December 12, 2016




The meeting began at 5:15 p.m. with Mayor Svoboda present and presiding. Mayor Svoboda called the meeting to order. Answering roll call for the City of Toledo were Vesely, Boll, Goodhart and Sokol arrived at 5:20 p.m. and Mullen was absent. Mayor Svoboda turned the meeting over to Library Director Jenny Bledsoe. Bledsoe updated the council on yearly activities of the library, and also provided a tour of the facility. Council Thanked Bledsoe and staff for their hard work and dedication. Boll motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:50 p.m., seconded by Goodhart. All ayes, motion carried. Council then returned to City Hall for the regular meeting.

The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Svoboda present and presiding. Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance. Answering roll call for the City of Toledo were Boll, Goodhart Vesely, Sokol and Mullen arrived at 6:03 p.m. Others present were Marquess, Chief Kendall, McAdoo, M. Dvorak, B. Meek, A. Graham, D. Fletcher, J. Roan and M. Wymore.

Boll motioned approval of the Consent Agenda, seconded by Sokol, all ayes, motion carried. The approved Consent Agenda consisted of the following items: minutes from the November 28, 2016 regular meeting. Year to Date Treasurer’s Report with miscellaneous FY16 budget reports, bills to be paid from November 30, 2016 through December 12, 2016 in the amount of $30,350.50. A building permit 2016-21 at Affordable Homes building site on 1st Ave. for a temporary portable building and no liquor licenses.

Goodhart motioned to approve the regular agenda, seconded by Vesely, all ayes, motion carried.

Mayor Svoboda opened the public hearing and asked for discussion on the proposed CDBG Housing Grant application for the City of Toledo. Marty Wymore was present and spoke to the Council regarding the process. The grant application is due January 13, 2017 and a decision would be made in May, 2017, with a possible start date of late fall of 2017. The grant is for a total of $240,994, of which CDBG would contribute $226,494 and the City of Toledo would commit $14,500 for the project. Currently the application limits the grant applications to six homes, but can do more if funds are available. Currently Toledo has 9 qualified applicants on file who could be approved for up to $25,000 in repair assistance per home. Boll commented that it is a good program for the City of Toledo. No other discussion verbal or written received. Mayor Svoboda closed the public hearing.

Resolution 2016-54 was before the Council. It is a resolution to approve the Toledo CDBG Housing Sustainability Application to the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Sokol motioned to approve, seconded by Goodhart. Roll call vote: Boll-yes, Goodhart-yes, Vesely-yes, Sokol-yes, and Mullen-yes. Motion carried.

Jim Roan and Denise Fletcher presented to the Council plans for the Weiting Theater Phase II expansion. Roan discussed the plans to add additional space to the East of the building for dressing rooms and to reinforce beams to allow for a new curtain, lights and rigging at an estimated cost of $1,250,200. Roan emphasized the need for letters of support and a resolution from the Toledo City Council while applying for grants, but also requested the Council provide a monetary commitment over the next five years from the Cities hotel/motel tax funds. The Council discussed the expansion and stated that they would decide during budget process and let them know before February 01, 2017.

A tax abatement request for 107 W. Carleton was before the Council. The Council discussed the ordinance of Urban Renewal which addresses commercial and industrial, but believes that the Council had at one time applied the ordinance to also include residential as well. A letter states that residential property limits the amount of increased assessed value for which tax can be abated to a maximum of $75,000 over a five-year period. The Council determined to approve the request, but pro-rate the length of the abatement from the date of construction completion of September 2014 due to the late notice of the request. Mullen motioned to approve the tax abatement request for 107 W. Carleton with the following stipulations; the five-year abatement is pro-rated based on the start date commencing on the date of construction completion. This application has a completion date of September 2014 and continuing for five years ending on September 2019. Boll seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Boll-yes, Goodhart-yes, Vesely-y, Sokol-y, and Mullen-yes. All ayes, motion carried.

The Mayor discussed changing the date of the next regular Council meeting of December 26, 2016 due to it falling on an observed holiday. He suggested that it be moved to Tuesday, December 27, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Mullen motioned to approve the date change of the council meeting, seconded by Sokol. All ayes, motion carried.

Old Business:

Mayor Svoboda read a letter from the STC Food Pantry thanking the City for their continued support with their monetary donation. Svoboda also commented that public works did a good job moving snow this past weekend.

Marquess updated the council regarding union negotiations. Public works has settled on a new contract, but the police continue to negotiate.

Chief Kendall reported that the 2007 Impala squad car taken out of service was sold at Spanky’s auction December 04, 2016 for $900.00. Police were busy with accidents with the first snowfall.

Mullen motioned to adjourn, seconded by Boll. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 6:57 p.m.

December 27, 2016



The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Svoboda present and presiding. Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance. Answering roll call for the City of Toledo were Vesely, Sokol, Mullen, Boll, and Goodhart. Others present were Marquess, Chief Kendall, McAdoo, M. Dvorak, B. Meek, A. Graham, L. Wilkerson, K. Jordan, and D.Vorwald.

Sokol motioned approval of the Consent Agenda, seconded by Vesely, all ayes, motion carried. The approved Consent Agenda consisted of the following items: minutes from the December 12, 2016 regular meeting. Year to Date Treasurer’s Report with miscellaneous FY16 budget reports, bills to be paid from December 13, 2016 through December 27, 2016 in the amount of $75,903.99. No building permits and a Class C liquor license for Bumblebee’s Beer & Billiards.

Boll motioned to approve the regular agenda, seconded by Goodhart, all ayes, motion carried.

Lon Wilkerson came before the Council to request a change of parking regulations on part of Elm Street between Grace Street and Harrison Street. The current regulation is for alternate parking, Wilkerson would like the Council to consider changing it to parking only on the west side of the street as it is a couple blocks down. Council commented if there was a necessity for alternate, and could not determine why it was that way there and not further along the street. Mayor Svoboda directed the City Attorney to draft a resolution to amend the parking regulations for the next meeting.

The Assault Care Center Extending Shelter Support (ACCESS) sent a letter asking for funding support in the amount of $500.00. Council stated that they have not funded in the past but would look at it during budget preparations for FY18.

The City of Toledo received one application for providing technical services for the 2017 CDBG Rehab Housing Grant Program. It was moved by Sokol, seconded by Mullen to approve Region 6 Housing Commission as the technical service provider for the 2017 CDBG Rehab Housing Grant Program, contingent on the city receiving the grant. Roll call vote: Sokol-yes, Mullen-yes, Boll-yes, Goodhart-yes, and Vesely-yes. All ayes, motion carried.

Resolution 2016-55, a transfer request from the general fund to cover the short-fall in the Solid Waste for the Annual Solid Waste per-capita fees of $37,456.00. These fees are collected on utility billing monthly, but rates have not been keeping up with the adjustments in charges. The Council discussed having to look into the fees. Boll motioned to approve Resolution 2016-55, seconded by Sokol. Roll call vote: Mullen-yes, Boll-yes, Goodhart-yes, Vesely-yes, and Sokol-yes. All ayes, motion carried.

The Council discussed the agenda and dates for setting the date and time for the departmental budget meeting. Sokol motioned to approve the date & time of January 04, 2017, beginning at 5:00 p.m., seconded by Mullen. All ayes, motion carried.

Old Business:

Marquess commented that the Police union had reached an agreement. Mayor Svoboda commented on the great work from the Public Works department regarding snow removal and sanding of streets.

Jordan stated the activities of public works in the last couple weeks has been dealing with snow & ice removal, as well as water main breaks. Jordan also wanted to clarify with the council regarding ordinance stating the property owner is responsible from the main to their house? The Council were all in agreement that if that is the policy, then the ordinance should be followed.

Chief Kendall commented that his officers had been out serving notices regarding snow removal on sidewalks. Chief will look at publishing something regarding snow removal. McAdoo stated that the ordinance was posted on the City’s website and Facebook page.

Don Vorwald informed the Council that he did not have a shut off valve on his property, so the City cannot shut his water off, but he shuts it off in his house when he leaves for the winter. He had asked about the minimum water bill that the clerk’s office stated he would receive while away for the winter. McAdoo stated the Council already determined that it is the owner’s responsibility to provide the shutoff to allow the City access, otherwise if cannot be turned off by the City, resident would still receive a minimum bill. Vorwald commented he was not paying to have a shutoff, and it was unfair to have to pay the minimum bill.

Council discussed deteriorating buildings and properties around town, Marquess directed to look into possibilities of funds for use. Mullen commented that he and Vesely have formed a committee with citizen’s to look into downtown change, and they have approached Tama County Economic Development for assistance.

Boll motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mullen. All ayes, meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.