Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago
Hispanic Advisory Board
Duties and Responsibilities
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metropolitan Chicago’s Hispanic Advisory Board will consist of respected and accomplished leaders in the areas of government, business, media relations, social services, etc. Representation from current and alumni big brothers and big sisters, alumni littles and/or their families will also be included.
The advisory board will assist BBBSMC in advancing its efforts of serving the Hispanic/Latino population in its service area of Cook and DuPage Counties.
Advisory Board Responsibilities…
The BBBSMC Hispanic Advisory Board is expected to commit time, influence and energy in furthering the work of the agency’s Hispanic Mentoring Initiative.
Specific responsibilities include…
· Provide guidance to BBBSMC’s leadership in order to ensure that the strategic plan of the organization includes the needs of the Latino population and strategies for meeting such
· Provide feedback on emerging and best practices within the Latino population
· Recommend direction and methods for outreaching to and serving the Latino population
· Provide guidance and support in identifying and leveraging potential partnerships and resources that will supplement the HMI efforts
· Become informed about the organization's mission, vision, values and programming in order to better service in the capacity of advisory board member
· Attend quarterly Hispanic Advisory Board meetings
Proposed Outcome:
The experience and input of the membership of the Hispanic Advisory Board will provide the needed guidance to ensure quality, culturally and linguistically appropriate mentoring services to the Hispanic/Latino community. In addition, the advisory board will assist BBBSMC in shaping and prioritizing its future direction around service to the Hispanic/Latino population.