Lay Representationfor redesign sub-groups
1.1The purpose of the Musculo-skeletal (MSK) Pathway Improvement Group is develop options for proposed pathway enhancements for patients with hip and knee osteoarthritis within the scope of the Pathways work stream of the Shaping our Future plan.
1.2In keeping with our commitment to promote lay involvement in the Shaping our Future work programme,members of the MSK Pathway Improvement groupare keen to invite ‘experts by experience and/or geography’ from the local community to join them in their work.
1.3The role of the lay representative on the MSK Pathway Improvement group is to promote the viewpoint of the general public and those who use related services, such as physiotherapy and hospital orthopaedic services so this informs the development of transformation options. In order to achieve this, lay representatives on the MSK Pathway Improvement group need to be prepared to put personal and organisational affiliations to one side, and not to lobby or advocate for a particular interest or group. Rather, their role is to help ensure that local views are sought on particular topics, as directed by the MSK Pathway Improvement Group. Members are expected to operate in such a way as to ensure that views and recommendations are clear, reasonable, and if necessary, would stand up to external scrutiny.
2.Role specification
2.1To attend and contribute to the specific pathway meetings (or teleconferences/E-forums) of the MSK Pathway Improvement Group. Meetings will typically last for no more than 2 hours.
2.2To be able to set aside some time to prepare for each MSK Pathway Improvement Group meeting by reading and discussing the agenda and any accompanying papers with the work stream lead before any meetings to familiarise themselves with the information and enable them to have meaningful discussions at meetings;
2.3To canvas wider opinion from the peoplethat lay members have been selected to representwhen needed;
2.4To be aware of the confidential, and possibly contentious, nature of discussions and to ensure information is only shared with outside organisations or individuals on the agreement of the MSK Pathway Improvement Group.
2.5To participate in an initial induction meeting with Judith Laity the Business Case Lead, Paul Abram and/ orTamsyn Jones who are work stream leads on the MSK Pathway Improvement Group to determine whether applicants are still interested in the role and identify any support they would like to enable this.
2.6To participate in an annual reviewof the outcomes of the MSK Pathway Improvement Group and to discuss with the work stream lead (or SoF’s Head of Engagement if they prefer) whether they would like to extend their involvement for another year.
2.7To be an associate member of the Shaping Our Future CitizenAdvisory Panel (Terms of Reference for this group are attached).
3.Tenure of appointment
3.1The appointment will be initially for a period of one year, subject to mutual agreement following the initial review meeting, with the possibility of a one year extension following an annual review with the senior responsible owner (SRO – work stream lead) or Head of Engagement.
3.2The reviewmeetings are an opportunity for lay members to talk to the SRO about how things are going; to raise any concerns they may have; to make suggestions for how meetings could be improved; or to identify any training needs they might have so that this information can be fed back to the Head of Stakeholder Engagement to help develop the support that is provided to lay members in future. It is also an opportunity for the SRO to give feedback to laymembers on their contribution, and to discuss plans for the year ahead. Lay members have the choice of having their review meeting with the Head of Stakeholder Engagement should they prefer.
4.Person specification
4.1Lay members must:
Be a current or past user of services related hip or knee pain(have had a hip or knee replacement and associated surgery)or a representative of a relevant patient support group (national or regional);
Be able to take a balanced approach to discussions about hip and knee pain and the pathway to hip/knee replacement;
Be committed to working collaboratively with their fellow group members;
Be sufficiently confident and assertiveto participate fully in multi-professional meetings;
Commit to attend and prepare for MSK Pathway Improvement meetings;
Be confident of their abilities to prepare for meetings (with support from the work stream lead), which will often feature complex medical, financial and commissioning information.
Be willing to seek support and advice to enable them to carry out their role effectively.
Additional support is available from the Head of Engagement to support lay members to meet any specific needs people may have.