Meeting #5
January 29, 2017
Room #273
Office / Name / Start / End
President / Chelsea Ott / P / P
Vice President / Nicholas Falci / P / P
Evening Vice President / Nakicha Joseph / P / P
Secretary / Joseph DiCarlo / P / P
Treasurer / Jason Sumbaly / A / A
Social Chair / Sierra Kresin / A / A
Parliamentarian / Timothy Gonzalez / P / P
Office / Name / Start / End
4L Senator / Christopher O’Hearn / P / P
Latoya Dawkins / P / P
3L Senator / (vacant)
Joe Dellera / P / P
Jesse Lieberman / P / P
Beata Safari / P / P
Brent Saferstein / P / P
3LE Senator / Justin Roxas / P / P
2L Senator / Mary Bessemer / P / P
Zachary Hansen / P / P
Max Mescall / P / P
AmeyaPendse / P / P
Daniel Roman / P / P
Logan Stagnitto / P / P
2LE Senator / Ahmad Aburas / A / P
Andrew Landman / A / A
Christopher Medina / P / P
1L Senator / Omar Debs / A / A
Andreas Diakos / A / A
Brooke Emery / P / P
Claire McSherry / P / P
MarjanMoussavian / P / P
Ali Thompson / P / P
1LE Senator / Robert Jenkin / P / P
Tamires Oliveira / A / P
Vanessa Pinto / P / P
No. Present: 20
Quorum: Yes / No. Present: 21
Organization / Start
Arab Law Student Association / A
Asian Pacific American Law Students Association / A
Black Law Student Association / A
Corporate Law Society / P
Criminal Law Society / A
Employment Law Forum / A
Entertainment and Sports Law Society / P
Environmental Law Society / A
Evening Student Forum / A
Family Law Society / P
Federalist Society / A
Health Law Forum / P
Intellectual Property Law Association / A
International Law Society / A
Irish American Student Law Society / P
Jewish Law Society / A
LAMBDA Law Alliance / A
Latin American Law Student Association / P
Muslim Law Students Association / A
Public Interest Network / A
Real Estate Law Association / A
Rodino Society / A
Sports Club / A
St. Thomas Moore / P
Student Animal Legal Defense Fund / A
Tax Law Society / A
Student Veteran’s Association / A
Women’s Law Forum / P
- Approval of November 20, 2016 Meeting Minutes
- Motion by Senator Roman
- Seconded, Motion passed with an abstention from Senator O’Hearn
a.Chelsea Ott, President
- Elections to fill vacant 3L spots
- Look for information from Ben Forrest for special elections
- President Ott encourages all to run for positions
- Informal Tax Department inquiry regarding whether Fed. Income Tax should be offered as 3 or 4 credit class
- Senator Lieberman suggests it should be for 4 credits
- Senator Stagnitto also says it should be 4 credits
- Cafeteria update
- Resolution was passed last meeting
- Menu will now be posted every week on an app – John Flannagan is on top of it
- Will be creating an app to be able to send email in with your order
- Class gift information
- For the class of 2017 – we are going to be having an event that if you have donated to the class gift you can go to a basketball (only if you donate!)
- Important Dates and Events:
Chinese New Year
January 30 at 4pm in the Student Lounge
He Said, She Said - Sponsored by Career Services
January 31 at 5pm in the 5th Floor Faculty Library– RSVP on Symplicity
Circuit Review and Legislative Journal Joint Symposium - Diversity and Inclusion: Shaping an Ethical Practice
February 15 - Free for students, but requires registration:
BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup
February 16 at 5pm in the Cafeteria
Women of Substance Banquet
February 16 (Tentative)
Courtroom Advocates Project (CAP) training
February 17 from 3-7pm
More details about training:
To learn more about CAP :
SBA Meeting
February 19 at 10am in Room 273
Hall v. GtownBBall Game: Seton Hall Law '17 Class Gift Night
February 28 at 6:30pm
Graduating students: Make a donation to the class gift and receive a free ticket to the SHU v. Georgetown Basketball game (first come, first serve basis). Make your donation:
Spring Break
March 6-10
BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup
March 16 at 5pm in the Cafeteria
SBA Meeting
March 19 at 10am in Room 273
Barristers Ball
March 31 at Maritime Park in Jersey City
SBA Meeting
April 2 at 10am in Room 273 (PLEASE NOTE REVISED MEETING DATE)
UVA Softball Tournament
April 8-9
Holy Thursday and Good Friday – NO CLASS
April 13 and 14
BYOD (Bring Your Own Dinner) Meetup
April 20 at 5pm in the Cafeteria
Reading Days
April 29-May 2
May 3-12
Commencement at NJPAC
May 25
b.Nicholas Falci, Vice President
- Mentor Program comments
- First event is tentatively Wednesday, February 8th
- Going to be same concept, day groups will go at one time and then the mix of day and evening students will go later
c.Nakicha Joseph, Evening Vice President
- Evening Student Panel
- Over the break there was a panel that was hugely successful – thank you to the senators that helped VP Joseph promote the event
- Encouraging all evening students to air their grievances with her
- Career Services
- More evening students should attend the career services events – it is on “us” (evening students) to attend the meetings
- But we can brainstorm new ideas, such as events for us, etc.
- Pirate Pride Day
- Thank you to everyone, including Senator Saferstein, who helped in the planning of the event – it was a success!
d.Jason Sumbaly, Treasurer
- Treasury Report
e.Joseph DiCarlo, Secretary
- Oops! Box
- It worked! We saved a laptop
- Attendance
- Please attend committee meetings
f.Sierra Kresin,Social Chair
- Barrister’s Ballis scheduled for March 31 at Maritime Parc in Jersey City
g.Timothy Gonzalez, Parliamentarian
- Rules report
- Really important to not only attend committee meetings but also to know your responsibilities on the committees as well
- Things move a lot faster and more efficiently when everyone knows their role and how to comply with the rules, bylaws, and constitution
a.Academics and Curriculum – Senator Dellera
- Applaud committee for coming to meetings
- GPA and Curve
- In talks with the administration
- Offering tax pass fail this semester?
- Concern that student grades come out really late, which is after the semester has started
- Heard reports of students that were withdrawn from employment consideration because their grades were taking way too long to come out and there were other schools/students that they could consider
- Committee will be looking into that
- Winter classes – may affect GPA and you don’t know whether you should take a class if grades are too late
- Lawyering survey – should be electronic rather than handwritten
- President Ott – know that this is an uphill battle, and the administration actually moved the deadline up this past fall, which was a big improvement
- Dean Forrest in Career Services has been an advocate for students on this front; knows that it affects job placement
- Senator Pendse – brought up student concern about pass v. high pass
- Senator Dellera will address
- Senator Hansen –concerned about the fairness with the Tax pass/fail situation this semester
- Senator Dellera – we are trying to work it out for you guys, will speak to administration
b.Career Opportunities – Senator Stagnitto
- Next meeting is this coming Tuesday
- Issue we are addressing with Career Services is budget for events
- More events will be coming up, and we will let people know
- A lot of our focus this semester will be about how students themselves should be taking charge outside of school and career services events to network and build their career opportunities\
- Trips, etc.
- Senator Safari – career services is really pushing the mock interview and mock networking events
- Senator Roxas – just to note, NJ Transit 25% tickets off for groups of 10 or more
c.Community Outreach – Senator Emery
- Doing outreach events with Newark High School and Newark PD to increase and strengthen relations
- Looking to do basketball game: students v. Newark PD
- Looking to work with Apostle’s House in Newark, a local shelter
d.Diversity – Senator Dawkins
- Will be doing a bake sale around Valentine’s Day
- Committee with be really pushing the diversity town hall event - attendance is important
e.Governance – Senator Roman
- Biggest project now is the bylaws and the election process
- Also, may change the money limit you can spend
- President Ott – some of the very strict rules in the elections may be changed so that candidates aren’t running “in fear”
- Senator Saferstein – why are we increasing the committee to six?
- President Ott – continuity and strength in the committee
f.Facilities – Senator Pendse
- Changing room is done! – Its in the Café Deni area
- STEPS: Go to security, get the key, change, and give it back
- Senator Pendse will send out the changing room information in an email
- Active Shooter Drill – bringing it to the SBA for input on whether to bring it to the administration
- General consensus is to not have a drill (different senators)
- President Ott – there are other things we can do besides a drill that may be better: info sessions, youtube videos, session during orientation
g.Pirate Pride – Senator Saferstein
- Thank you for coming, it was a success!
- Special thanks to VP Joseph and Dean Marable
- Mercato was great, just may do some initial searches to see if we can lower price
- But we like Mercato, and we can try and use leverage to love the price
a.Seton Hall Law Elections Committee Bylaws amendment to increase the committee size to six members (page 3 of attached bylaws)
b.Appointment of Brian Kloeblen, 2L, to Facilities Committee
c.Confirmation of Erica Parlavecchio, 2L, to the SBA Elections Committee to the agenda for tomorrow.
a.Seton Hall Law Elections Committee Bylaws amendment to increase the committee size to six members (page 3 of attached bylaws)
- Motion made to approve, seconded, passed
b.Appointment of Brian Kloeblen, 2L, to Facilities Committee
- Motion to approve from Senator Delleara, Seconded by Senator Mescall, motion passes – appointed
c.Confirmation of Erica Parlavecchio, 2L, to the SBA Elections Committee to the agenda for tomorrow.
- Motion to approve from Senator Dellera, Seconded by Senator Mescall, motion passes - confirmed
a.President Ott - Recognitions
- Dean Marable for being awesome
- Pirate Pride Day
- Father Nick for Night of Lights
- Diversity Day was a huge success, even in the snow
- Community Outreach for doing a great job with the drive
- Class of 2017 Gift – pleas make sure to donate
b.Senator Roman – Senator Roman is now the president of the Democrat club
c.VP Falci – thank you to President Ott for all of her heard work with ugly sweater day
d.Senator Pendse – thank you to all who helped with changing room
e.Senator Mescall – lexis program for training and money: speak to him about it
f.VP Joseph – thank you to the evening students for coming out to the Evening Student Panel
g.Secretary DiCarlo – congrats to the 1Ls for completing your first set of law school exams
h.Ms. Tassi – I am running for 3LE senator
i.Rachel Friedman (Public Interest) – Robert Cover retreat: March 3-6 (Spring Break)
j.LALSA – having first general body meeting on February 3rd and Diversity Banquet on March 15th
a.Motion to Adjourn, Senator Dellera, Motion Passes – 11:00am