ERGoodCauses –WISH LIST – items below require funding – please help us to “Love our Neighbours”
Date ofRequest / Worker Applying for Goods / Client/Description / Cost of Goods / Status17-May / PhysiotherapistCHCP / Adult - condition - unable to drive /work since onset - mat to regain/enhance mobility & return to work / £94
21-Jun / Occupational therapist CHCP / Adult – stroke victim - requires specialist seat to enable spouse to provide suitable/safe care at home 24/7 / £587
27-Jun / Physiotherapist CHCP / Adult – blind and on oxygen - requires specialist seating with firmer foam support / £449
27-Jun / Children’s Nurse Yorkhill Hospital / Child - requires some adaptations at home to allow hospital discharge & some specialist equipment for comfort / £250
27-Jun / CareRepairHousing / Pensioner - medical problems resulting in poor mobility - repair wet floor shower area to enable bathing at home / £1,010 / Agreed
10-Jul / Social Worker Jewish Care / Pensioner - with Parkinson’s & Dementia - requires a riser & recliner chair to enable spouse to care for client at home / £800
12-Jul / Social Worker CHCP / Adult - mental health/suicide risk – home repair/made secure to enable hospital admission for treatment / £100
17-Jul / Social Worker CHCP / Adult – depression/OCD - help to bring living condition up to tolerable standard –basic curtains/cooker repair etc / £320
18-Jul / Homeless Team
ERC / Adult homeless person - requires a selection of second hand goods furnish completely empty council flat / £100
23-Jul / Homeless Team ERC / Adult homeless person - requires a selection of second hand goods furnish completely empty council flat / £100
24-Jul / Homeless Team ERC / Family homeless with children - requires cooker to move into new tenancy - not entitled to benefits / £175
29-Jul / East Renfrewsh Carers Centre / Teenage/autism - requires Ipad that we provided to be repaired to enable education etc. / £206
06-Aug / Occupational therapist CHCP / Adult - MS - requires wheelchair power pack to enable parents/family to take client out - preventing housebound / £735
20-Aug / Citizens Advice Barrhead / Adult - mental health & living in poverty. - needs a fridge/freezer & removal of broken one / £199
21-Aug / Health Vistor ERC CHCP / Young autistic child - help with transporting the child to Nursery - mother has other kids - pre paid bus tickets / £200
26-Aug / East RenfrewshirCarersCentre / Adult full time carer - spouse with MS - provide overnight care staff to allow spouse a respite break / £252
03-Sep / Social Worker ERC CHCP / Family with disabled kids/parent with depression - carpets for kids rooms & basic furniture new tenancy more suited / £200
04-Sep / Social Worker Education / Early teens autistic/communication difficulties - requires Ipad & specialist software for education & communication / £530
05-Sep / Money advisor ERC / Very basic help for single parent with mental health issues & child – details withheld to protect identity / £140
05-Sep / Social Worker ERC CHCP / Adult - Disabled& poor and struggles to live independently - needs replacement washing machine after breakdown / £198
09-Sep / Teacher ERC Education / Child Autistic, non verbal - Isobel Mair - requires Ipadallow education & enhance communication & ability to interact / £400
09-Sep / Social Worker Education / Child Downs Syndrome who attends Isobel Mair School - needs Ipad & specialist software to help with education / £400
17-Sep / Senior Social Worker ERC / Adult - serious health diagnosis - no carpet, fridge or cooker - has addiction issues but engaging with treatment / £500
18-Sep / Occupational Therapist / Adult full time wheelchair user - no power in upper limbs needs computer to activate lights and to do basic tasks / £500
20-Sep / East RenfrewshirCarers Centre / Young Carer - looks after the single parent who has disabilities - carer requires laptop for school work / £299
23-Sep / Teacher
Isobel Mair / Hire an ice rink for 2 days for all the pupils at Isobel Mair to enjoy a themed "Victorian Christmas Event" at the school / £2,400
23-Sep / Housing Connor Road / Adult – offered a tenancy after homeless - in full time education. can't access welfare fund - no cooker /carpets / £320
24-Sep / East RenfrewshirCarers Centre / Parent with children - 2 on the autistic spectrum - requiring washing machine to be replaced, struggling financially / £197
25-Sep / Teacher
Isobel Mair / Pupil with visual impairment requires Ipad with keypad to see the screen and to maximise the education / £450
25-Sep / Occupational Therapist ERC / Adult MS patient who needs a reconditioned, second hand mobility scooter to prevent being housebound / £595.00
Sep 2013 / 30 Cases / Needing Funds to provide the Goods / £12,706
2-Oct / Money Advisor
ERC / Unemployed adult living in poverty – replace broken basic washing machine helping reduce dangerous stress / £195
7-Oct / Social Worker
ERC CHCP / Adult Cerebral wheelchair user requires some repairs to allow use of wet floor shower area / £197
7-Oct / East Renfrew Carers Centre / Young Carer requiring Laptop to help enable educational attainment / £299
7-Oct / Social Worker ERC CHCP / Working on low income single parent - requiring a skip to enable the upgrading of the existing property / £130
7-Oct / Teacher ERC Isobel Mair / Pupil with Down’s Syndrome & other communication difficulties – non verbal autism – requiring Ipad & software / £600
9-Oct / Social Worker ERC CHCP / Adult –very basic household goods for a person living in poverty without the basics / £421
10-Oct / Housing Officer ERC / Working, homeless young adult, needs basic items to set up new council tenancy – second hand goods / £200
10-Oct / Social Worker ERC / Single parent with kids – requires basic electric shower due to a kids medical condition makes bath’s impractical / £67
10-Oct / 38 Cases / Needing Funds to provide the Goods / £14,815
Note – Where possible, we ask clients, family/friends, fundraising efforts etc. to contribute towards the total cost of solutions, as we are attempting to provide a “Love your Neighbour” helping hand, to those people trying to help themselves. It is unlikely we will be able to fund all the above requests, but please join our growing list of standing order supporters to allow us to help more people in East Renfrewshire, by contacting Russell :
E: or phone 0141 639 8230 or visit website