
Youth Report

MYCommonwealth National and Regional Directors May 2012

MYCommonwealth is the single source for the views of Canadian youth on Commonwealth issues. Since establishing this organization in May 2012 at the MYCommonwealth Conference, we have been working hard towards our mandate of representing all Canadian youth in Canada and the Commonwealth in a way that is democratic, accountable and transparent to our members. We are pleased with the progress that has been made since.

We have conducted a national consultation that dealt with Commonwealth reform and the proposed Charter; we held a mock CHOGM with the Model United Nations Society at Carleton University in Ottawa; our members appeared before a Senate Standing Committee for Foreign Affairs and International Trade to share their views on the proposed Commonwealth Charter; we have been endorsed by Senator Hugh Segal - Special Envoy for the Commonwealth in Canada and a member of the Eminent Persons Group- as the, “logical body to represent young people and their views within the Canadian Commonwealth going forward”; and in January 2013 we established three new Executive positions to support the exciting new growth of MYCommonwealth: Director of Communications, Social Media Coordinator, and Director of Projects and Planning. Together, along with our Regional Directors representing all areas of Canada, we are working to promote our purpose across Canada, our Caribbean region and the greater Commonwealth.

Below is our mission statement, excerpts from our national consultation on Commonwealth Reform and excerpts from the letter we received from Senator Segal.

Mission Statement

MYCommonwealth is youth run and led. Through our governing structure of two National Directors, three Executives and Regional Directors representing all areas of Canada, MYCommonwealth connects with Canadian youth to consolidate and represent their views on Commonwealth issues. MYCommonwealth also actively engages in public education campaigns and liaises with the Canadian Government, the Commonwealth Youth Programme and our counterparts in the Caribbean in order to ensure that the voice of Canadian youth on Commonwealth issues is being heard.

Consultations on the Eminent Persons Group Report

The Eminent Persons Group Report and its 106 recommendations are crucial in making the Commonwealth relevant now and into the future. MYCommonwealth feels that there is no better time than now, leading up to the Foreign Ministers meeting in New York, to talk to young Canadians about the three very important recommendations:

1.  A proposed Commonwealth charter;

48.  The creation of a Commonwealth Youth Corps;

52.  That every Commonwealth country should have a national mechanism to represent youth.

Using an online survey distributed through our email list, Twitter and Facebook groups we collected responses from all Canadian provinces.

Recommendation 1 Commonwealth Charter:

Our consultation questions on the Commonwealth charter were designed to test the respondent’s knowledge of the EPG and the proposed Charter. We found overwhelming support for the creation of a Commonwealth Charter.

Through our consultations we learned that less than half of the respondents were aware of the EPG report and while only a third had heard of the draft Commonwealth Charter. The majority believed that the Commonwealth should adopt a Charter.

Recommendation 48 Commonwealth Youth Corps:

Overwhelmingly, respondents supported the creation of a Commonwealth Youth Core ‘CYC’ and noted that they would be interested in participating in such a program if it existed.

Young people felt that a CYC would impact Canadians through professional development of participants, Commonwealth promotion and understanding in Canada, sharing ideas, skills and knowledge, promoting Canada and Commonwealth values, connecting cultures, understanding and in giving young Canadians and Canada a stronger voice internationally.

Recommendation 52National Youth Mechanisms:

Again, the majority of the youth surveyed believed that all Commonwealth countries, including Canada, should have a national mechanism such as a national youth council.

Nearly half were surprised and upset to learn that Canada has no such mechanism currently and most felt that it is a necessary part of Canadian democracy to have a representative body for young people. When asked if the recommendation for all Commonwealth countries to have a national youth mechanism was to be adopted and the Canadian government did not create a national youth representative body, would they support a national Commonwealth council created instead or in addition to such a body, most agreed.

Excerpts Senator Segal’s Endorsement Letter

“I have met, on numerous occasions, with the representatives of MYCommonwealth. They are dedicated, hard-working young people with a view to promoting the values and principles of the Commonwealth. And, as 60% of all Commonwealth citizens are under the age of 30, such an organization is far-reaching and is able to impact young lives in a significant and meaningful way.”

“As Canada’s Special Envoy to the Commonwealth, I heartily endorse MYCommonwealth as the logical body to represent young people and their views within the Canadian Commonwealth going forward. Reaching out to young people within an international organization that encompasses 2.2 billion people worldwide is the only way for the Commonwealth of Nations to remain a vibrant and relevant organization for the 21st century.”

In term of meetings attended through the CYP, we were fortunate enough to attend the 2011 CHOGM in Perth, Western Australia where we accredit most of our inspiration to creating MYCommonwealth.

Best Regards,

Fawzi Ghosn and Alicia Swinamer

Co-founders/National Directors
