengthen the sustainability of the transport sector. These measures will include: a) harmonization of sector strategies on air quality issues and Integrated Climate Action Plan for Transport; b) definition of an enabling environment to facilitate the implementation of sustainable transport strategies; c) Field Test of climate-friendly high capacity vehicles; d) technical assistance and training for incorporation of climate change and air quality considerations in the design and analysis of transport strategies; e) Public awareness and dissemination and f) project management. The global objective of the program is to reduce the emission of GHG from passenger ground transport systems in large metropolitan areas. In the longer term, the project is intended to promote a modal shift to a sustainable, cleaner, less GHG emitting ground transport system for the MCMA. This shift complemented with long-term promotion of public transportation and removal of related barriers is expected to result in substantial global impacts.
3. Costs and Financing:
(Million US$): /
Total: / -Project: 5.800
- PDF B: 0.300
- PDF A: 0.025
Co-financing: / -IA (SMA): 0.500
STE 0.600
-Other International:
CEC (NAFTA): 0.400
Center for Sustainable Transport:
Private Sector: 3.000
Total 6.400


/ 12.20 excluding PDF. 12.525 including PDF
4. Associated Financing(Million US$) / NA
5. Operational Focal Point Endorsement: /
Name:Ricardo Ochoa
Organization: Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Publico / Title: Director, Environment Projects, International Coordination
Date:February, 1999
6. IA Contact: / Karin Shepardson, World Bank GEF Regional Coordinator
Latin America and Carribean Region
Tel. 202-473-8954, Fax: 202-676-9373