Equality Update September 2016

Translink consultation on draft of revised Disability Action PlanHERE

Department for Infrastructure consultation HERE

Department of Communities public appointment competion to Arts Council NI HERE

Department for the Economy to appoint a new Chairperson to the Board of the Health & Safety Executive HERE

NICS Human Resources - Standards of Conduct - Private Occupations policy Equality ScreeningHERE

Northern Ireland Executive Delivering Social Change - Stakeholder Update - August 2016HERE

Imtac has launched a recruitment process for newmembers, application packs HERE

Department of Education Equality Screening of Investing in the Teaching Workforce HERE

See also Appendix 1. There have been numerous emails received by the Equality Coalition which I have copied for your attention. These are;

Invite from NICEM to attend the Panel discussion with the Chair of the UN Committee on Racial Discrimination.

Education Authority (EA) commences development of its first Strategic Plan

Invitation from CiNI to Toxic Childhood Conference

Department for Infrastructure – Notice of Policies Screened out – Section 75


Dear colleagues

We would like to invite you to attend the Panel discussion with the Chair of the UN Committee on Racial Discrimiantion, Ms. Anastasia Crickley, on the recent Conclusion Observations of the UK State Report. The event is on Monday, 12 September 2016 at 12pm for 12:30pm at Room 115 of the Parliament Buildings. The event is sponsored by Claire Hanna, MLA.

The Panel members include the Chief Commissioner of the NI Human Rights Commission, Les Allamby, and the Chief Commissioner of the Equality Commission for NI, Michael Wardlow. The UN Committee on Racial Discrimination examined the UK State Report on the first week of August and published the Conclusion Observations last Friday. I enclosed the invitation and reply slip for your action as well as the Conclusion Observations for your information.

Should you need further assistance, please do not hesitate contact me for details. Apology for any cross mail.


Patrick Yu
Executive Director
Northern Ireland Council for EthnicMinorities
127-131 Ormeau Road, 1/F
Northern Ireland
Tel: +44 (0)28 9023 8645
Fax: +44 (0)28 9031 9485
Mobile: +44 (0)7710 767235

Dear Consultees,

Education Authority (EA) commences development of its first Strategic Plan

The Chair of the Education Authority, Sharon O’Connor, has launched the development phase of the first Strategic Plan for the Authority.

Since it was established in April 2015, the Authority has been delivering a very significant program of change. The EA Board and Senior Management Team continues to progress transformational change throughout the Authority as new structures, strategies, policies, and processes are established to build a system which aims to provide an outstanding education for every child.

The financial situation creates significant challenges for the Authority as demand for our services continues to grow at a time when budgets are reducing. We can no longer continue to provide all of the same services in the same ways. As a result, difficult decisions and choices will have to be made but our focus, as always, will be on the young people whose lives are directly or indirectly affected by the services we provide.

The EA must now develop a plan which strives to ensure that its services are transformed in a way which delivers a strong, resilient, world class education system.

The Strategic Plan must identify the direction in which the EA is moving: creating an agreed mission, making clear recommendations for moving from the current position to the future vision, and underpinned by a set of values and behaviours which help deliver a culture of excellence. The EA endeavours to develop a Plan that is innovative and forward looking, has considered the views and suggestions of stakeholders, appeals to people at all levels, and sets out significant focus and direction which provides an excellent framework for good practice. The Plan will aim to communicate what we will do in our first years of operation to achieve key goals and deliver high quality services to our customers.

The Plan will be developed in the context of the wider NI Executive’s Programme for Government 2016-2021, recognising the need to work across boundaries, organisations, groups, and communities for the common good. The EA in all its activities will endeavour to support the Programme for Government in improving educational outcomes; reducing educational inequality; and improving the quality of education and the skills profile of the population. The EA will also endeavour to contribute to achievement of wider societal targets in health, culture, economy and welfare.

To this end, throughout the coming months we will engage in a widespread consultation process with schools, government departments, Board members, staff, general public, children and young people and other stakeholders, with the aim of ascertaining and discussing their views and aspirations. We believe that the outcomes of this engagement will be paramount in developing a strategic direction for the EA which will identify and reflect the needs of all stakeholders, and create a shared vision for the future of education across Northern Ireland.

Kind regards


Teresa Connolly

Research and Support Officer

Regional Equality Unit (interim)

Central Management Support Unit (CMSU)

Education Authority, Southern Region | 3 Charlemont Place | The Mall | Armagh BT61 9AX

028 3751 2222 | : |

Toxic Childhood Conference
20th October, 2016
9.30am - 1.00pm
Craigavon Civic Centre
This conference has arisen from the concerns that have been discussed as a common theme across five of the Southern Area Locality planning meetings over the last year - how children and parents are addicted to modern day technology and unhealthy food, the effects that these have on both the child and the parent; parent child relationship, children’s behaviour, schooling, child development, dental treatment required and modern day to day family life.
Some of the speakers include:
  • Dr Glenda Margaret Walsh, Principal Lecturer in Early Childhood EducationStranmillis Collegeon How Modern Day Family Life has Changed.
  • Bridin McKenna, Director and Psychotherapist from Life Therapies Clinic on Mood and Food.
  • Jason Gonzalez,Business Leader, Organisational Development Practitioner and Mindfulness Specialist. He will be discussing What Tech Does to You.
  • Dr Ann O'Hanlon, Psychologist, Author and CBT Therapist will be discussing CBT techniques.
To book a space or find out more about the event please contact:
Julie Bolton, Southern Area Locality Planning Worker at


Dear: Sir/ Madam
During 1 April 2016 – 31 August 2016 the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) completed Section 75 screening analysis reports on the policies listed in the table below. These have been screened out for likely impact on equality of opportunity and good relations. The reports can be accessed via the links provided in this table:
Policy / Web Link / Published
Small Grants Programme for Greenways / / 31/8/16
Maximum Authorised Dimensions in National and International Traffic and the Maximum authorised Weights in International Traffic / / 23/8/16
Water Commencement Order No 4 / / 29/7/16
Railways (Safety Management (Amendment) Regs (NI) 2016 / / 27/7/16
Public Passenger Transport (Service Agreements And Service Permits) Regs (Ni) 2015 / / 25/7/16
Strategic Plan for Greenways in Northern Ireland / / 22/7/16
Donaghadee Harbour / / 13/6/16
Budget 2016/2017 / / 08/6/16
Concessionary Fares Scheme / / 08/6/16
Accessible Transport Strategy 2025– republished to reflect comments received during consultation / / 27/5/16
Measures to tackle drink driving / / 23/5/16
Note: The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) was established on 9 May 2016, however some of the screenings listed refer to work carried out within the former Department for Regional Development, and Department of the Environment as some, or all, of their functions transferred to this Department.
To find out about the Department’s functions which may be relevant to your organisation, please look at our website which can be accessed at this link
Can you let the Equality Unit know if you:
require a hard copy of any screening form.
require an accessible/alternative format.
wish to update your / organisations contact details#.
no longer wish to receive our emails and would like to be removed from our consultee list.
The Unit’s contact details are:
Department for Infrastructure, Equality Unit, Room 413E, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, BELFAST, BT2 8GB
Telephone: 02890 540 934 (text relay prefix 18001)
Fax: 02890 540 064
As I have used an amalgamation of the two former Department’s Section 75 Consultee lists some organisations will be receiving this more than once. Can you please advise Debbie which is the best email address to use to prevent overloading you.
Your views are important to the Department, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Gabrielle Kerr
Equality & Emergency Planning Unit
Phone:02890 5 40 824 (text relay prefix 18001)/ 02890 792 021 (Wednesdays only).
Department for Infrastructure, Room 413E, Clarence Court, 10-18 Adelaide Street, BELFAST, BT2 8GB