Plainfield High School
Course Syllabus
Course: CP Probability and Statistics
Teacher: Miss Harrington
Phone: (860)564-6422
Plainfield High School Mission Statement:
The mission of Plainfield High School is to promote academic excellence and personal development. In conjunction with rigorous instruction and high expectations, we will work collaboratively with families and the community for our students to develop skills necessary to succeed in college or career choice, challenging them to become lifelong learners and responsible, productive citizens.
Mathematics Academic Expectations (AE):
Students at Plainfield High School will:
· AE2: Use technology and other sources to gather, analyze, interpret and synthesize information effectively.
· AE3: Demonstrate problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Mathematics Social Expectations (SE):
Students at Plainfield High School will:
· SE2: Demonstrate punctuality, preparedness and engagement in school activities.
Course Description:
This course will focus on investigating and solving relevant statistical and probability experiments by collecting, displaying and analyzing data in various forms. Students will learn the relevancy of how statistics and probability can be applied to real world situations.
Course Objectives:
Students will be able to collect, organize and display data using appropriate statistical and graphical methods. Students will be able to analyze data sets to form hypotheses and make predictions and students will be able to understand and apply basic concepts of probability.
Elementary Statistics: Bluman
Required Materials:
Every day it is required that students bring these items to class: a textbook, binder with lined paper,
pen/pencil, calculator, and agenda
Assignment Overview:
· Chapter 1: The Nature of Probability and Statistics
· Chapter 2: Frequency Distribution and Graphs
· Chapter 3: Data Description
· Chapter 4: Probability
· Chapter 5: Discrete Probability Distributions
· Chapter 6: The Normal Distribution
· Chapter 7: Confidence Intervals and Sample Size
· Chapter 8: Hypothesis Testing
Students are expected to be respectful in the classroom. In order for students to be respectful they must:
· Come to class on time
-If you are late to class you will have an after school detention
· Be prepared for class
-Every day that you are not prepared you lose points from you participation grade
· Talk only when it is appropriate
-Raise your hand if you have a question or want to give an answer
-If you are talking while the teachers is talking you may be given a pop quiz or assigned a detention
· Turn off all electronic devices (iPods, cell phones, etc.)
-If the teacher sees them they will be taken.
· Be respectful of others in the classroom
-Any negative comments towards another student will lead to a detention and possible removal from the class
· There will be a daily warm up in your “mailbox” that is expected to be completed at the beginning of class in a timely manner
· Homework will be nearly daily and is expected to be completed on time. When students are absent, they will be given the amount of time they are absent to complete their missing assignments.
· Late homework will be accepted until the chapter it is in is complete and will be given half credit.
· Any student whose grade falls below a 70% will receive a call home warning of in danger of failing. (students will be warned before this call is made)
In order to receive respect you need to give respect.
· If you are absent from school it is your responsibility to make up the work. Being absent does not excuse you from the material. If it appears on a test or quiz you are responsible to know the material. I will not chase you to make up test and quizzes from when you were absent. Make-up work will be in the while you were out folder so there is no excuse.
· When a student is absent 7 or more times from class in any semester, he/she will receive a 10 point reduction in grade.
· Quizzes: 25%
· Tests: 40%
· Homework: 20%
· Class Work: 15%
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