


The name of the organization shall be Sheppard Enlisted Spouses Club and hereafter shall be referred to as SESC. This private organization will be operated on Sheppard AFB pursuant to the provisions of AFI 34-223. The organization shall be self-sustaining and is not an instrumentality of the United States Government. It operates on a military base only with the consent of the installation commander. Operation is contingent on compliance with the requirements and conditions of all applicable Air Force regulations.



The SESC is a two-part organization.

  1. The social & recreational part is a private, nonprofit organization, which is organized in compliance with Section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and operates to promote social, recreational and other similar nonprofit activities for its members. Hereafter referred to as the SESC-S & R.
  2. The scholarship & charitable part of this organization is a private, nonprofit organization that is organized in compliance with Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS and is organized exclusively for scholarships, non-profit organizations, and other persons or groups in furtherance of charitable or educational purposes. Hereafter referred to as SESC-S & C.



  1. The membership may be liable under the laws of the State of Texas for organizational

debts or liabilities in the event the organization’s assets are insufficient to discharge


B. Membership and related action based upon race, religion, color, sex, age or nationalorigin is


C. Membership in the SESC is open to:

  1. Spouses or significant other of Active Duty Enlisted personnel assigned to the 82nd TRW/80th FTW, either as permanent party or spouses of students in training.
  2. Enlisted spouses residing in the immediate vicinity of Sheppard AFB while their spouse is on duty elsewhere.
  3. Spouses of a retired enlisted member.
  4. Widow/widower of enlisted members who have full military privileges.
  5. Spouses of foreign enlisted members assigned to Sheppard AFB.
  6. An adult family member other than a spouse of an Active Duty, or retired member, who holds a dependent ID card.
  1. Individuals may apply for membership bycompleting a membership form and paying proper dues. The membership form can be found on the SESC website. Membership form and dues can be mailed to SESC mailbox or provided at a monthly meeting.
  2. Continuing membership is based uponannualenrollment commencing May 30, 2015.
  3. Membership in the organization can be terminated by resignation or by notification/disciplinary action by:
  4. Upon permanent departure from the vicinity.
  5. Upon written resignation to the Membership Chair.
  6. By the Governing Board with a quorum approval vote by the Executive Board for activities involving discreditable conduct.
  7. For failure to pay dues for three consecutive months or for two unpaid functions, after proper notification.

G. Reinstatement for membership can be accomplished by applying in writing to the Membership Chair for reinstatement and tender payment of all accrued delinquent dues. The letter will be presented for the Governing Board’s approval.



  1. The Governing Board, which is composed of the elected officers and an advisory group, governs the SESC.
  2. The elected officers are President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
  3. The advisory group consists of the spouse of the 82 TRW CC and the spouse of the 80 FTW CC or their representative. The President may appoint additional advisors as necessary.
  4. The duties of the elected officers are outlined in the Bylaws and individual job descriptions.



  1. General Membership meetings shall be held as provided by the Bylaws, but in no event shall there be less than one meeting in any three-month period. A quorum at a general membership meeting is the number of members in attendance. A simple majority, fifty-one percent (51%) of those present is sufficient to pass a motion.
  2. Board Meetings shall be held as provided by the Bylaws, but in no event shall there be less than one meeting in any three-month period. A quorum at a board meeting is a simple majority, fifty-one percent (51%) of the board members present. Proxies, phone votes and e-mail votes may be used as designated by the Bylaws.
  3. Elections shall be held annually at a business meeting of the general membership as designated by the Bylaws.




  1. The president shall be responsible to insure the club’s constitution and authorization is reviewed annually (during the month of January) and is consistent with Air Force policies as amended.
  2. The President/Treasurer shall establish a system for the protection of club assets and insure the liabilities do not exceed its income.
  3. Members do not have proprietary rights in the club’s assets and income will not accrue to individuals except through wages or salaries for employees of that private organization.
  4. The Secretary will forward one copy of all official minutes and financial reports to the
  5. Chief, Resource Management Flight, 82 FSS/FSR.
  6. Liability insurance providing coverage against personal injury and property damage and indemnifying the U.S. Government and Sheppard AFB will be purchased.
  7. The President will ensure all members are aware that financial liability incurred by the
  8. Organization may ultimately result in individuals’ personal financial responsibility if the organization fails to discharge its obligations, even though the organization may have been re-designated or dissolved.



The Thrift Shop shall be run by a governing body known as the Thrift Shop Board, under the guidance of the Sheppard Enlisted Spouses’ Club and the SOSC. The Thrift Shop Board will establish and maintain the operating procedures and management policy of the Thrift Shop as defined in the Bylaws.



The SESC will maintain two separate accounts for funds.

  1. Operational Fund.
  1. The Operational fund account will contain funds raised and spent in

accordance with Section 501(c)(7) of the IRS Code.

  1. The funds for the Operational account will come from member activity fees and dues paid by all members. Other methods of financing may be used as appropriate in accordance with the tax status of this fund.
  1. Welfare Fund.
  1. The Welfare fund account will contain funds raised and spent in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code.
  2. The funds for the Welfare account will come from the net proceeds of activities to include the Thrift Shop and other designated fundraisers in accordance with the tax status of this fund.
  1. OperationalWelfare fund-raising activities must be approved by the Governing Board, authorized by the installation commander or a designee, and permitted by Air Force Instruction and state law. The SESC will not engage in fundraising activities unless specific written authorization is obtained from the Installation Commander or designee.
  2. The club’s unobligated assets will not exceed $ 250,000.00 except for special one-time projects approved by the general membership.
  3. The President/Treasurer will appoint an accountant to conduct an audit when annual

gross revenues are $100,000 but less than $250,000; a Certified Public Accountant will be appointed if annual gross revenues are equal to or exceed $250,000. The Private Organization pays for this service to the CPA.

  1. All funds will be deposited in the Fort Sill National Bankand a financial statement will be reported and recorded in the official minutes of meetings in a timely basis.
  2. All expenditures will be made by check except for petty cash requirements. Checks
  3. Must be signed by the Treasurer, and must be co-signed by the President or Vice President.
  4. The SESC shall be financed primarily throughmembership dues and fees, fund-raising events, service charges, donations, etc. All fund-raisers will be approved by the 82 FSS/FSR.
  5. The Sheppard Enlisted Spouses Clubwill sell unit souvenirs or memorabilia to include coins with the approval of membership in accordance with AFI 34-223.
  6. The Sheppard Enlisted Spouses Clubwill not engage in activities which compete with

those of any 82 FSS, NAFI or Air Force Exchange operation on an installation, except as providedin AFI 34-223.

  1. K TheSheppard Enlisted Spouses Clubwill not engage in on-base resale activities (including

bake sales, etc.) unless specific written authorization is obtained from the 82 FSS.FSR.

  1. The Sheppard Enlisted Spouses Clubwill comply with all local, state and federal laws.



DISSOLUTION: Upon dissolution, theExecutive Boardshall, after paying or making

provision for the payment of all the liabilities of theSheppard Enlisted Spouses Clubdispose of allassets of theSheppard Enlisted Spouses Clubin such manner, or to such organization or organizationswhich shall qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under the Internal Revenue Code of1986, or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue law (hereinafterreferred to as the “Code”).

Any such assets not so disposed shall be donated to a USAF NAF or to the USAF as

determined by the Executive Boardin accordance with AFI 34-201 or AFI 51-601.



Amendments to the constitution may be submitted by any member in good standing by

(describe how to submit amendments). At the earliest possible date, the proposed amendment will bepresented to the general membership meeting. To be adopted, the amendment must obtain a majorityvote of the members present and approval of the 82 MSG/CC through the 82FSS/FSR prior toadoption.


This Constitution was reviewed and approved by a majority vote of the membership onJanuary 25, 2016.

October 4, 2016

Alexandra N. Hamby

President, Sheppard Enlisted Spouses’ Club






Section 1: It shall be the duty of all officers to ensure the organization and its members comply with AFI 34-223 and all other directives affecting the operation of the Sheppard Enlisted Spouses Club. The Executive Board is composed of all the appointed/elected officers of the Organization, and the Advisors.

Section 2: The President shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the membership and the Executive Board as necessary, appoint the members of each special committee established by the Board and perform such general functions as may be necessary.
  2. Maintain folders for monthly committee reports, Executive Board and General Membership meeting minutes, Thrift Shop meeting minutes/financial reports and pertinent information concerning the SESC.
  3. Receives reports from each committee chairperson he/she oversees.
  4. Keep a current club roster.
  5. Coordinate, serve as ex-officio member, and maintain job descriptions of the following standing committees.
  6. Installation
  7. Christmas Party—with the help of the Social Chairmen
  8. Appoint the SESC Parliamentarian and Committee Chairs.
  9. Supervise all affairs of the SESC, except the Nominating Committee.
  10. Has the authority to appoint special committees or individuals to conduct the work of the club.
  11. Will co-sign all checks for authorized expenditures with the Vice President or Treasurer.
  12. Vote in elections if by secret ballot. Not express a personal opinion or vote except in the case of a tie at all board or General Membership meetings.
  13. State all motions, prior to discussion put to vote, and announce the results of each vote.
  14. Has the privilege of inviting special guests to any club function.
  15. May call special meetings of the Executive Board and/or General Membership when necessary.
  16. Act as custodian, along with the social chairman, of all club properties.
  17. Act as liaison officer between the Sheppard Enlisted Spouses Club and the Sheppard Officers Spouses Club.
  18. Serve on the Thrift Shop Board.
  19. Will be responsible for a key to the Thrift Shop.
  20. Will send all Thrift Shop minutes/financial reports to all SESC Executive Board members.
  21. Recognize members who are entitled to the floor and wish to speak, state an opinion or make a motion.
  22. Adjourn the meeting when business is completed.
  23. Confer with the Advisors on all pertinent matters concerning the SESC.
  24. Attend all official functions as required as an SESC representative or appointee.
  25. Appoint, with approval of the Executive Board, an interim replacement for any elected officer who is unable to serve for more than 30 days.
  26. Review and revise the Constitution and By-Laws with the Parliamentarian and General Board within the 1st six weeks of taking office.
  27. Welcomes all guests and new members, and bid farewell to all out going members at each General Membership meeting.
  1. The President will review the minutes and financial statements. Once reviewed the

president will send both items to the general membership and to FSS.

Section 3: The Vice President shall:

  1. Assist the President, serve as an advisor for the various committee chairpersons and assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.
  2. Perform the duties of the President, Parliamentarian, or Secretary in their absence.
  3. Maintain folders for monthly committee reports, Executive Board and General Membership meeting minutes, Thrift Shop meeting minutes/financial reports and pertinent information concerning the SESC.
  4. Receives reports from each committee chair he/she oversees.
  5. Keep a current club roster.
  6. Assist the President at all times and maintains a working knowledge of all club activities.
  7. Serve as host/hostess along with the President at all social functions.
  8. Serves as the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee
  9. The president will appoint another individual for this position if the vice president is applying for a scholarship.
  10. Coordinate, serve as ex-officio member, and maintain job descriptions of the following standing committees.
  11. Hanger Holiday Committee
  12. Social Committee
  13. Co-signs checks with the President and/or Treasurer.
  14. Attend all board and General Membership meetings. If unable to attend, will notify the President.
  15. Shall serve as the Parliamentarian of the Thrift Shop Board.
  16. Will perform the duties of the SOSC 2ndVice President in their absence.

Section 4: The SecretaryShall:

  1. Record, prepare, and distribute the minutes of all General, Executive, and, special board meetings to the President within one (1) week following the board meeting.
  1. Forward a copy of the minutes to the President for approval.
  1. All official minutes will be sent to all SESC members no later than ten working days following said meeting.
  2. Maintain folders for monthly committee reports, Executive Board and General Membership meeting minutes, Thrift Shop meeting minutes/financial reports and pertinent information concerning the SESC.
  3. Receives reports from each committee chair he/she oversees.
  4. Keep a current club roster.
  5. Coordinate, serve as ex-officio member, and maintain job descriptions of the following standing committees.
  6. Hospitality
  7. Membership
  8. Receives reports from each committee chair he/she oversees.
  9. Maintain records of all meetings for a period of three (3) years
  10. Performs the duties of the President or Vice President in their absence.
  11. Acts as an assistant to the President.
  12. Handles all correspondence of the SESC as directed by the President.
  13. Attend all board and General Membership meetings. If unable to attend, will notify the President.
  14. Holds a key to the SESC Post Office Box. Will check PO Box as needed and as directed by President.

Section 5: The Treasurer Shall:

  1. Disperse checks as required from the Operational/Welfare accounts as needed for reimbursements or payments.
  2. Form 990-N will be filed electronically with the IRS yearly.
  3. Co-sign all checks with the President or Vice President.
  4. Two signatures are required on all checks.
  5. Maintain folders for monthly committee reports, Executive Board and General Membership meeting minutes, Thrift Shop meeting minutes/financial reports and pertinent information concerning the SESC.
  6. Receives reports from each committee chair he/she oversees.
  7. Keep a current club roster
  8. Provides monthly reports with all club transactions/balances to the SESC President.
  9. Provides a copy of monthly reports at all meetings to Membership to review.
  10. Once reviewed by membership, a copy will be sent to all SESC members, and to 82 FSS/FSR.
  11. Reconcile bank accounts monthly.
  12. When Charitable Donation requests are received, Treasurer will research validity of each request.
  13. Will present each Charitable Donation request at General Membership Meetings. In the event of a last minute donation request that is needed prior to the next General Membership meeting, an Executive Board vote will be done via e-mail.
  14. Will notify organizations whether their request was approved/disapproved.
  15. Prepares budget for the fiscal year. Fiscal year is defined as June 1-May 31. A budget meeting

will take place in June of each year.

  1. Prepares a budget report for a budget review meeting that takes place in January of each year.
  1. Coordinate, serve as ex-officio member, and maintain job descriptions of the following standing committees.
  2. Ways and Means
  3. Childcare
  4. Publicity
  5. Presents all records for financial review in the event of position resignation or end of term.
  6. Collects all monies for special social functions
  7. Shall serve as a member of the Thrift Shop Board.
  8. Must keep the previous two years final financial reports in binder.

Section 6: The Parliamentarian Shall:

  1. Be familiar with newest edition of Roberts Rules of Order and be able to quote proper procedures upon the request of the President or the SESC members.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the SESC Constitution and By-laws, and any subsequent changes.
  3. Will notify General Membership of votes allowing absentee ballots.
  4. Collect and account for all absentee ballots.
  5. Maintain folders for monthly committee reports, Executive Board and General Membership meeting minutes, Thrift Shop meeting minutes/financial reports and pertinent information concerning the SESC.
  6. Coordinates, serve as Chair, and maintain job descriptions of the following standing committees.
  7. Nominating Committee