The fee is $150.00 per game for two umpires. Each team is responsible for the umpire fees for each of their home games. Invoices will be sent out around May 1. Teams must pay in full before the season starts.

Umpire fees for make-up games are paid in cash at the field. Each team will be responsible to pay $70.00. Teams will be notified by email or phone each time this occurs.

If you are aware that your team is going to forfeit a game and you notify the Parks & Recreation Dept. at least three (3) working days prior to the forfeit we will make every effort to relieve the forfeiting team of sports official fee obligations for that game. If the game is rained out the forfeit will be nullified and the game will be made up.


Initial rosters (must be orginials) are due in the Recreation Office, Livonia Community Recreation Center 24 hours or one working day prior to first scheduled season game.


LIVONIA COLLEGIATE...... 1st Friday in July


Council Resolution #CR359-93 requires teams to provide acceptable justification for such cancellation in writing, at least 14 days prior to their first scheduled game. The processing charge shall be established at 30% of the adult entry fee and the balance refunded to designated team official.


The RAINOUT NUMBER is (734) 466-2299. It is suggested you call AFTER 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.


1.Eligibility protestchecks will be handled on the site as follows:

a.The umpire will make note on the back of the scorecard about the player in question.

b.The player in question must then sign the back of the score card and show proof of identification (I.D. with picture).

c.It is the manager’s responsibility to see that all players have a picture I.D. with birthdate and signature. If proof is not available at the site, the protest will be upheld.

d.All eligibility protests and their results will be turned in to the Department of Parks and Recreation within one (1) working day by the umpire(s) on the site.

e.If further proof is required, the manager must file eligibility protest within one working day at $10.00 per player.

f.Protest Fee will be returned on a per player basis if upheld.

2.All teams will have defined limits as pertains to the procurement of players, said limits shall not be subject to change without the consent of the Livonia Parks and Recreation.

3.Teams which are found to have one or more ineligible players shall forfeit all games in which an ineligible player has participated.

4.Any team forfeiting two (2) game dates in succession or three (3) game dates during the season will be automatically dropped from the league for the remainder of the season.

5.Protests involving eligibility may be made anytime until midnight of the last league game. However, when any manager or player has knowledge of any ineligible players in the league he must declare this information to the Athletic Supervisor immediately and not wait until a team can be eliminated from a league.

6.No team shall be allowed to add players to its roster after the final roster date.

7.It will be the manager’s responsibility to check the rosters, contracts, and fees recorded for his team prior to the FINAL ROSTER DATE.

8.No player shall appear on the line-up unless name is legally affixed to a contract, name appears on the team roster, and all necessary fees have been paid 24 hours before he is eligible to play.

9.Managers shall be responsible for the eligibility of their players and shall personally sign and present to the Department of Parks and Recreation Office all rosters, contracts, fees and releases. Managers shall be responsible for the appearance and conduct of their players on and around the playing areas. Each team manager must control their crowds. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of game and if situation warrants, expulsion from the league.

10.Each team shall be allowed one manager and two coaches. Said manager and coaches must be registered with the Department of Parks and Recreation.

11.Any change in managership or coaches of a team must be filed in the Department of Parks and Recreation Office, presenting the name, address, and phone number of the new manager or coach before the next scheduled game.

12.In case of injury of any member of his/her team, the manager shall be responsible for any evidence or records demanded by the Department of Parks and Recreation

13.Only team captains and managers may discuss decisions with the official(s) unless the official(s) call others into the discussion.

14.Any manager, coach or player ejected from a game shall automatically be suspended from the next official game. If the offense warrants, the individual may be suspended for the remainder of the season.

15.The second ejection of a player, manager, or coach, from a game shall automatically result in a three game suspension. A player suspended may not sit with his team or be near the bench while game is in progress. It is expected that this player will conduct himself in a sportsmanlike manner while in attendance. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a one (1) year suspension from all sports.

16.While on the field or in the dugout, players in uniform, or civilian clothes, shall refrain from abusive language or actions, smoking, fighting, cell phone usage or other unsportsmanlike conduct. Alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance is NOT allowed in the parks at any time. Anyone ejected from the game for violation of this rule shall remove himself/herself from sight and sound of the playing field within three (3) minutes or his/her team shall forfeit the game.

17.Any manager, coach, or player who, in the opinion of the official(s) is guilty of being the instigator of a fight shall be banned from all sports in Livonia for the remainder of the season.

18.Any manager, coach, or player, guilty of touching, pushing, or other physical contact with an official shall be banned from athletic programs sponsored by the Livonia Recreation Department. He/she shall be suspended indefinitely and listed on the M.R.P.A. suspended list.

19.The Department of Parks and Recreation may exclude any player, manager, coach, or team from the league for abusive language on diamonds, facilities, or continued violation of any rule or regulation governing this league.

20.Only registered players and coaches may coach on the bases or take part in regularly scheduled games in any manner.

21.Team benches shall be occupied by the manager, coaches, players, one scorekeeper, and one bat person.

22.Tie games will not be replayed (two points for a win and one point for a tie).

23.Games may be called off at the site in case inclement conditions make it necessary. The responsibility of calling the game rests with the two (2) managers until the game begins. However, if in the opinion of the umpire(s) and the Athletic Supervisors the game is playable, they may overrule the two (2) managers and the game will either be played or result in a double forfeit. In case of disagreement prior to the game beginning, the official(s) shall decide.

NOTE: All teams must have at least 9 players at the site or the game will be a forfeit.

  1. The Department of Parks and Recreation reserves the right to make decisions it feels are in the best interest of the league.


1.All games will be scheduled by Parks and Recreation Department.

2.Rain outs will be rescheduled by the Home Team. All games must be rescheduled

within five (5) days and played within ten (10) days.

3.Game time is forfeit time.

4.The home team is responsible for keeping the official score.

5.No batting practice allowed on lighted diamonds.

6.Home team shall occupy the 3rd base side of all fields.

  1. TIME LIMITS - No new inning will begin after following time limits: 2 ½ hours

Access schedules and standings on-line. Just follow these instructions:

●Access the City of Livonia website (

●Click on “Departments Home” on the left and click on “Parks & Recreation” OR you can

use the drop down box in the middle of the navigation block and choose “Parks &


●Click on “Athletic Programs Home” on the left

●Click on “Team Schedules” on the left

●Click on “Schedules, Results & Standings”

From here you can choose whatever division you need. This will show the results of all the games and the schedule for the upcoming games.


1.All rules protests will be settled on the site between both managers and official(s). Official(s) decision is final.




1.No reservations available until entry fee has been received.

2.No fields available until April 15 – field conditions permitting.

3.No fields reserved on weekends. Reservations should be carried at all timesduring

weekday practices.

4.No reservations available at Ford Field, or any lighted diamonds.

5.At no time will any practice be allowed on Ford Field #1 or Ford Field #2, Bicentennial #1,#2 or #3 lighted ball diamonds. Any group found in violation of this rule will beautomatically removed from the City league schedule.

  1. Reservations will be issued one day at a time. No further reservations will be issued to anyteam until its previous practice time has been utilized.

7.Reservations will not be issued once league play has begun.

  1. No fee will be charged to Livonia Parks & Recreation sponsored teams that meet the

conditions of above rules numbered 1 – 7.



1. Any team meeting requirements set up by the City of Livonia is eligible.

2. The basic team requirements are as follows:

a.Players must not turn 22 before May 1st of the current year (AAABA)

Players who have not reached their twenty-third (23rd) birthday prior to January 1 of the current year are eligible for participation in the College Tournament


b.No team may carry more than twenty-one (21) players nor less than twelve (12) at any time.

c.Teams may not have more than four (4) players from the same Division I NCAA school on their league teams or on their tournament team after player pickups. Teams may not have any member of the coaching staff of an NCAA member institution that involves any student-athletic with remaining eligibility from that institution involved in any capacity at any time with their team either in league or tournament play.

Refer to the 1992 NCAA rule book, pages 214-215, sections through If there are any questions, contact Parks & Recreation at (734) 466-2410.

d.A maximum of six (6) players with remaining eligibility on any one Jr. College,

College, or University, will be allowed on any one Livonia Collegiate Baseball


3. It is the manager’s responsibility to make sure that all players on his roster have in their possession either a valid drivers license, or a Michigan picture I.D. card for the purpose of identification in case of an eligibility check.


6.“BASEBALL GROUND RULES”: Boundaries of the field are described as a line extending from the end posts of the backstop parallel to the baseline an infinite distance.

7.Each home team shall provide four (4) new baseballs prior the start of each game

(D1-PRO LS or D1-PRO SCB).

8.Metal spikes are allowed.

The rules of the American League of Major League Baseball will govern this league with the following exceptions:

9.Two (2) points are awarded for a win, one (1) point for a tie.

10.Mercy Rule of ten (10) runs after four-and-a-half (4½) innings, home team leading, or five(5) innings, visitors leading, will be in effect.

11.There is a time limit of 2½ hours on all games at Ford Field and Bicentennial Park in Livonia. No new inning will begin after 2½ hours.

12.Any team forfeiting two (2) successive game dates, or three (3) game dates during the season will merit expulsion from the league for the remainder of the season.

13.AAABA rule modifications will be invoked if necessary.

14.Games are seven (7) innings in duration. (See Rule 11)

15.All team personnel on the field will be in full matching uniforms and base coaches must wear a helmet on the field.

16.The N.C.A.A. rules regarding sliding or giving yourself up will be used.

17.Games will be considered complete after 4½ innings (home team leading) or five (5) innings (visiting team leading), if called by the umpire due to an Act of god or other unsafe playing conditions. Games not considered complete will be played over from the beginning (no suspended rules). If after five (5) innings the home team has not completed their turn at bat or gone ahead in their half of the inning the game will be considered complete and the official score will revert to the score at the end of the last complete inning if discontinued due to an Act of God or other unsafe playing conditions. If the home team is at bat and they are leading when the game is discontinued and considered complete (after 4½ innings) the current score will be official even though the inning may not be completed. No suspended rules.

18.If a team is leading by ten (10) runs at any time after the third inning, the game will be considered legal if discontinued by an Act of God. (Rain, etc.)


19.No player is eligible to play without a legal contract being registered with the department of Parks and Recreation prior to game time.

20.A final team roster will be submitted no later than midnight the first Friday in July. (Maximum 21 players).

21.Any player who is being released must have that release form registered at the Department of Parks and Recreation prior to his name appearing in the lineup of any league game.

22.Any manager involved in coaching more than one summer team must have at least one Livonia Collegiate League coach registered with the Livonia Athletic Department.

23.Managers must exchangeCOMPLETE rosters during ground rules prior to every game up to and including the final league game.


24.The Athletic Supervisor will rule on all protests properly registered. Games must be protested at the time the suspected violation occurs (before next pitch). The rule of reasonableness will be used in protests. If, in the judgment of the Athletic Supervisor, the protest would not have changed the outcome of the game, the protest will be denied.

25.The Livonia Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to make decisions it feels is in the best interest of the league. The Department of Parks and Recreation shall not be liable for injuries of any kind.


26.The Johnstown bound tournament team will get first priority in picking up players. Said team will be allowed to pick up or choose its players first for tournament purposes, with the player(s) so chosen having the right of refusal.

27.In the case of a tie for first place in League play the teams tied will have a playoff for first place with the winner going to the AAABA tournament and 2nd place going to the N.A.B.F. tournament.


PlayerDate of probation*Date of suspension

Jim BeumelN/A9-5-97 indefinite

John Carney1-31-07 indefiniteN/A

Paul DreimanN/A6-12-97 indefinite

Ken DzczypkaN/A1-31-07 indefinite

Greg GorskiN/A6-20-02 indefinite

Allie Hamood3-4-04 indefiniteN/A

Alan HarajliN/A1-31-03 indefinite

Allen Jawad3-5-04 indefiniteN/A

Joe KellyN/A6-20-02 indefinite

Jerome PotvinN/A6-25-01 indefinite

Bob Rahal3-5-04 indefiniteN/A

Dan RahalN/A3-5-04 indefinite

Ron RahalN/A3-5-04 indefinite

Darian Richardson3-4-04 indefiniteN/A

Jamal SaadN/A3-5-04 indefinite

Marc Salah2-14-03 indefiniteN/A

Michael Thompson2-14-03 indefiniteN/A

Chris Yates2-8-07 indefiniteN/A

*Currently suspended players are not allowed to be on any Parks & Recreation roster.

In case of serious injury, please contact Livonia Parks and Recreation at 734-466-2410