Victoria East High School

AP English Language and Composition

Teacher: Jonathan Sixtos Room A302

Phone: 361-788-2820 Ext. 2820



Conference: 2nd Period (9:25-10:15 am)


Two 1 subject spiral notebooks (60-80 sheets)

One brad folder with pockets

One box of Number 2 pencils (12 pencils) AND One box of blue/black pens (6 pens)


How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Thomas C. Foster (Need by September 1st)

The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne (Need by September 1st)

The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald (Need by October 1st)

The Awakening,Kate Chopin (Need by November 1st)

The Color of Water,James McBride (Need by December 1st)

Brave New World, Aldous Huxley (Need by December 1st)

In Cold Blood, Truman Capote (Need by December 1st)


Students are expected to respect their classmates and their teacher. This includes not interrupting whomever is speaking, not damaging school or personal property, and refraining for profanity.

Only one person out of the class at a time (With a Hall Pass.) To ensure that everyone has as much opportunity to learn as possible, and to avoid any disciplinary problems, restroom breaks will be allotted by the teacher based on time and availability.

Chairs face the front, no chairs in the aisle. In order to keep the classroom safe and make sure everyone is paying attention, students should face the front unless other directions are given for specific activities.

Raise your hand if you have a question. In order to make sure everyone understands the material and has a chance to participate, I ask that students raise their hand and wait to be called upon to speak.

All of these rules are in place to create a safe, fun, and engaging learning environment where students’ thoughts and ideas are valued, and they are comfortable and excited about participating.

Cell Phone Policy:

•Students may use cellphones before and after school, during lunch, and during passing periods.

•Students may not use cellphones during classroom instructional time unless the “Cell Phone In Use” sign is posted and the student is using the cellphone for the specified instructional purpose.

•Students may not use earbuds during classroom instructional time.

Grading Policy:

•Formative grade = 50%

•Summative grades = 50%

Late Work:

•The student will have the opportunity to submit work up to three days after the due date with a penalty of 10 points per day.

•Failed Assignments or Tests:

•The student must redo an assignment or retake a test within five school days of receiving the failing grade.

•The student will be allowed to redo an assignment or retake a test for which they received a failing grade in order to receive a maximum grade of 70 points. The teacher will record the higher of the two grades; maximum of a 70.

Tardy Policy:

Class begins when the bell rings. Classroom door will be locked. Students must get a tardy slip to enter classroom.

1st offense:

•Report to closest AP suite

•Offense documented

•Student will return to class with ticket


2nd offense and all other offenses:

•Report to closest AP suite

•Offense documented

•Student will return to class with ticket


Titan Ticket:


•must have ID badge at all times with Titan Ticket on back.

•will not be allowed to leave class without an ID badge.

•will be issued a total of 24 hallway passes each 9 weeks for all 7 classes combined.

•will not be allowed to leave class first 10 minutes.

•will not be allowed to leave class last 10 minutes.

•should utilize passing periods efficiently.

Academic Dishonesty

“CHEATING / PLAGIARISM / ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Copying another person’s work, such as homework, class work, or a test, is a form of cheating. The use of electronic devices, such as cell phones, in the classroom and in testing situations may cause suspicion of cheating. (See Electronic Devices and Technology Resources) Plagiarism, which is the use of another person’s original ideas or writing as one’s own without giving credit to the true author, will also be considered cheating and the student will be subject to academic disciplinary action that may include loss of credit for the work in question. Teachers who have reason to believe that a student has engaged in cheating or other academic dishonesty will assess the academic penalty to be imposed. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary consequences as well, according to the Student Code of Conduct. [For more information, see Honor Code Regulation EIA found at VISD Student Handbook

August 17, 2016

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Please read over the syllabus for AP Language and Composition I. Students are to return this sheet with the contact information below completed by you no later than August 27th.

If your child has a special need or situation that you feel I should be aware of, please advise me in writing or by email. If you have any questions or concerns about the progress of your son or daughter, please do not hesitate to contact me. My contact information is included on the syllabus.


Jonathan D. Sixtos

Pre-AP English I & AP Language and Composition

Victoria East High School

Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the class information sheet for AP Language and Composition.

Student Name: Class Period:

Student Signature:

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Parent E-mail:
