DRAFT #2– March 9, 2010
Introduction...... 1
Profile Of Monmouth County Residents...... 4
Employment Trends...... 6
Closing Of Fort Monmouth...... 9
Entrepreneurship...... 10
Encore Careers...... 11
Aging Boomers...... 12
Youth ...... 13
DRAFT #2– March 9, 2010
DEFINITIONs & Terminology
- The category of non-traditional students (non-trads) is broad ranging in age from individuals in their mid-twenties to 55+. Lifelong learners cover the full age spectrum from ages six to seniors in their eighties and nineties.
- The educational needs on non-trads typically are career related, either for career training or continuing professional education.
- Lifelong learners focus on personal development, recreational interests and social connections.
brookdale offers a continuum of learning for career training
While Brookdale is New Jersey’s #1 associate degree college, the College offers programs across an extensive learning continuum from GED and ESL programs to graduate degrees through Communiversity, as illustrated below. A student’s path along this continuum is typically linear. However, a student’s needfor retraining or continuing education can be met at any point in the continuum.
Career Tracks – Identifies short term career training programs offered by OBCD that enable students to gain skills to help them find part-time or full-time employment while pursuing their degree.
Detailed information on programs can be found at
- Age range from children in elementary school to seniors
- Major market segments
- Youth – grades 2 –10 (Camps-On-Campus)
- Retirees – 55+ (Center for Creative Retirement)
DEMOGRAPHIC DATA / IMPLICATIONS FOR BROOKDALE / RECOMMENDATIONSMonmouth County’s population will continue to increase, reaching approximately 703,784 residents in 2025 (2004 Cross Acceptance Report) versus a January 1, 2009 estimate of 662,987. However, these population projections indicate that growth over the next 16 years will continue to slow, averaging approximately .37% per year.
Western Monmouth County is one of the fastest growing regions in New Jersey.
American Community Survey estimates for 2000 to 2005-2007 indicated the following:
- Approximately 24.1% growth in 45 to 65 year age cohort which will soon begin to enter the “senior” demographic
- Gradual leveling off of school-age population
- Proportion of residents aged 65 and over has remained relatively constant
- Growth in students and revenue will be primarily from market share gains and new target markets, not organic growth from traditional markets
- Increased demand for programs at Western Monmouth Branch Campus in response to population growth
- Aging of baby boomers will result in higher demand for workers in healthcare and specialized services, as well as retraining for encore careers. Anticipated growth in retirement communities will result in increased demand for lifelong learning
- Leveling off of school age population will result of greater reliance on non-trads for enrollment and revenue
- Integrated marketing communications program targeting non-trads promoting Brookdale as their local learning resource/gateway to opportunity if they
- Need new or better job skills
- Want to begin or finish a degree
- Are thinking about certification or graduate work
- Want to earn a high school diploma or learn basic skills
- Need English as a Second language
- Expansion of short term and longer term programs offered at Western Monmouth
- Expansion and revision of career training programs in various fields to meet changing needs of boomers
- Comprehensive programs for retraining and encore careers based on job market opportunities
- Onsite lifelong learning programs at retirement communities offering convenience and intellectual stimulation to residents
DEMOGRAPHIC DATA / IMPLICATIONS FOR BROOKDALE / RECOMMENDATIONSFrom 2000 through 2005-2007, population growth by racial and ethnic composition was as follows:
- White population increased by 2.07%
- African American population increased by .29%
- Asian population increased by 31.4%
- Hispanic population increased by 46.4%
- 90.7% - high school diploma
- 30.7% - associate’s or bachelor’s degree
- 14.2% - graduate or professional degree
- Growth in Asian and Hispanic population will result in increased need for English language courses
- 55% of County residents do not have a degree to help them meet the demands of a changing job market
- Expansion of ESL and English courses to prepare students for career training and/or degree programs
- Promote flexibility offered by Brookdale including convenient locations of branch campus and HECs, and online courses, open access, remedial/refresher courses as needed, broad range of subjects, articulation agreements with four year institutions and opportunity to obtain both a bachelor’s and graduate degree at Brookdale through Communiversity
DEMOGRAPHIC DATA / IMPLICATIONS FOR BROOKDALE / RECOMMENDATIONSEmployment in Monmouth County is projected to increase by 6.3% between 2006 and 2016
15 occupations with the largest employment growth will generate 2,850 net new jobs and a total projected employment increase of 18,600
By 2016, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development estimates that Monmouth County will have 9,010 annual job openings
Source: Monmouth County Planning Board 2009 Profile
Please note: Given the current economic environment, we expect these projections to be revised. /
- Slow jobs growth results in a highly competitive market with employees and job seekers needing additional training and education
- Expansion of continuing education programs and certifications to provide individuals with skills to become and remain competitive
- Short term and longer term career training programs in emerging fields such as green jobs and nanotechnology
- Personal and Home Care Aides
- Home Health Aides
- Personal Financial Advisors
- Social Workers
- Actuaries
- Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts
- Social and Human Services Assistants
- Medical Assistants
- Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors
- Marriage and Family Therapists
- Financial Analysts
- Pharmacy Technicians
- Dental Hygienists
- Dental Assistants
- Manicurists and Pedicurists
Please note: Given the current economic environment, we expect these projections to be revised. /
- Opportunity to help meet demand for skilled workers in fastest growing occupations
- Current short term training programs offered by OBCD:
- Home Health Aide
- Network Systems Certification
- Medical Assistant
- Pharmacy Technician
- Dental Assistant
- Occupations requiringlonger term programs:
- Personal Financial Advisor
- Social Workers, Social and Human Services Assistants
- Actuaries
- Network Systems and Data Communications Analysts
- Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors
- Marriage and Family Therapists
- Financial Analysts
- Dental Hygienists
- Vocational School training:
- Personal and Home Care Aides
- Manicurists and Pedicurists
- Evaluation and enhancement of current programs to meet job market demand
- Creation of new Healthcare technician programs in response to evolving industry needs
- Learning/career tracks from short term to longer term programs in specific fields (non-credit to credit programs)
DEMOGRAPHIC DATA / IMPLICATIONS FOR BROOKDALE / RECOMMENDATIONSGrowth in permatemps. Recession has accelerated trend including offshoring, automation, decline of labor unions’ influence, new management techniques and regulatory changes that had already been eroding workers’ economic standing. Recession has prompted more companies to create just-in-time labor forces to reduce fixed costs and gain greater efficiency.
Source: msnbc.com Future of Americas’ workforce: permatemps Business Week January 10, 2010 /
- Opportunity to provide career training programs to meet job market demands
- Professionals working on short-term assignments become “free agents” or entrepreneurs. Opportunity to provide training in entrepreneurship
- Short term career training in required skills such as computer training, customer service, bookkeeping, etc
- Comprehensive training in entrepreneurship and small business development
- Provide resources for entrepreneurs for networking, information sharing, support, etc. (The Entrepreneurship Center)
DEMOGRAPHIC DATA / IMPLICATIONS FOR BROOKDALE / RECOMMENDATIONSFort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Planning Authority adopted the final draft reuse plan in September 2008. According to the plan, the fort will eventually host multiple employment centers focused on four specific industries:
- Alternative and Renewable Energy
- Biotechnology
- Nanotechnology
- Information and Communications
- Opportunity to develop short term training programs to retrain highly skilled workforce who remain in Monmouth County area for comparable jobs in other, locally based industries
- Development of longer term degree programs in specific industries to be housed at Fort Monmouth site
- Short term career training programs and longer term (degree) programs in Alternative and Renewable Energy, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, and Information and Communications
DEMOGRAPHIC DATA / IMPLICATIONS FOR BROOKDALE / RECOMMENDATIONSMore baby boomers are becoming entrepreneurs. The decline of “lifetime” employment, experience and knowledge of age group, longer lifespan and effect of current recession are contributing to the increase in entrepreneurial activity.
In every single year from 1996 – 2007, Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 had a higher rate of entrepreneurial activity than those aged 20 to 34, averaging a rate of entrepreneurial activity approximately one-third larger than their youngest counterparts.
Source: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation 2009 /
- Opportunity to provide resources for entrepreneurs from training programs on business start-up and expansion, networking, mentoring, etc.
- Implementation and expansion of the Entrepreneurship Center
DEMOGRAPHIC DATA / IMPLICATIONS FOR BROOKDALE / RECOMMENDATIONS2008 MetLife Foundation/Civic Ventures survey found that between 5.3 and 8.4 million Americans have embarked on encore careers. Among workers between ages 44 and 70, half are interested in going in that direction. Motivation is to “give something back”. Encore careers include jobs in healthcare, education, green industries, government, social entrepreneurship and the nonprofit sector.
Source: msnbc.com Workers finding fulfillment in encore careers January 25, 2010 /
- Opportunities for short term and longer term retraining in encore career fields, as well as career counseling
- Fee-based, comprehensive career counseling program available to non-trads/community members to help in planning an encore career
- Expanded short and longer term career training program in encore career fields
Source: Monmouth County Selected Trends (Internal Document)
Primary market for lifelong learning programs with time for recreational and leisure activities. High level of interest in programs and activities to keep mind active and foster social connections /
- Opportunity to offer programs at Brookdale and on-site at retirement communities
- Most loyal Continuing Education customer segment with higher courses/events per customer ratio
- Expansion of on-site lifelong learning programs and locations with emphasis on multi-session programs
- Development of customer loyalty programs to generate additional registrations for both continuing education programs and Credit classes
DEMOGRAPHIC DATA / IMPLICATIONS FOR BROOKDALE / RECOMMENDATIONSFastest decrease in Monmouth County population is in 0-14 year olds, which represent the future traditional student market segment
Source: Monmouth County Selected Trends (Internal Document) /
- Enrollment growth in traditional student market will be from increased market share, not organic growth
- Opportunity to market Brookdale experiences to future students through Camps-On-Campus program
- Provide high school students with a Brookdale experience though Camps-On-Campus Step Up program (week long program in various academic subjects taught by Brookdale faculty)
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