A regular meeting of the Mayor and Town Council of Central Valley Town was held on Wednesday, the 15th of June, 2016 at the Central Valley Community Center, 50 West Center, Central Valley, Utah at the hour of 7:30 p.m. after due and timely notice had been provided pursuant to Section 52-4-6, UCA, 1953, as amended.


Council Members: Mayor Kim Peterson, Charles Evans, David Nielson, Bryan Brown and Gary Barney.

Absent/excused: None


Town Clerk: Allen Henningson

Town Treasurer: Shelley Brown


Dale Gifford, Bruce Riddle and Scott Thomsen.

1. Pledge of Allegiance. Opening Remarks given by Bryan Brown. Meeting called to order and roll call. Mayor Peterson welcomed those in attendance at the meeting.

2. Public Hearing to accept public comments concerning Central Valley Town’s proposal to adopt an ordinance providing for the compensation of elected and statutory officers of Central Valley and its proposal to adopt a resolution for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Budget and Certified Tax Rate and to consider amending the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year Budget.

Mayor Peterson closed the regular portion of the meeting and opened the public hearing portion to accept public comments concerning Central Valley Town’s proposal to adopt an ordinance providing for the compensation of elected and statutory officers of Central Valley and its proposal to adopt a resolution for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Budget and Certified Tax Rate and to consider amending the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year Budget. He said that we would not be amending the current year’s budget at this time since there is no need. Mayor Peterson said that the compensation ordinance includes a 3% raise for Allen and Shelley but no raise for the Mayor and Town Council. The compensation ordinance will set the monthly salary for Allen based on 127 hours per month and for Shelley at 115 hours per month. Mayor Peterson said that the council had previously approved a 3% raise for all employees. Bruce Riddle, Scott Thomsen and Susan Outzen were also given an additional $1 per hour raise. Copies of the new budget were provided for everyone in attendance. He asked for questions or comments. There were no comments. He then closed the public hearing and opened the regular portion of the meeting.

3. Approval of minutes of previous meeting. The minutes of the May 18th Town Council meeting was presented for approval. All members had reviewed the minutes. Mayor Peterson asked for a discussion of the minutes. The minutes were approved upon the motion of Bryan Brown and seconded by Charles Evans. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Gary Barney voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.

4. Park. Monument.

Mayor Peterson stated that he has discussed the recognition monument with Becky Bastian and Jeramy Johnson. He has told Becky that the funds are not available for a monument for the recognition of the donors to the park improvements. Jeramy has offered to provide four benches for the price he had originally quoted. Mayor Peterson suggested that we have Sign Central create a 2’ by 3’ sign that recognizes the businesses that donated as well as the CIB and the Eccles Foundation. It would also have a thank you to all those that donated to the Central Park. The sign would be low cost and low key. Dale Gifford said that he would like to see a monument for our veterans before we have a monument for park donors. Mayor Peterson agreed that a veteran monument at the cemetery would be nice. Bryan Brown said that he agrees that we should recognize the businesses that donated to provide some advertisement for them. There is a concern that we may leave some of the businesses out. Mayor Peterson stated that Becky and the group that spear headed the fund raisers for the park had promised some donor recognition. We are working with Sign Central to design an appropriate sign that would be displayed at the park.

5. July 4th Celebration.

Gary Barney said that he and Shelley were making preparations for the July 4th Celebration. NiCole Lloyd and Mckenna Bruse have been asked to sing the National Anthem. Brad Duffin was going to be the MC for the event; he will not be able to be there so we will need to come up with another MC. This will be the last year that Randy Chesley will do the root beer. He will train someone this year to do it for future years. Shelley has asked Dwayne Bayles to help with the root beer. Dwayne will try to get someone to help him. Shelley has ordered all the food. We will not be serving potato salad this year. We will not need to purchase ice. The price will be $3 for the meal. It is not a money making event. The town council will do the cooking. The grill may need some adjustments to make sure it is working properly. The town council wives will be asked to help serve. Allen and Monica will take money. Hannah Gay and Aubree Robinson will sell ice cream. We plan to start cooking around 11:30 a.m. The lawn at the church is looking bad. Mayor Peterson will contact them and ask them to water it more before the 4th.

6. Street Improvement Project.

David Nielson reported that the preconstruction meeting was held. Staker Parson is planning to start work on June 20th. They will start on the south end of Central Boulevard. They will have three subcontractors working on the project, Hoffman, Carlyle and Straight Stripe Painting. There will be about 20 thousand tons of milled asphalt from our old road surface. The town will use about 2 thousand tons which we will store at the maintenance yard and the cemetery. The rest we plan to trade with Staker Parson for additional road work. David said that he had Staker Parson look at the side streets for potential chip sealing work. They said it could be completed without any engineering preparation work. They can repair the bad spots prior to completing any chip sealing. There will be about $400,000 available to complete additional road work. Jones and DeMille Engineering is working to determine if there would be enough funding to complete our South Main Street. If there are not enough funds to complete the entire South Main project we would then complete chip sealing work on our side streets. There will be weekly progress meetings as needed on Thursdays at 3:00 p.m. The cement treatment process will require a time when no traffic is allowed on the road. Bryan Brown asked about the irrigation water that sometimes is adjacent to the pavement in some areas. The project is designed to fix some of these bad areas. The area near the Jensen residence on North Main has been a bad area for irrigation water issues. We need to assure that the new road is not damaged by irrigation water in the road right of way.

7. Water Department. Liability Insurance Claim.

Mayor Peterson reported that the insurance claim for the fire at Meacham Springs has been reopened. The fire damaged some of Charles Evans’ property that is adjacent to Meacham Springs. Travelers Insurance has talked with Mayor Peterson. They will be working with Charles on the claim.

8. Appeal Authority discussion. Mayor Peterson

Mayor Peterson stated that we have discussed the appeal authority issue in the past. Our attorney has stated that we need someone that does not live in Central Valley, has no relatives in town and someone that is familiar with land use ordinances. Dr. Zobell has been recommended by our attorney. Bryan Brown was asked in our last meeting to contact him to see if he would be our appeal authority. Bryan has talked with Dr Zobell and he is willing to be our appeal authority for the same price as Monroe City pays for theirs, around $35 to $50 per incident. Charles Evans said we should go forward with Dr. Zobell. Gary Barney expressed some concerns but was okay with Dr. Zobell. David Nielson was okay with Dr. Zobell but was also okay with having John Hicks do it for us. Mayor Peterson said he would talk with John Hicks to see if he was interested. The decision between John Hicks and Dr. Zobell will be made at our next meeting. Our land use ordinance will need to be revised to incorporate the new appeal authority.

9. Tanner Nielson, unapproved metal storage container on lot 2 Marble Subdivision, 3-292-2.

Mayor Peterson reported that Charles Billingsley had talked with him about a shipping container that had been placed on Tanner Nielson’s property on 200 West. Jason Mackelprang the county building inspector has written Tanner a letter asking him to obtain a building permit and to comply with the town ordinances. There have been complaints about the cement forms and other contractor equipment located on the lot. Gary Barney asked about the mailing address on the letter since it was a Central Valley address. Mayor Peterson assured Gary that the county had sent the letter to the correct address. Our ordinance requires that a metal container have a foundation, be painted and be located at the rear of the property. Mayor Peterson will follow up with Jason to see if he has heard from Tanner.

10. Adopt an ordinance providing for the compensation of elected and statutory officers of Central Valley Town. Ordinance 2016-003.

The compensation ordinance was discussed in the public hearing. David Nielson stated that a three percent increase had been already approved for town employees. There would be no increase for the mayor or town council. Scott, Bruce and Susan were also previously approved for an additional $1.00 per hour raise. David Nielson made a motion to adopt the ordinance providing for the compensation of elected and statutory officers of Central Valley Town, ordinance 2016-003. Gary Barney seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Gary Barney voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. Allen Henningson will post and record the ordinance as required.

11. Adopt a resolution for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Yr Budget and Certified Tax Rate. Resolution 2016-004.

Mayor Peterson explained that the county determines the property tax rate that we can adopt. The proposed rate for this year is 0.001661 which is a decrease from last years 0.001673 rate. Allen Henningson reviewed the changes that were made from the tentative budget that was adopted last month. The total general fund proposed budget is $2,992,500 most of which is tied to the road project. A total of $2,714,000. is proposed for the road project. Changes made to the general fund revenues include decreasing property tax to $38,000 from $39,000 and increasing sales tax to $45,000 from $44,000. Interest revenue was increased to $5,000 from $1,000. The water enterprise fund was decreased by $40,000. The funds were spent to purchase a new pump and electrical system for Meacham Springs. The water enterprise account will have $40,000 less to carry over to the next year. The budgeted amount for major improvements was reduced to $28,000 from $68,000. The water enterprise fund had more expenditures last year than revenue. The account still has some money available for an emergency. The electrical costs and lab costs may be less than is projected. The total water enterprise budget is proposed at $144,000. The council plans to review the need for a water rate increase in January.

David Nielson made a motion to adopt the resolution for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Yr Budget and Certified Tax Rate, resolution 2016-004. Charles Evans seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Gary Barney voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative. Allen Henningson will record the resolution as required.

12 . Adopt a resolution amending the 2015-2016 Fiscal Year Budget. Resolution 2016-005.

Amending the current years budget is not needed at this time.

13. Approval of monthly expenditures. Mayor Peterson asked for a review of the May expenditures. He said that the payment to Jones and DeMille Engineering for $154,000 for the road project was included. Bryan Brown made a motion to approve the May expenditures as described. Charles Evans seconded the motion. Mayor Kim Peterson voted yes, Charles Evans voted yes, Bryan Brown voted yes, David Nielson voted yes and Gary Barney voted yes. The voting was unanimous in the affirmative.

14. Council Members Reports.

David Nielson asked if there had been a response to the letter sent to Mike Miles of UDOT regarding our request for a turning lane on Highway 118 for our 400 North Street. We have not received a response from Mike.

David reported that there is cement and other construction debris in the road right of way adjacent to the Raymond Jones property. It could damage the towns weed mower. It needs to be moved by the property owner. The town cleaned up by the Zach Cropper property, but that debris was from material owned by the town.

David reported that he has talked with the UDOT fleet manager about a surplus 10-wheel truck. UDOT has said that they can sell us a truck for $12,000. We could then get rid of one of our existing other trucks. Scott Thomsen said that he thinks it would be a good idea to obtain a truck. We could then plow all of our roads in the winter time. David asked that the purchase of the truck be on next months agenda.

Bryan Brown reported that the planning commission was working on the general plan.

Gary Barney reported that the benches for the splash pad had been purchased and installed. There are two single benches and one double bench. The new wood chips were also purchased and placed at the playground.