21-Day Planner for Phasing In Small Group Instruction and Literacy Workstations for Kindergarten

Adapted from the Consortium Of Reading Excellence (CORE) and Texas Reading First

This planner is a suggested sequence to get you started with setting up and managing your small group instruction and Literacy Work Stations. If your class is having a difficult time following the routines and procedures, you may need to repeat a day or decrease the daily minutes spent in small group time until you feel satisfied that your students can maintain independence. If either is the case, it may take you longer than 21 days to complete this planner. Many teachers use a management board for station rotation. This supports student independence. The management board must be incorporated into the station routines. The key question when planning a workstation is: How will this make my student a better reader or writer?

Phase 1: Introduce Routines and Procedures
Day / Date / Time
(min.) / Goal / What is the TEACHER doing? / What are the STUDENTS doing?
1-4 / 30 / Introduce the routines and procedures for small group guided reading and literacy workstations (LWS). Introduce the concept of an anchor chart and create with class. / ☐ Teacher explains each of the routines for small group guided reading and LWS time, creating an anchor chart with the class. During this explanation, the teacher models problem-solving strategies as well.
☐ Teacher chooses students to model each routineand a variety of problem solving strategies while the whole class observes (exemplars/non-exemplars).
☐ Teacher provides an opportunity for all students to practice each routine/strategy with a partner or in a small group. / ☐ Students learn about the routinesfor small group guided reading and LWS and discuss the importance of each routine as the anchor chart is created.
☐ Individual students model for others what the routine looks like and problem-solving strategies.
☐ Students practice the routinesand strategies with a partner or in a small group to demonstrate their understanding.
Phase II: Introducing Small Group Instruction and Stations
Day / Date / Time
(min.) / Goal / What is the TEACHER doing? / What are the STUDENTS doing?
5 / 45 / Review previous anchor chart. Introduce the routine for a Literacy Work Station (Station A) by developing an anchor or I Can chart. All students will be working on this station.Meet with a small group during guided reading time (Group 1). / ☐After reviewing, teacher introduces the routine for Station A. Students and teacher create a station anchor or I Can chart indicating instructional expectations for Station A.
☐Teacher models instructional activities for Station A and invites partner pairs to model for the class.
☐Teacher designates partners or small groups to begin Station A activities.
☐Teacher monitors room.
☐Teacher calls students in Group 1 to come to the Guided Reading table and introduce small group guided reading procedures.
☐Teacher ends with a debriefing session with the whole class. The teacher should call attention to specific examples of students following the routines for small group time and Station A. Additionally, the teacher provides further explanation and modeling of routines that appeared unclear or difficult for students to follow. Students and teacher may role-play to provide examples of how problems were solved during small group time and at Station A. / ☐Students listen while teacher reviews and introduces the routines for Station A and assist in creating an Anchor Chart for Station A.
☐Individual students are asked to model for others what some of the instructional routines/activities look like in Station A.
☐Students actively participate in Station A activities either with a partner or in a small group.
☐Students in Group 1 actively practice guided reading group procedures.
☐Students actively participate in a debriefing session.
☐Students ask questions to seek additional information about activities or routines that are unclear.
6 / 45 / Review the routine for Literacy Work Station (Station A). Meet with a small group during guided reading time (Group 2). / ☐Same as day 5; the teacher leads Group 2 in practicing small group guided reading procedures. / ☐Same as day 5; Group 2 practices small group guided reading procedures.
Day / Date / Time
(min.) / Goal / What is the TEACHER doing? / What are the STUDENTS doing?
7 / 45 / Review previous anchor chart. Introduce the routine for a Literacy Work Station (Station B) by developing an anchor or I Can chart. Meet with a small group during guided reading time (Group 3). / ☐ Same procedure as day 5, but introducing Station B. The teacher leads Group 3 in practicing small group guided reading procedures. / ☐ Same as day 5, but introducing Station B. Group 3 practices small group guided reading procedures.
8 / 45 / Review previous anchor chart. Review the routine for a Literacy Work Station (Station B) by reviewing the anchor or I Can chart. Meet with a small group during guided reading time (Group 4). / ☐ Same procedure as day 5, but practicing Station B. Group 4 practices small group guided reading procedures. / ☐ Same as day 5, but practicing Station B. Group 4 practices small group guided reading procedures.
9 / 45 / Review previous anchor chart. Introduce the routine for a Literacy Work Station (Station C) by developing an anchor or I Can chart. Meet with a small group during guided reading time (Group 1). / ☐ Same procedure as day 5, but introducing Station C. Group 1 begins small group guided reading instruction. / ☐ Same as day 5, but introducing Station C. Group 1 begins small group guided reading instruction.
Day / Date / Time
(min.) / Goal / What is the TEACHER doing? / What are the STUDENTS doing?
10 / 45 / Review previous anchor chart. Review the routine for a Literacy Work Station (Station C) by reviewing the anchor or I Can chart. Meet with a small group during guided reading time (Group 2). / ☐ Same procedure as day 5, but practicing Station C. Group 2 begins small group guided reading instruction. / ☐ Same as day 5, but practicing Station C. Group 2 participates in small group guided reading instruction.
11 / 45 / Review previous anchor chart. Introduce the routine for a Literacy Work Station (Station D) by developing an anchor or I Can chart. Meet with a small group during guided reading time (Group 3). / ☐ Same procedure as day 5, but introducing Station D. Group 3 begins small group guided reading instruction. / ☐ Same as day 5, but introducing Station D. Group 3 begins small group guided reading instruction.
12 / 45 / Review previous anchor chart. Review the routine for a Literacy Work Station (Station D) by reviewing the anchor or I Can chart. Meet with a small group during guided reading time (Group 4). / ☐ Same procedure as day 5, but reviewing Station D. Group 3 begins small group guided reading instruction. / ☐ Same as day 5, but practicing Station D. Group 3 participates in small group guided reading instruction.
13 / 45 / Review all anchor charts or I Can charts. Introduce management chart. / ☐ Teacher reviews all stations and introduces management chart for station rotations.
☐ Teacher models use of management chart and rotations. / ☐ Students will practice station rotations and follow management chart.
Day / Date / Time
(min.) / Goal / What is the TEACHER doing? / What are the STUDENTS doing?
14 / 45 / Review all anchor charts or I Can charts and management chart. / ☐ Teacher reviews all stations and
reviews management chart for station rotations.
☐ Teacher models use of management chart and rotations. / ☐ Students will practice station rotations and follow management chart.
15 / 60 / Review the routines for a Literacy Work Stations A & B by reviewing an anchor or I Can charts. Begin instruction with two small groups (Groups 1 & 2) for 5-10 minutes each. / ☐ Review instructional routines for literacy work stations A & B.
Model movement between Stations A & B.
☐ Teacher meets with Group 1 for small group guided reading then facilitates movement between stations before beginning Group 2.
☐ Teacher monitors station work in between group rotations to make sure students are engaged.
☐Debrief with class to discuss what worked well and what may need to be adjusted before tomorrow. / ☐ Students are actively engaged in Stations A & B instructional routines and activities.
☐ Students in Groups 1 & 2 actively participate in small group guided reading instruction.
☐ Students will practice moving between Stations A & B.
☐ Students actively participate and contribute to classroom debriefing.
Phase III: Station Management, Multiple Flexible Groups, Differentiated Instruction
Day / Date / Time
(min.) / Goal / What is the TEACHER doing? / What are the STUDENTS doing?
16 / 60 / Review the routines for Literacy Work Stations C & D by reviewing an anchor or I Can chart. Continue small group guided reading instruction with two small groups (Groups 3 & 4) for 5-10 minutes each. / ☐ Review instructional routines for literacy work stations C & D.
Model movement between Stations C & D.
☐ Teacher meets with Group 3 for guided reading then facilitates movement between stations before beginning Group 4.
☐ Teacher monitors station work in between group rotations to make sure students are engaged.
☐Debrief with class to discuss what worked well and what may need to be adjusted before tomorrow. / ☐ Students are actively engaged in Stations C & D instructional routines and activities.
☐ Students in Groups 3 & 4 actively participate in small group guided reading instruction.
☐ Students will practice moving between Stations C & D.
☐ Students actively participate and contribute to classroom debriefing.
17 / 60 / Review the routines for Literacy Work Stations A, B, and C by reviewing anchor or I Can chart. Continue small group guided reading instruction with two small groups (Groups 1 & 3) for 10-15 minutes each. / ☐ Review instructional routines for literacy work stations A, B, & C.
Model movement between stations.
☐ Teacher meets with Group 1 for small group guided reading then monitors movement between stations before beginning Group 3.
☐ Teacher monitors station work in between group rotations to make sure students are engaged.
☐Debrief with class to discuss what worked well and what may need to be adjusted before tomorrow. / ☐ Students are actively engaged in Stations A, B, & C instructional routines and activities.
☐ Students in Groups 1 & 3 actively participate in small group guided reading instruction.
☐ Students will practice moving between Stations A, B & C.
☐ Students actively participate and contribute to classroom debriefing.
Day / Date / Time
(min.) / Goal / What is the TEACHER doing? / What are the STUDENTS doing?
18 / 60 / Review the routines for all Literacy Work Stations by reviewing anchor or I Can chart. Continue small group guided reading instruction with two small groups (Groups 2 & 4) for 10-15 minutes each. / ☐ Review instructional routines for literacy work stations A, B, C, & D..
Model movement between stations.
☐ Teacher meets with Group 2 for small group guided reading then monitors movement between stations before beginning Group 4.
☐ Teacher monitors station work in between group rotations to make sure students are engaged.
☐Debrief with class to discuss what worked well and what may need to be adjusted before tomorrow. / ☐ Students are actively engaged in Stations A, B, C, & D instructional routines and activities.
☐ Students in Groups 2 & 4 actively participate in small group guided reading instruction.
☐ Students will practice moving between stations.
☐ Students actively participate and contribute to classroom debriefing.
19 / 60+ / Review stations and rotations as needed.
Students practice working independently in four different literacy work stations and the teacher is able to work with 3 guided reading groups.
* It is critical that students reading below grade level receive daily instruction in guided reading. The amount of time the teacher spends with small groups should be based on need, allowing you to see 3 or 4 groups daily. / ☐Continue practicing routines.
☐ Teacher works with 3 small group guided reading groups, providing differentiated instruction.
☐Continue to use a sharing time to problem solve any issue encountered during stations or small group guided reading instruction. / ☐ Students are actively engaged in stations, instructional routines, and activities.
☐ Students actively participate in small group guided reading instruction.
☐ Students will practice moving between stations.
☐ Students actively participate and contribute to classroom debriefing.
Day / Date / Time
(min.) / Goal / What is the TEACHER doing? / What are the STUDENTS doing?
20 / 60+ / Review stations and rotations as needed.
Students practice working independently in four different literacy work stations and the teacher is able to work with 4 groups for small group guided reading. / ☐Continue practicing routines.
☐ Teacher works with 4 guided reading groups, providing differentiated instruction.
☐Continue to use a sharing time to problem solve any issue encountered during stations or small group guided reading instruction. / ☐ Students are actively engaged in stations, instructional routines, and activities.
☐ Students actively participate in small group guided reading instruction.
☐ Students actively participate and contribute to classroom debriefing.
21 / 60+ / Review stations and rotations as needed.
Students practice working independently in four different literacy work stations and the teacher is able to work with 4 groups for small group guided reading. / ☐Students will demonstrate mastery of instructional routines.
☐ Teacher works with 4 groups for small group guided reading, providing differentiated instruction.
☐Continue to use a sharing time to problem solve any issue encountered during stations or small group guided reading instruction. / ☐ Students are actively engaged in stations, instructional routines, and activities.
☐ Students actively participate in small group guided reading instruction.
☐ Students actively participate and contribute to classroom debriefing.
Phase IV: Day 22 and Beyond
This 21 Day Plan is critical for the successful implementation of differentiated small group reading instruction and literacy work stations. However, debriefing sessions will be important for problem solving, as needed. Returning to this plan may be necessary from time to time.
Data drives differentiated instruction and should be used on a continuous basis to make adjustments in lesson plans. Grouping should always be flexible and fluid. Literacy work stations are always an extension of instruction and designed to provide purposeful practice, helping student become more competent readers and writers.

21 Day Snapshot

Day / Guided Reading Group / Station(s)
1 / Introduce procedures / Introduce small group time
2 / Introduce procedures / Introduce small group time
3 / Introduce procedures / Introduce small group time
4 / Introduce procedures / Introduce small group time
5 / Group 1 – review small group routine / Introduce Station A
6 / Group 2 – review small group routine / Review Station A
7 / Group 3 – review small group routine / Introduce Station B
8 / Group 4 – review small group routine / Review B
9 / Group 1 – begin small group instruction / Introduce Station C
10 / Group 2 – begin small group instruction / Review Station C
11 / Group 3 – begin small group instruction / Introduce D
12 / Group 4 – begin small group instruction / Review D
13 / Introduce management board / Review all stations
14 / Review management board / Practice station rotation
15 / Groups 1 & 2 (5-10 min. each) / Stations A & B
16 / Groups 3 & 4 (5-10 min. each) / Stations C & D
17 / Groups 1 & 3 (10-15 min. each) / Stations A,B, & C
18 / Groups 2 & 4 (10-15 min. each) / All Stations
19 / 3 groups, with differentiated lessons / All Stations
20 / 4 groups, with differentiated lessons / All Stations
21 / 4 groups, with differentiated lessons / All Stations

Revised August 2014