CHURCH OFFICE: (215) 365 6448



2950 S.70th Street.

Philadelphia. PA 19142

From the Pastor

As I write two days before the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013 I am full of hope for Redeemer Moravian Church and for myself and family.

For Redeemer, this will be a time when we prepare for our Annual church Council to review the work of the church during the past year and to plan for the future. We have had a wonderful year, chuck full of activities. Our Christmas Eve Candlelight service saw the church almost filled. The Sunday School attendance has grown to its highest levels in the past ten years. We thank God and we thank all those whose commitment and hard work has made it possible.

We have ministered to those in the pews, to those in hospitals, to those in prison, to those in the disciplined services and more. We have been supported in our work not only by the members but by those who have visited and felt led by the spirit to make significant contributions. Praise the Lord!

Now as we go forward we need not just to maintain the momentum but to use it as a stepping stone to launch forward to higher ground. We pray that the Lord will strengthen those who continue to serve year after year in various capacities. We pray that the Lord will also move new and younger persons to take up the mantle of leadership.

On April 1, 2013 I will be going into retirement. I pray that the transition to new pastoral leadership will bring new blessings, new insights, new forward thrusts, new development while maintaining that which is good and helpful for the proclamation of the gospel. Retirement for me will not mean sitting back in an easy chair. I am too young for that. I will continue to serve the Lord as the opportunities avail themselves.

My wife and I wish to thank you all for all the Christmas cards, gifts and greetings. We wish you the Lord’s richest blessings, health and strength as we move forward into the year 2013.

Remember the words of our Lord as he sent his disciples forward into mission – “Go then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of he age.” May the Lord bless you all. Matthew 28:19,20.

George Richmond, Pastor


Stewardship Month

Sun Jan 06 9:30 a.m. Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Worship/Holy Comm.

Theme - Live

Tue Jan 08 7:00 p.m. Bible Study/Prayer

Thu Jan 10 6:30 p.m. Men’s Choir Practice

7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Practice

Sun Jan 13 9:30 a.m. Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Worship Service

Theme - Gather

Mon Jan 14 7:00 p.m. Joint Board

Tue Jan 15 7:00 p.m. Bible Study/Prayer

Sat Jan 19 1:00 p.m. Senior Choir Practice

Sun Jan 20 9:30 a.m. Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Worship Service/

Theme - Give

Tue Jan22 7:00 p.m. Del. Val. Council of


Sat Jan 26 1:00 p.m. Choir Practice

Sun Jan 27 9:30 a.m. Sunday School

11:00 a.m. Youth Service

Theme - Serve

1:00 p.m. Annual Church Council

Tue Jan 29 7:00 p.m. Bible Study/Prayer


Jan 6 Laura Wilson & Denise Stevenson

Jan 13 Bernice Congo & MajorieMairena

Jan 20 Charles Price & RickeyMairena

Jan 27 Alex Bamisaye & Sallie Mairena


07Christobelle Simon

08Jesse Scott

16Julia Ward

22Barrington Clarke

Thanks be to God for His blessings and may He continue to bless them richly.

Christian Education in Action

Looking Out For the Kingdom

The Big Idea:

God promised a righteous Lord.

Let us Aim for change.

In this New Year we will reflect on how the relationship between Isaiah’s prophecy and its fulfillment in Jesus Christ; relate to God’s promise of Justice to those who are without hope,

and identify signs of hope in conflict- ridden areas, such as inner cities and our government.

Let me put this in focus with a poem,

by Evangeline Carey.

The poem…He Is Dead, So I Cry.

They call him, another statistic, another burden on society….DEAD!

They call him another Black criminal

killed in rage…………TORMENT!

A Black woman calls him gentle, warm and compassionate…HER BROTHER!

Another Black woman calls him, a great loss, a sensitive human being..HER SON!

He is Dead, So I Cry!

Just like many Black families who live in drug ridden zones and see their children dying, and need hope and comforting, in the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 9:2-7 (check it out).

The prophet Isaiah delivers words of hope and comfort to a nation that had lived with war as well as the threat of war, for many years. Isaiah assures them that God has not forgotten them and that help was on the way.

Keep in Mind

Chapter (9:6) “for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulders: and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Let us think about what this lesson means. Do you think that our society is suffering from the effects of spiritual darkness? In what ways? How does our near worship of materialism contribute to this spiritual darkness? Think about it.

In Our Society Today

The growing number of global military conflicts, and an economic meltdown that has left millions jobless and homeless, only add to a growing sense of helplessness throughout the world. The alarming crime rates have also left many frightened and insecure. Few, if any, leave their doors unlocked, and many are afraid to travel. Every day we see examples of people with money, power, and position, afforded one form of treatment within the judicial system, while the poor and disadvantaged are treated radically different. There are some rich people who steal millions and get away with little more than a slap on the wrist, while often the poor are sentenced to prison for stealing hundreds.

What a joy to know that in this fast-paced, restless, insecure world that we live in, we can still turn to Jesus, for hope, comfort and perfect peace.

How we as Christians, can help make this happen

The prophet Isaiah lived in a time of political turmoil and spiritual confusion. The people of Judah were understandably anxious as the powerful Assyrian army gathered at the gates of Jerusalem. Their world was very similar to ours, in some ways. Many people were stressed out and felt powerless, hopeless and helpless.

Similar to Isaiah, reach out to someone this week and let them know that God is still in control. Speak words of comfort to them and let them know that God knows and He cares.

Detroit Rogers, Christian Ed.

North East Moravian Disaster Response



Spiritual Direction in Action

When: January 4-13, 2013

Where: Ocean Springs, Mississippi

Why: To help Brothers and Sisters still in need after Hurricane Isaac!

Cost: $250/person includes travel by van, room and board.

Send checks payable to NEMDR, PO Box 1245, Bethlehem Pa 18016-1245

(Money will be needed to cover cost of food during travel and for

dinners. Breakfast and lunch provided)

Get away from the cold and be the person God knows you can be!

If you are interested or have any questions please contact:

John Egerton at: 610-217-0514

Mike Rampulla at: 610-462-7401

No Experience Necessary!!!

Hurricane Sandy rebuilding not in place yet, please be prepared to respond once it is!!!!

“Traveling with Him, For Him, To help others!”

From the Ecumenical Officer January 2013

This month we celebrate, with Communion and perhaps in other ways also, Epiphany, the revelation of Jesus (in the visit of the magi, reported in Matthew 2) to the world beyond his ethnic group, the Jews. This reminds us of the diversity in the body of Christ. Just within the Moravian Church, our mission heritage has led us to the point where the majority of Moravians are on the continent of Africa and the majority of non-African Moravians are people of color in Central America, the Caribbean, northern South America, and the Arctic.

Different Christians, in different places and in different centuries, have emphasized different aspects of our walk following Jesus.

Some focus on worship, our weekly, or oftener, witness that our life is a gift of the God we know in Jesus, to be used in God’s service.

Some focus on evangelism, inviting others into this life of discipleship, of following Jesus, our Lord and (for Moravians) Chief Elder.

Some—a small but increasing number—focus on intentional community, a more radical understanding of the call of Jesus.

Some focus on charity, ministering among those wounded by poverty, disease, human sin, and natural disasters.

Some focus on advocacy, attempting to shape the habits, customs, and institutions that enable us or hinder us, as we seek to live the full lives God intends.

Some focus on hospitality, making welcome those who have been rejected, forgotten, and oppressed, or perhaps represent another faith.

All of these, and other paths as well, are different ways of living under the leadership of Jesus as Lord and responding to his call “Follow me.” Our individual lives and our congregation’s life, may stress one or more of these. But it is helpful to remember that our discipleship includes all of them and that we can learn from those emphasizing other elements, whether within the Moravian Church or in other bodies of the faithful.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 21, draws our attention both to how different groups can learn from one another and how ideas and actions about race have shaped and hurt our life together. The United Church of Christ has free resources that may be helpful to a congregation wishing to address this issue at

Also, attached to this letter, is a piece prepared by staff of the Massachusetts Council of Churches with a variety of ways to observe the King holiday.

Hermann I. Weinlick

Ecumenical Officer

Moravian Church–Northern Province

December 2012


The deadline for signing up to attend the Men's (April25-28, 2013)and Women's(May 2-5, 2013) Cursillo weekends has been extended to February 28, 2013.Available space is limited, especially for couples, so prompt application is advisable. Please contact Tom Mosser for more information and an application. Tom's phone # is 610-691-6259; his email is ; and his address is 1208 W. North St, Bethlehem, PA 18018


Join Us for Our

Church History Course

January 10 – March 7, 2013

Gather with Christians of all backgrounds to understand both our common and diverse past and the unity we have in growing in faith together today!

Hosted by:

Palmyra Moravian Church

1921 Cinnaminson Ave.

Cinnaminson, NJ

Call 856-829-2886 to confirm your attendance (include name and phone#)

RSVP by Monday, January 7, 2013


Dear Friend:

All of us know people in the early parts of their careers who have demonstrated great potential for private and/or public sector leadership. One of the best opportunities to build on their leadership skills is the prestigious White House Fellows Program.

I am writing to ask your assistance in reaching out to potential applicants for the White House Fellows Program. In the next few weeks, White House Fellows recruitment events will take place in California, including one in Sacramento that I will be hosting. It is my hope that you will share this invitation with those you know who are deserving of and well-suited for "America's most prestigious program for leadership and public service."Please forward this email to potential candidates, as well as colleagues who will also be able to share with others.

The White House Fellows Program, founded in 1964 by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, offers exceptional men and women first-hand experience working at the highest levels of the federal government. It was a great honor for me to be awarded the Fellowship in 1995. During my Fellowship year I worked directly for United States Attorney General Janet Reno as her Special Assistant.


White House Fellows spend a year working as full-time, paid special assistants to senior White House Staff, the Vice President, Cabinet Secretaries and other top-ranking government officials. Fellows also participate in a once-in-a-lifetime education program consisting of off-the-record, roundtable discussions with renowned leaders from the private and public sectors, and take trips to study leaders and policy in action both domestically and internationally. Fellowships are awarded on a strictly competitive, non-partisan basis. One goal of the Fellowship is that Fellows return to their communities and private or public sector careers with additional leadership skills and insights gained from working with the nation's top public sector leaders.

The program has fostered a legacy of leadership, with nearly 600 alumni who are respected leaders in a variety of fields and professions. Alumni include former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, General Wesley Clark, CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta, former National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, former President of the MIT Corporation Dana Mead, and countless other leaders in our country.


Applications are now available online and must be postmarked by 5:59 pm on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 for the 2013-2014 Class. The program commences in September of each year. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Employees of the Federal government are not eligible unless they are career military personnel. There are no age restrictions; however the program was created to give remarkable young Americans this experience while they were early to mid-career. Fellows typically arebetween 26 and 38 years of age. Applicants must have completed their undergraduate studies and be working in their chosen professions at the time of consideration. More information about the program can be found here or by calling the program office at (202) 395-4522.

Thank you in advance for your time and energy in helping us reach out to promising applicants in your organization and networks. Please forward this letter to anyone you think might be interested and qualified. The White House Fellows program is an amazing opportunity. I strongly encourage those who are interested and eligible to apply.


Reverend George Richmond

Redeemer Moravian Church

Program Coordinator


Phone #:267-444-0430

Dear Redeemer Family.

Thank you for letting me know of all the good things that are happening there. It is great, seeing all the smiling faces. Can't believe how the little ones have grown. I am glad the Church is growing and vibrant with life. I am happy and healthy here now. Still write my letter to the Allmighty every day, but I have not been led to join any church in this area. I thank God for the time I spent with you my brothers and sisters. You received me with love and affection from the very beginning. I will never forget you.
Love your Sis Marlies


Clue #1. I was the daughter of Laban.

Clue # 2. A man named Jacob came to my Father’s

house and fell in love with me.

Clue # 3. My father tricked Jacob, and gave him

my sister Leah for his wife.

Clue # 4 Jacob finally married me in return for

working for 14 years for my father.

Answer: Rachel


January 2013

Live! Gather! Give! Serve!

Redeemer Moravian Sunday School

prepares for Christmas Pageant

held on Sunday December 23, 2012

led by Sis. Nancy Milton, Sis. Denise

Stevenson and Bro. D. Rogers


Members are asked to take note and be present for the Annual Church Council which will take place on Sunday Jan 27, 2013following the morning worship.

The agenda is as follows:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Prayer – Rev. George Richmond
  3. Remarks – The President
  4. Minutes and Matters arising

from Church Council 2012

  1. Appointment of Tellers
  2. Nominating Committee Report
  3. Election of officers and delegates
  4. Reports

-Board of Trustees

-Financial Statement and Budget

-Audit Committee


-Men’s Fellowship

-Women’s Fellowship

-Sunday School

-Christian Education Board

-Stewardship Committee


-Bible Study/Prayer Group

-Del. Val. Council of Mor. Churches

  1. New Business
  2. Adjournment
  3. Closing Prayer

George Richmond, Pastor

You are invited to the


A community church with a ministry of love and friendship reaching out with the gospel of Jesus Christ to meet the needs of people.