olympiapresbyterymeeting packet
Meeting Location:
SkylinePresbyterian Church
6301 Westgate Blvd.
Tacoma, WA 98406
OFFICE: (253) 752-5757
- I-5 to Hwy. 16 WEST
- Hwy. 16—take exit 3 for 6th Ave toward WA-163 N/Ruston
- Cross 6th Avenue.
- Turn RIGHT onto North PEARL Street.
- Turn LEFT onto Westgate Blvd/21st Ave.
- Church will be on the RIGHT side, turn into parking lot AFTER passing the reader board.
1:30 p.m.Gather & Registration
2:00 p.m.Presbytery Worship & Business
6:00 p.m.Dinner
7:00 p.m.Depart
The offering collected during worship will be used to provide scholarships for Vacation Bible School. Skyline hopes to offer more scholarships to children who live at Tyler Square, a transitional housing community for families.
Please RSVP/register @ or call Rev. Kari McFarland (253) 588-5204 by TUESDAY(May 12)!
This meeting will include voting on the amendments proposed by the General Assembly.
- Comparison chart of current wording and proposed wording (download here)
- Proposed Amendments to the Constitution (download here)
헌법 개정안 신앙 고백서와 규례서 개정안 제 221 차 미국 장로교 총회 (2014)에 의해 승인되고, 노회들이 투표할 수 있도록 보내지다.
Reminder: Any miscellaneous business should be to the moderator or the Stated Clerk in writing before 1:45PM.
Stated Meeting of the Olympia Presbytery
olympiapresbyterymeeting packet
Docket Overview
2:00 PMCall to Order ModeratorJohnson
Establish a quorum
Granting the privilege of the floor
Welcome of first-time Ruling Elders
Welcome from Hosting Congregation
Approval of the docket
Report of the Stated Clerk
Consent agenda – Please read the consent agenda, as we will take action on it as one motion. You are always welcome to remove something from the consent agenda for further discussion and action.
2:15 PMWorship
Rev. Dr. Keith Tanis, preaching
Rev. Robyn Hogue and Rev. Harlan Shoop, presiding at the Table
3:30 PMSound View Camp RE Matt Klump & David Edscorn
The current staff of Sound View Camp will share about their recent training to become a resource site after an event of school violence.
3:45PMAmendments to the Constitution
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution (download here)
헌법 개정안 신앙 고백서와 규례서 개정안 제 221 차 미국 장로교 총회 (2014)에 의해 승인되고, 노회들이 투표할 수 있도록 보내지다.
- 14-1 Confession of Belhar: On Amending the Book of Confessions
- 14-A Renunciation of Jurisdiction: On Amending G-2.0509
- 14-B.1.Final Assessment: On Amending G-2.
- 14-B.2. Accommodations: On Amending G-2.0610
- 14-C Child Protection Policy: On Amending G-3.0106
- 14-D Minimum Composition of a Presbytery: On Amending G-3.0301
- 14-E Interreligious Stance: On Amending G-5.0102
- 14-F Marriage: On Amending W-4.9000
4:20 PMAdministrative Board Rev. Rhyan Smith
The Administrative Board recommends to the Presbytery to allow the First Korean Presbyterian Church, Tacoma to sell the property at 9241 S. D Street, Tacoma, WA 98444 for $800,000 to the Western Washington Corporation of Seventh-Day Adventists. This recommendation is subject to the net proceeds being held by the Presbytery until an acceptable plan is negotiated between the congregation and the Presbytery.
The Administrative Board recommends that the Presbytery guarantee the following new terms between Shelton Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, Inc. (PILP). On November 17, 2014, the Staff Loan Team of PILP approved an adjustment of the loan terms.
Date of Note: 11/2/2009Original Amount:$440,000
Principal Balance: 363,379
Interest Balance: 1,170
Total Amount Due:$364,550
Terms: 20 years at 4.00%. Monthly payments of $2,666.31 principal and interest at 4.00% for 60 consecutive months; principal due in full at maturity; subject to review and revision as to rate of interest and repayment of principal. Next regularly scheduled 60-month review will be due November 2019. The Session of Shelton accepted these terms on December 8, 2014.
4:35 PMCommission on the Preparation for Ministry Rev. Robyn Hogue
Proposed Revisions to Policy 8 (Policies and Procedures Regarding Cook Scholarship Fund)
4:45 PMReport from the Executive PresbyterRev. Dr. Keith Tanis
5:00 PMOpen Sharing
5:30 PMOther Business
Docket Items for Consideration
Consent Agenda
May 14, 2015 – Skyline Presbyterian Church, Tacoma, WA
The Stated Clerk recommends the following:
- Approval of the minutes of the March 14, 2015Stated Presbytery meeting as distributed by email.
Attachment: 03 14 2015 Minutes
Strategic Board reports to the Presbytery the following actions for approval:
At its April 16, 2015 meeting:
- Received the Report of the Structures Task Force as presented by Moderator Rev. Ken Sikes, and shared it with the Joint Meeting for feedback.
Hosted a Joint Meeting with the Administrative Board, Personnel Committee and representatives from COM, on April 16, 2015, at Westminster, Olympia for purposes of communication and collaboration. The following actions are for Presbytery approval:
- Heard the Report of the Structures Task Force, and provided feedback from which the Strategic Board will bring recommendations to the Presbytery.
- Created a Task Force for reviewing and recommending a Staffing Model for Presbytery: Moderator: Rev. Harlan Shoop (Strategic Board), RE Rose Erickson (Personnel), RE Jessica Rush (Strategic Board), Rev. James Kim (Strategic Board), and supported by Rev. Steve Klump (Treasurer) and Rev. Kari McFarland (Stated Clerk).
At its May 1, 2015 meeting:
- Confirmed the task of the newly-created Models Task Force as 1) Review the current situation as presented at the State of the Presbytery (Feb. 21, 2015); 2) Gather input from other presbyteries as to possible options of future models; and 3) Present a recommendation for staffing to the Strategic Board.
- Received the Report from the Sound View Task Force as presented by Moderator Rev. David Alger.
Administrative Board reports to the Presbytery the following actions for approval:
At its March 20, 2015 meeting:
- Approved the Peacemaking Grant application, and authorized the Stated Clerk to grant requests up to $1,000 on a rolling basis to OlyPres congregations and related ministries. These grants will be reported at each Admin Board meeting, and subsequent Presbytery meetings.
- Approved a Peacemaking Grant [final amount: $526] for the Sound View Board of Directors’ application to provide funding for the two current staff members to attend a training in Arkansas on how to provide support after an event of school violence.
- Recommends that the Presbytery guarantee the following new terms between Shelton Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, Inc. (PILP). On November 17, 2014, the Staff Loan Team of PILP approved an adjustment of the loan terms. Date of Note: 11/2/2009 Original Amount: $440,000
Principal Balance: 363,379
Interest Balance: 1,170
Total Amount Due:$364,550
Terms: 20 years at 4.00%. Monthly payments of $2,666.31 principal and interest at 4.00% for 60 consecutive months; principal due in full at maturity; subject to review and revision as to rate of interest and repayment of principal. Next regularly scheduled 60-month review will be due November 2019. The Session of Shelton accepted these terms on December 8, 2014.
- Approved the recommendation from the Personnel Committee to turn over to COM the funds [from 8511a GP Left over Professional Reserve: $3,814,79] for the purpose of providing training for Pastors, as needed.
At its April 28, 2015 meeting:
- Approved a change in insurance company for the Presbytery and Sound View Camp from Presbyterian One (Heffernan) to Church Mutual beginning June 1, 2015.
- Approved on behalf of the Presbytery the purchase of an adjacent lot to University Place Presbyterian Church. UPPC requested approval to borrow $281,000 from Columbia State Bank at 2.31% for a 12-month term in order to buy the property at 2530 Sunset Drive West for $280,000. This loan is secured by a $300,000 CD.
- Recommends to the Presbytery to allow the First Korean Presbyterian Church, Tacoma to sell the property at 9241 S. D Street, Tacoma, WA 98444 for $800,000 to the Western Washington Corporation of Seventh-Day Adventists. This recommendation is subject to the net proceeds being held by the Presbytery until an acceptable plan is negotiated between the congregation and the Presbytery.
- Approved the appropriate resolutions to open a new bank account at Columbia Bank for the net proceeds of the sale referenced above with Rev. Steve Klump, Rev. David Alger, and Rev. Kari McFarland as authorized signers.
- The Stated Clerk reported the following 2015 Hunger Grants of $500:
- First Cambodian Presbyterian Ministry [fuel for food-bank recipients];
- Love, Inc. (Westminster, Chehalis)[food vouchers to supplement food banks in Lewis County];
- Buckley Community’s partnership with the White River School District to send food home with elementary students who are at-risk of hunger;
- Harrison Square’s partnership with Love, INC. to provide personal care items that are not covered by food stamps. Love, INC. provides the screening.
- Bethany, Tacoma’s partnership with NW Tacoma’s Fish Food Bank to provide fresh produce from the farmer’s market to the Food Bank.
Personnel Committee reports to the Presbytery the following actions for approval:
At its March 2, 2015 meeting:
- Rescinded the proposal to offer a Flexible Spending Account to Presbytery employees. New government rulings require that the Personnel Committee do more research and planning in order to offer this benefit in 2016 in a cost-effective manner for the Presbytery.
- Approved the funds accumulated in the Benefit Reserve Fund to be dispersed to the two Sound View employees by the Treasurer. These were unused funds from 2013 and 2014, but were designated for each employee.
- Approved the COM Proposal for DGLT Coordinator with the following recommendations: charge a flat fee of $3000; allow mileage reimbursement at the IRS employee rate; and designate the hiring team have 1 member from COM, 1 member from Personnel, and the Stated Clerk.
- Approved renewing the contract with Seattle Presbytery until December 31, 2015, at the rate of $30/hr for technical work related to the Presbytery website.
- Meetings will move to the 1st Thursday of each month.
Commission on Ministry reports the following actions taken on behalf of the Presbytery:
At its March 26, 2015 meeting:
- Approved the terms of service for Rev. Tammy Stampfli as the full-time Transitional Pastor at the United Churches of Olympia (April 1, 2015-September 30, 2015): Salary: $2,908/mo; Housing: $2,083/mo; Vacation: 2.5 days/mo; Study Leave: 1 week/6 mos; 1 Day of spiritual retreat/mo.; Pension: 14% of Salary+Housing; Medical: $275 reimbursement of medical coverage through spouse; Professional Expenses: $500; Auto/mileage: $1,500; Study/Books/Cont. Ed: $500.
- Amended the February 26, 2015 renewal of CRE Jeani Shofner’s commissioning at First Pres, Hoquiam from one year to three years (January 1, 2015-December 31, 2017).
- ApprovedPackwood Community’s application to the Small Church Residency Program (formerly called For Such a Time as This).
- Approved the use of Church Redevelopment Funds (Reserve Fund) and other available funds to provide the required Presbytery’s contribution for Packwood Community’s participation in the Small Church Residency Program.
- Approved the terms of service for Rev. Lynn Longfield as Supply Pastor while Rev. Stuart Dugan is on sabbatical from Lacey(May 4-Aug. 2, 2015; part-time): Salary: $2,292/mo.; Vacation: 1 week; Pension/Medical: $489/mo.; Professional Expenses: $489; and mileage reimbursement.
- COM will recruit a mediator, and offer help for a conflict within the congregation at Westminster, Tacoma.
- Approved paying the registration for Rev. Christine Long and Rev. Ben Robinson to attend the Healthy Boundaries Training FOR THE TRAINER (101/201 courses) in Seattle, April 27-29; $750/person [from the Sexual Misconduct Prevention Fund].
- Received the report of the Annual Visit to Toledo by COM liaison Nancy Lundquist.
- Received the report of the Annual Visit to Onalaska by COM liaison Nancy Lundquist.
- Received the report that Rev. Bill & Barb Schacht will be providing some basic pastoral care and occasional pulpit supply on an honorarium basis while Rev. David Kegley is on sabbatical from May-August 2015 at Westminster, Olympia.
At its April 30, 2015 meeting:
- Approved the renewed terms of service for Rev. Steve Klump as the Temporary Pastor, ¼-time, at Packwood Community (May 31-Aug 30): Salary: $917/ mo; Professional Expenses: $125/mo; Auto/mileage: $400/mo; Study/Books/Cont. Ed: 3.5 days; Vacation: 7 days including 1 Sunday; Long-term care insurance: $181/mo; Pastoral care beyond 10 hr/wk: $22.90/hr.
- Received the report that the Hiring Team for the DGLT Coordinator will be Rev. Jeff Bursch (Personnel Committee), Rev. Christine Long (COM), and Rev. Kari McFarland (Stated Clerk).
- RE Betty Richardson (COM Liaison) and EP Keith Tanis will dialogue with DuPont Community to fulfill Section 3, step 1 of the DGLT Policy.
- Received a report from Rev. Gary Stevens on his experience of the EQ-HR Seminar.
Commission on Preparation for Ministry reports the following actions taken on behalf of the Presbytery:
At its April 8, 2015 meeting:
- After conversation and discernment with Nicole McKnight, unanimously voted to move Nicole to Certified Ready to Receive a Call.
- Approved Candidate Rod Nash’s request to appeal the unsatisfactory grade on his most recent Polity Ordination Exam.
- After conversation and discernment with Su Cobban, unanimously voted to move Su to Certified Ready to Receive a Call.
Stated Meeting of the Olympia Presbytery 5.14.151