Recall: Describe a flame.
Analysis: Explain what could make any flame burn more brightly.
Evaluation: List, by order of effectiveness, the various methods of putting out large flames (fires).
Synthesis: Design a new method for teaching a toddler to avoid touching a flame.
Creativity: Describe a loved one using the word ‘flame.’
Recall: List the qualities of an “A” student.
Analysis: Why are grades important? Why should students strive for them?
Evaluation: Compare students who get high grades with students who get low grades.
Synthesis: Design a new grading system that does not use the traditional grades A-F (or numbers 0-100).
Creativity: What new technology could help students get higher grades? How?
Recall: What is government?
Analysis: Explain what a strong government needs to run effectively.
Evaluation: Name the top 5 most effective qualities of our government.
Synthesis: Based on your knowledge of history and governments, build a government that is unlike any other before (monarchy, democracy, dictatorship, etc.).
Creativity: How is a family like a government?