Thursday, December 10, 2009
This Team is formed as a Working Team of the Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group (PNWCG). The Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group is established to provide a coordinated interagency approach to wildfire management in Oregon and Washington. PNWCG provides leadership in wildland fire management for local, tribal, state and federal agencies and their constituents to enhance firefighter safety and protection of life, property, and natural resources.
PNWCG is comprised of USDA-Forest Service; USDI-Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Park Service, Fish and Wildlife Service; Oregon Department of Forestry; Washington Department of Natural Resources; Washington Association of Fire Chiefs; and The Oregon Fire Chiefs Association; Washington State Fire Marshal and Oregon State Fire Marshal.
The name of this Team is the Safety and Health Working Team of the Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group, hereinafter referred to as the Team.
This Team is established pursuant to the charter authority granted to the parent Pacific Northwest Wildfire Coordinating Group via 2009 Master Cooperative Wildland Fire Management And Stafford Act Response Agreement.
The purpose and mission of this Team is to improve firefighter health, safety and effectiveness through emphasis on excellence in workforce development, leadership and the establishment of standards based on principles within a developing safety culture. Through data collection and analysis the team will validate and prioritize safety issues for resolution and communication to the field and management. Team principles will emphasize the values embodied in improving safety culture.
Voting members of this Team will be comprised of PNWCG Steering Committee agency representatives. The term of each member is indefinite. Team members are selected by the PNWCG Steering Committee representative. Team chairmanship will be limited to a one year term. The Team Chair will be approved by PNWCG. After the one year, the Team may re-elect current Chair/Vice Chair or select a new Chair and/or Vice Chair. Technical advisors may be added as appropriate; for example, a Safety officer(s) from IMT to operational expertise. Technical advisors are non voting members.
Under the auspices of the PNWCG, the Team Chair has the following authority and responsibilities under PNWCG oversight:
- Is authorized to convene meetings and schedule agenda items.
- May make specific work assignments to Team members and/or appoint subgroups fromoutside Team membership to work on specific projects.
- Will distribute copies of the Team minutes within 30 days after a meeting to Teammembers, PNWCG Liaison, PNWCG Executive Director, the PNWCG SHWT website, andto other interested or affected parties.
- Represents the Team in presenting recommendations to the PNWCG, other workingteams, and as appropriate, in contacts with outside individuals or groups.
- May recommend to the PNWCG liaison the need for further resources and authorities, asthey become evident.
- Keeps the PNWCG Executive Director advised annually as to meeting dates andlocations.
The Team may identify a Vice Chair to carry out the duties of the Chair in that person’s absence.
A. Meetings
Meetings will be scheduled and agendas will be provided in advance to members of the Team and coordinated with the PNWCG liaison. Meeting locations and dates will be established one year in advance and posted on the PNWCG web site. Additional meetings will be scheduled at the request of PNWCG, or as determined by the Team Chair. Subgroups within or outside Team membership may meet at the direction of the Team Chair. Individuals from outside the Team membership, having necessary expertise, may be asked to participate when appropriate. Travel costs of the meetings will normally be borne by the agencies that sponsor Team membership. Meeting facility costs will typically be rotated between member organizations. Five Team members will normally constitute a quorum, but the Team may meet with fewer members at the discretion of the SHWT chair in concurrence with the PNWCG liaison.
C. Annual Fire Operations Safety Conference
The Team will sponsor, on an annual basis, the Fire Operations Safety Conference. Intent of the conference will be training, education, and information sharing.
B. Reports
Annually an accomplishment report, summary of fatalities, entrapments, and serious accidents will be completed and forwarded to the PNWCG Liaison. Special findings and other reports will be submitted to the PNWCG liaison.
This Charter is effective as of the date of approval by the Chair of the PNWCG. The Charter may be revised upon recommendations of a majority of the Team members and with the concurrence of the PNWCG.
_____ /s/ Ken Snell ______Date______2/8/2010______
J.A. Kendall Snell
PNWCG Liaison
Current Members:
FWS:Jason Riggins
FS:Anthony Engel
BIA: John Szulc
BLM:Shelby Gales
State Fire Marshall: