FEBRUARY 28, 2006
The Batesville City Council met in regular session on February 28, at 5:30 P.M. at the Batesville Municipal Building. Mayor Biard presided over the meeting. Councilmember Smart gave the invocation. Upon roll call the following council members answered present: R.L. Carpenter, John Cooke, Fred Krug, Doug Matthews, Dan Mynatt, Jerry Pectol, Paula Terrell, and Stephen Smart. City Attorney Stalker was present and City Clerk Johnston was absent.
Mayor Biard opened the floor for citizen comments. There being none, the Mayor closed the citizens comments forum.
*Approval of minutes of the previous meeting, all approved by a motion made by John Cook and seconded by Paula Terrell.
*No comments from boards and Standing Committees.
*No Special Orders
Mayor Biard presented the final reading of an ordinance that would exempt certain items from bidding. A motion made by Krug and seconded by Pectol to introduce the ordinance and have it read by title only. A motion to adopt the ordinance was made by Councilman Krug and seconded by Councilman Pectol. The roll call vote was 6 voting for (Matthews, Pectol, Krug, Smart, Terrell, and Carpenter), 1 (Mynatt) voting against, and 1 (Cooke) abstaining. The ordinance passed and was given #2006-2-2.
Mayor Biard presented an expenditure request for the Carrier Corporation to install a variable frequency drive control system to the Municipal Building heating and Cooling system. Mr. Phillip Hodges representing the Carrier Corp. was present to answer questions and give a brief technical explanation of the project. The inlet guide vanes are not closing properly and the problem can be corrected with a variable frequency drive on the supply side on the heating and cooling system. It is estimated to cost approx. $6,596.00 plus sales tax. Councilman Cooke made a motion to authorize the Carrier Corporation to install the variable frequency drive control system and Councilman Pectol seconded. The motion passed all voted for none against.
Debbie McKenzie representing the Arkansas Postal Workers Union presented a resolution requesting that the U.S. Congress prohibit the U.S. postal Service from moving its facility for processing mail originating in the 725 area in the Batesville, Arkansas Post Office to Little Rock, AR until the effect of such proposal on costs and delivery standards is fully investigated. The resolution was introduced by Councilman Carpenter and seconded by Councilwoman Terrell. The resolution was passed by roll call vote. All voted for none against. The resolution was given #2006-2-1-R.
The Batesville Water Utilities presented a 2005 water and sewer rate study and ordinances regarding rates. Larry Tharnish, Manager, Jerry Jeffery, Assistant Manager, and Commission member Arch Jones made the presentation and answered questions. The entire presentation is contained in a handout provided by the utilities commission. Councilman R.L. Carpenter made the motion to introduce the ordinance and Councilmember Krug seconded. Mayor Biard read the water rate ordinance in its entirety and Councilman Matthews read the sewer rate ordinance in entirety. The ordinances will be up for second reading on March 14, 2006.
There were no comments from departments heads.
*Councilman Matthews noted that the new sign ordinance is posted on the city web site and that the first reading will be at the March 14 meeting date.
*Councilwoman Mynatt thanked those who attended the special Planning Commission meeting featuring guest speaker Mr. vonTungeln a planner with the Arkansas Municipal League.
There no comments from the City Attorney
Mayor Biard has proposed a proposed a dispatch committee including Mynatt and Smart.
Councilman Krug made an adjournment motion and Terrell seconded.
Joe M. Biard, Mayor
Dr. Douglas Matthews, Councilmember