iii. Sample PACT TPA Coordinator (St Mary’s)
This example by St. Mary’s is a comprehensive list of position responsibilities for a PACT Coordinator, applicable to other institutions, that does not refer to the timing of responsibilities.
Relationship to CTC and Stanford/PACT
- Monitor CTC regulations and timelines related to PACT; work closely with CTC and Stanford related to the on-going development of PACT.
- Coordinate scoring and send scores to PACT office at Stanford.
- Attend PACT Coordinator (Director) meeting (yearly).
- Participate in and coordinate benchmarking process for all elements of the PACT with PACT office at Stanford.
Train and Manage Assessors
- Serve as Trainer of Scorers for all elements of the PACT
- Recruit scorers (with input from faculty); organize initial training and re-calibration for scorers every semester; approve and submit all documentations related to payment and mileage reimbursement for scorers.
- Ensure sufficient supply of scoring trainers and scorers
- Coordinate with a regional scoring model by recruiting and contributing scorers to a regional training and scoring for double scoring.
Conduct Assessments
- Ensure that each candidate has the PACT materials necessary to compete each assessment
- Schedule or monitor the timing of the completion PACT assessments for each individual candidate so that no one falls through the cracks
- Ensure that each student submits all elements of the PACT assessments in a secure manner to the Coordinator for assignment to an assessor
- Ensure that each assessment document is assigned to a scorer in an appropriate manner, is conveyed to the scorer in a secure manner, and is marked by the scorer in a timely manner
- Ensure that the scorer reports the results of the assessment in a secure manner to the TPA Coordinator
- Provide candidates and faculty with information required for completing the PACT including guidelines and submission protocols; work with faculty to facilitate signature assignments embedded in course work.
- Organize and lead workshops/meetings, either during or outside of regular class time, to providecandidates with additional assistance inPACT preparation.
- Oversee distribution of PACT Handbooks, rubrics, and other documents(Development will occur under PACT, we should distribute exactly and only what they provide to us)
- Responsible for managing the consent process and collecting consent forms, especially for videotaping in schools.
- Coordination and participation inthe auditing of Teaching Events.
- Arrange purchase, maintenance and lending equipment (video cameras, carry cases, tripods) to candidates.
- Schedule retakes of assessments for those students who score below an acceptable level
- Arrange rescoring of assessment for candidates who request a second scoring of responses
Report Results
- Provide documentation of accurate and secure scores to candidates for each element of the PACT assessment. (The scores are owned by the candidate and cannot be distributed to the Registrar for the transcript.)
- Provide the Credential Analysts with the PACT final score and the date the PACT assessment was successfully completed.
- Ensure that ALL results are accurately and fully recoded in the database and preserved over time for accreditation purposes.
- Provide candidates with evaluation for the induction program
Supervise TPA database
- Supervise maintenance ofa SECURE database that conforms with the TPA Database developed by CTC that includes assessment and demographic data for students and assessors. Coordinate this with database person.
- Supervise archiving ofsubmitted assessment evidence (Teaching Event submissions, evaluations, data on candidates and evaluators, etc.)for appropriate review by the SOE programs, California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and PACT
- Prepare all documents required by CTC as part of the review of PACT implementation including response to program standards related to PACT/TPA.
- Using data collected from PACT provide feedback to the Credential Programs related to trends that are related to program development.
- Schedule and Conduct periodic analyses to examine reliability and validity of scoring the Teaching Events and the reliability of individual assessors.
- Supervise systematic collection and preservation ofall documentation to address Standard 19-21 requirements.
- Maintain records to document implementation and quality control procedures.
- Work with the Dean, the Program Directors, the Credential Analyst and the database person to ensure that proper responses to the ongoing Accreditation data reporting and program documents are made
Source: St. Mary’s
Created: Spring 2006