Pro-Life Petitions for Sunday Liturgies
February 6/7 – March 5/6 2016
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, may we pledge to pray and sacrifice daily in reparation for all those who abuse God’s greatest gift, the gift of life, and show mercy to those who are its victims. We pray to the Lord.
That our president and all government leaders will renew their efforts to guarantee the basic human rights to all Americans, including the most fundamental and God-given right, the right to life. We pray to the Lord.
That the Lord may bless all doctors, nurses, and scientists, and inspire them to use their skills, not to destroy, but to foster life of the unborn, the physically and mentally handicapped, elderly and those who are about to die. We pray to the Lord.
That all Gabriel Angels and members of the Knights of Columbus in our diocese be blessed for all they do to support the sanctity of life and help the most vulnerable among us.We pray to the Lord.
May Pope Francis, and all bishops, priests, deacons, and religious continue to speak out boldly in all circumstances to proclaim the Gospel of Life. We pray to the Lord.
That our President, Congressional leaders, and Supreme Court justices may they realize that all power over life and death has been given to them from above and use it with justice, wisdom and compassion.
We pray to the Lord.
That the sick and elderly may see their pain as a path to grace and holiness, and that physicians and caregivers may realize that euthanasia and assisted suicide are false hopes, and not God’s answer to the needs of suffering humanity.
We pray to the Lord.
That we may we see in each newborn life, a reflection of God, our Creator, and offer aid and support to all mothers who struggle to bring a child into the world despite society’s pressures and physical hardships.
We pray to the Lord.
That we may work peacefully for the rights of those whom society has rejected or deemed unfit to live, including the mentally handicapped, the terminally ill, and the condemned criminals.
We pray to the Lord.
May all women who have experienced the trauma of abortion, also may feel the healing hand of Christ and His Church through outreach ministries such as Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard.
We pray to the Lord.
For all who work in peace and justice in the pro-life movement, especially youth leaders, sidewalk counselors, and Gabriel Angels, that the Lord will give them the courage to speak the truth in love and with compassion for the mother and her child.
We pray to the Lord.
That those who are tempted to see euthanasia, assisted suicide and capital punishment as solutions to the problems of the sick, the elderly and the violent in our society may see instead the true value of joining their sufferings to those of Jesus.
We pray to the Lord.
For a return to chastity among our young people, that they may realize their bodies
are temples of the Holy Spirit and so always use their sexuality as a precious gift of God
within the holy state of marriage.
We pray to the Lord.
May the Catholic Church throughout the world be faithful in her mission to proclaim and protect the sanctity and value of all human life from the moment of conception until natural death.
We pray to the Lord.
As we complete our Lenten journey and observe the Easter Triduum, let us unite our sufferings and the sufferings of those who are denied the right to life, with those of Christ, We pray to the Lord.
May the joy of Christ’s resurrection fill us with Hope; may we one day see the victory of life over death, especially that the lives of innocent children, born and unborn, may be spared from the tragedies of abortion and abuse.
We pray to the Lord.
May the sick and elderly see their pain as a path to grace and holiness, and may physicians and caregivers realize that euthanasia and assisted suicide are false hopes, and not God’s answer to the needs of suffering humanity.
We pray to the Lord.
May we always view the difficult medical and bio-ethical issues of our day in the light of God, our Creator, and may human life, young or old, never be sacrificed in the name of expediency, convenience, or scientific research.
We pray to the Lord.
May our President and lawmakers renew their efforts to guarantee the basic human rights to all Americans, including the most fundamental and God-given rights, the right to be born and the right to life.
We pray to the Lord.
May we be guided by the example of the Holy Family’s humility and fidelity to God’s law. May He give to all mothers and fathers the grace to carry out their vocations as parents, raising children who, like the Child Jesus, grow daily in wisdom and grace.
We pray to the Lord.
May all those who have been trained as Gabriel Angels to mentor expectant mothers in crisis pregnancies, do so with gentleness, humility, and compassion, always being mindful of the great dignity that mothers have in the sight of God.
We pray to the Lord.
May all Christians everywhere continue to work peacefully for all those whom society may deem not fit to live – the unborn, the sick and elderly, the mentally handicapped, and the condemned prisoner.
We pray to the Lord.
May our President and elected officials always put the cause of life first and foremost among their responsibilities, and may they never use political or economic gain as a reason to abandon the rights of all human beings, including the unborn.
We pray to the Lord.
For all who work in peace and justice in the pro-life movement, especially crisis pregnancy counselors and Gabriel Angels. That the Lord will give them the courage to speak the truth patiently and with love for both the mother and her child;
We pray to the Lord.
That those who are tempted to see euthanasia, assisted suicide, and capital punishment as solutions to the problems of the sick, the elderly, and the violent in our society, may see instead the true value of joining their sufferings to those of Jesus.
We pray to the Lord.
May our Holy Father, and all priests, bishops, deacons, and religious always be examples of Christian witness and action as they encourage the faithful to proclaim and carry out the Gospel of Life.
We pray to the Lord.
May the Holy Spirit inspire more of the faithful, especially our young people, to hear the cries of the helpless unborn and speak out boldly in defense of their right to life.
We pray to the Lord.
As we celebrate the birthday of our nation, may the promise of “liberty and justice for all” one day be extended to include those children who are waiting to be born, and may we continue to fight for the rights of those you are not able to enjoy the blessings of freedom that God has bestowed on our nation.
We pray to the Lord.
For all who minister to the sick, to the elderly, to the criminal, and outcast, that God may grant them patience and peace as they reach out to those suffering and alone.
We pray to the Lord.
For all who are persecuted for upholding the Gospel of Life, that God’s grace might sustain and encourage them as they speak the truth.
We pray to the Lord.
For those whose actions cause the abuse and death of little ones, that they might turn from their evil and selfish motives and seek the good of all God’s children.
We pray to the Lord.
That the Catholic Church throughout the world be faithful in her mission to proclaim and protect the sanctity and value of all human life from the moment of conception until natural death.
We pray to the Lord.
That our president and Congressional leaders may be mindful of the primary role of government: to protect the right to life of the weakest and most defenseless and work to improve society for the good of all.
We pray to the Lord.
For all women who have had abortions, and for those who have helped procure them, that they may feel the healing hand of Christ and His Church as they seek healing through programs such as Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard.
We pray to the Lord.
May the Holy Spirit inspire more of the faithful, especially young people, to hear the cries of the helpless unborn and speak out boldly in defense of their right to life.
We pray to the Lord.
For those who await death in prisons, that God might move their hearts to repentance, and for the families of their victims, that God may move their hearts to forgiveness and compassion.
We pray to the Lord.
For all who work in peace and justice in the pro-life movement, especially crisis pregnancy counselors and Gabriel Angels. That the Lord will give them the courage to speak the truth patiently and with love for both the mother and her child; We pray to the Lord.
That those who are tempted to see euthanasia, assisted suicide, and capital punishment as solutions to the problems of the sick, the elderly, and the violent in our society, may see instead the true value of joining their sufferings to those of Jesus.
We pray to the Lord.
May our Holy Father, and all priests, bishops, deacons, and religious always be examples of Christian witness and action as they encourage the faithful to proclaim and carry out the Gospel of Life.
We pray to the Lord.
May the Holy Spirit inspire more of the faithful, especially our young people, to hear the cries of the helpless unborn and speak out boldly in defense of their right to life.
We pray to the Lord.
As we observe Respect Life Sunday throughout our nation, may we renew our efforts to proclaim and enact the Gospel of Life to all, and pledge our support to lawmakers who guarantee the right of life to all.
We pray to the Lord.
May the Catholic Church be faithful in her mission to proclaim and protect the sanctity and value of all human life from the moment of conception until natural death.
We pray to the Lord.
That our President and Congressional leaders may be mindful of the primary role of government: To protect the right to life of the weakest and most defenseless and work to improve society for the good of all.
We pray to the Lord.
For all women who have had abortions, and for those who have helped procure them,
that they may feel the healing hand of Christ and His Church as they seek healing through
ministries such as Project Rachel and Rachel’s Vineyard.
We pray to the Lord.
That our President and elected Congressional leaders may renew their efforts to guarantee the basic human rights to all Americans, including the most fundamental and God-given rights, the right to be born and the right to life.
We pray to the Lord.
That the Lord may bless all doctors, nurses, and scientists, and inspire them to use their skills, not to destroy, but to foster life of the unborn, the physically and mentally handicapped, and aged, and those condemned to die.
We pray to the Lord.
That all the Project Gabriel Angels and Knights of Columbus in our diocese be blessed a hundredfold for all they do to support the sanctity of life and promote help and care for those who are considered least in the Kingdom of God.
We pray to the Lord.
May all those who have participated in an abortion be moved to seek reconciliation with God and healing for their spiritual and emotional hurts through the ministry of a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat.
We pray to the Lord.
That as we begin this Advent season and prepare for the birth of the Christ Child, may we pledge to pray and sacrifice daily in reparation for all those who destroy or abuse God’s greatest gift, the gift of life.
We pray to the Lord.
For our President and members of Congress and the Supreme Court, may God will grant them wisdom and the desire to protect our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;
We pray to the Lord.
As we journey through Advent to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, may we give thanks to God for sending His Son Jesus through Mary, thus dignifying all babies and all mothers.
We pray to the Lord.
For all who are alone and afraid: for the prisoner who sits on death row, for the old woman in a nursing home, for the single mother abandoned by all: that God might teach us how to reach out and love them;
We pray to the Lord.
For all children waiting to be adopted and for the unselfish mothers and fathers who will place them in good Christian homes. Under the patronage of St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, may God bless them abundantly for their great love and generosity.
We pray to the Lord.