Columbia SloughWatershed Council
2015 Award Nomination Form
Dear Community Members,
The Columbia Slough Watershed Council works to “foster action to protect, enhance, restore, and revitalize the Columbia Slough and its watershed.” The Council achieves its mission through strong partnerships and collaborative action. Each year the most outstanding accomplishments are recognized at the Columbia Slough Watershed Council’s Annual Slough Celebration Gala.The Celebration Galarecognizes individuals, groups, organizationsand projects that have made extraordinary contributions to protect, enhance, restore, and revitalize the Columbia Slough and itswatershed.
The Council is pleased to announce a call for nominations for both Leadership and Achievement Awards. Potential nominations might include the following: watershed restoration projects, education and/or outreach projects, grassroots and/or neighborhood association watershed projects, implementation of watershed-wise best management practices, individuals with a strong commitment to the watershed and other volunteer activities.
Award Categories(see nomination forms for specific criteria)
- Leadership: Extraordinary and long-term individual commitments to the watershed
- Achievement:Extraordinary projects or project-related efforts.
Nominations can be made by anyone and must be submittedby Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 4 pm.
Nominator responsibilities
If your nominee is selected for an award, you are responsible for the formal presentation of the nominee’s accomplishments at the Slough Celebration on Friday, February 5, 2016. You may make this presentation yourself or secure another person to give the presentation. You will have a maximum of two minutes for this presentation and the nominee will have one minute to accept the award. If you wish, you can also work with Council staff and volunteers on the informal-fun video presentation. If your nominee is selected for an award you will be contacted by the Council about the specifics of the presentation.
Who is eligible for an award: Any person, group, organization or project in the Columbia Slough Watershed
Who can nominate: Anyone
How: Fill out the form provided or submit the requested information in an email
Nominations Deadline: Thursday, November 19, 2015 at 4 pm
Submit to:ColumbiaSlough Watershed Council, Awards Committee
7040 NE 47th Ave.
Portland, OR97218
Or email:
Past Award Recipients
2014 Award Winners
- Randy Belston-Water Pollution Control Lab-BES
- Colwood Property Project-Don Goldberg-Trust for Public Land
- Mason Flats Stormwater-Wetland Restoration-City of Portland
2013 Award Winners
- Corky Collier-Columbia Corridor Association
- Jeff Locke-Friends of Smith and Bybee
- Recology-Stormwater Treatment Facility
- Jeremy Aasum-Graphic Designer-website
2012 Award Winners
- Rex Burkholder, Metro Councilor
- Toby Query, City of Portland-Ecologist
- City of Gresham-Columbia Slough Water Quality Facility
- Elena Mark-Portland Public Schools
- Port of Portland-PDX Deicing System
- KatyWeil-Metro-Smith and Bybee
2011 Award Winners
- Megan Hanson, City of Portland, Clean Rivers Education
- Verde
- David Kennedy, Architect
- Natural Area Land Acquisition-Shannah Anderson, Deb Lev, Leif Anderson, & Hillary Wilton
- Jamie Stamberger, City of Gresham
2010 Award Winners
- Rebecca Geisen, Portland Water Bureau
- City of Portland Terrestrial Ecology and Enhancement Strategy
- Sue Bielke- Turtle Research and Conservation
- Bruce Gilles-DEQ Settlement Process
- ODFW & BES-Lower Columbia Slough Fish Study
2009 Award Winners
- Aloft Portland Airport at Cascade Station
- Ken Finney, BES
- Wildlife Studies: Katie Holzer, David Kennedy, Julian Lawrence
- Lee Dayfield, Nadaka Park
2008 Award Winners
- James Davis, Metro, Environmental Education
- Portland International Airport Wildlife Hazard Management Program, Innovative Wildlife Management
- Fairview Creek Water Quality Facility, City of Gresham, Floodplain Restoration
- Harbor Oil Superfund Community Advisory Group
- Keelin Sanger, Reynolds Middle School
2007 Award Winners
- Erwin Bergman, Neighborhood Advocate
- Richard and Gyrid Towle, Columbia Children’s Arboretum
- City of Gresham-Keri Handaly & Kris Rein, Fairview Creek Burnside to Stark Restoration Project
- Rose Sandy & Jeff Walker, Multnomah Youth Cooperative
- Ken Barker & Jerry Lanz, Northwest Discoveries
- New Columbia-Housing Authority of Portland, Steve Fancher, & KPFF Consulting Engineers
2006 Award Winners
- Lynn Barlow, Watershed Revegetation Program
- Gregg Everhart, Trails Planning and Development
- Chris Scarzello, Environmental Code Improvement Process
- Ducks Unlimited, Fish Monitoring Program, Cyndi Baker
- Measure 26-80-Campaign for Natural Areas, Parks and Streams
- The Boeing Company, Land Donation
2005Award Winners
- Jeff Adams, Aquatic Programs Director, Xerces Society
- Al Smith, Chair, Pacific Northwest Freshwater Mussel Workgroup
- Ry Thompson, Environmental Planner, City of Portland
- Bob Dolphin, Treasurer, Columbia Slough Watershed Council
- Linda Robinson, Neighborhood Advocate
- Bob Sallinger, Conservation Director, Audubon Portland
2004 Award Winners
- Nancy Hendrickson, Watershed Manager, City of Portland
- Matt Moule, Science Teacher, Whitaker Middle School
- Jay Mower, Urban Watershed Advocate
- Denise Rennis, Natural Resources Project Mgr, Port of Portland
- Amanda Briles, Eyes on the Slough Volunteer
- FlorenceRon Bunn, Jerome Duletzke, PPR, Bunn Property
- Ducks Unlimited & Jim Morgan, Smith and Bybee Lakes Water Control Structure
- Matt Weatherly, Volunteer Grantwriter
2003 Award Winners
- Kathi Futornick, Columbia Slough Watershed Action Plan
- Dave Masunaga, George Middle School
- Bruce McClelland, Multnomah County Drainage District #1
- Paul Trone, Volunteer, Columbia Slough Watershed Council
- Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office
- Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc & Microchip Technology Inc.
- Friends of Blue Heron Wetlands
- Urban Forestry Canopy Study, Joe Poracsky & Mike Lackner
- Multnomah County “Big Year” Bird Study, Ian Tomlinson & John Fitchen
- Wellhead Protection Guidelines, Business, Industry & City Working Group
2002 Award Winners
- Dave Hendricks, Operations Manager, MCDD
- Kenton Elementary School Teachers: Susan Price, Kathy Rodgers, Amy Sands, and Andrew Jacquiss
- Friends of Trees, Neighborhood Trees Program
- Dorothy Sperry, Port of Portland
- Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe, Regatta Support
- American Honda Company, Inc.
- Columbia Slough 1135 Ecosystem Restoration Project
- Explorando el Columbia Slough, Fernando Velez
2001 Award Winners
- Donna Hempstead
- Linda Robinson
- David Eatwell
- Open Meadow CRUE Program
- Leslie Winter-Gorsline, City of Portland BES
- Julie Howland, Portland Public Schools
- Port of Portland - Vanport Wetlands Project
- Center for Columbia River History, Community History
2000 Award Winners
- Troy Clark, Friends of Smith & Bybee Lakes
- Jennifer Devlin Educator, City of Portland, BES
- Mike Houck, Audubon Society of Portland
- Anne Nickel, former Executive Director of CCA
- John Bentley, Skyport Properties
- Jane Graybill, Citizen Activist
- Ned Hayes, Donor, Whitaker Ponds Natural Area
- Mike Hess, Teacher at Parkrose High School
1999 Award Winners
- Susan Barthel, City of Portland BES
- Alice Blatt, Citizen Extraordinaire
- George Kral, City of Portland Revegetation Program
- Dennis Sivers, D.W. Sivers Company
- Mary Abrams
- Howard and Carol Brandwein
- MCDD Employees
- Emily Roth
- Doug Saulter, Portsmouth Middle School
- Simpson Timber
- Gail Weatherby, Portsmouth/Gregory Heights Middle Schools
- Marv Welt, Northwest Steelheaders
1998 Award Winners
- Chuck Harrison, The Halton Company
- Steve Cameron, LWO Corporation
- Tim Hayford, MCDD
- Jim Pierce, Atlas Copco Wagner Inc.
Columbia Slough Watershed Council Award Nomination Form
Nominee or Project Name______
Affiliation (if any) ______
Address______City ______Zip______
Phone ______Email______
Nominator Name______
Affiliation (if any) ______
Address______City ______Zip ______
Phone ______Email______
Each nomination will be evaluated based on these specific criteria. Be sure to include information such as the location, the specific action items addressed, the number of participants and benefits to the public and watershed. Please submit an individual form for each nominee.Attach additional pagesas necessary.
Leadership: Please describe in detail how the nominees’ activities or project achieved the four specific award evaluation criteria below. Leadership Awardevaluation criteria:
- Nominee has made an extraordinary contribution to the Columbia Slough Watershed related to the Council’s mission.
- Nominee demonstrated an ability to lead,motivate and inspire others to accomplish a Columbia Slough Watershed goal or objective.
- Nominee is recognized by others for being dedicated to accomplishing projects and /or promoting the Watershed Council and its programs, events and activities.
- Results of the nominee’s program, project or activity completed one or more of the top-priority and high–priority projects in the Council’s Action Plan.
Achievement: Please describe in detail how the nominees’ activities or project achieved the four specific award evaluation criteria below. Achievement Awardevaluation criteria:
- Nominee delivered an outstanding contribution to the Columbia Slough Watershed through accomplishing a single project or an ongoing project over a period of time.
- Nominee demonstrated creativity andinitiative and persistence while working to coordinate or champion a program, project, or activity that improved the Columbia Slough Watershed.
- The nominee’s program, project or activity resulted in measurable improvement in one of the six action plan categories: restoration and enhancement; water quality and quantity; resource collection; outreach and education; monitoring; and recreation.
- Results of the nominee’s program, project or activity completed one or more of the top-priority and high–priority projects in the Council’s Action Plan.