Rubrics/Assessments to Move to the Next Level. (Individual performance assessments)
Each student will be assessed at the beginning of each semester to determine their level. They will be assessed again at the end of each nine weeks.
Intro to Band I—No prerequisites/ minimal knowledge
Band I – Participation in Middle School Band(when appropriate)
Concert/Major Scales, half notes to the 9th followed by district rhythms
Bb, Eb, Ab, F, one octave chromatic
One sight reading exercise (simple rhythms/limited range) per 9 weeks
Band II – Concert/Major scales, half notes to the 9th followed by district rhythms with arpeggios
G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Chromatic
Percussion – Mallets – Scales listed above
Snare Drum – Rudimental Long Roll (open-closed-open)
Orchestral Buzz Roll (ppp-fff-ppp)
Flam (open-closed-open)
Single Paradiddle (open-closed-open)
Timpani – Roll (ppp-fff-ppp)
Interval tuning – 3rds, 4ths, 5ths
One sight reading exercises per 9 weeks
All County Band Auditions recommended
Band III Honors—
Random Scales chosen by director
All County Band Auditions required
All District Band Auditions Recommended
Band IV Honors ----
Random scales chosen by director
All County Band Auditions required
All District Band Auditions Required
Honors Band Students will be provided the opportunities to: (NCDPI)
* Develop and demonstrate advanced instrumental practices
*Play with increased technical accuracy and expression
*Refine sight reading and ear training skills
*Play difficult instrumental literature at Level V-VI, which requires advanced
technical and interpretive skills, the ability to perform in various and unusual
meters and keys, complex rhythms, and subtle dynamic requirements
*Play instrumental literature representing diverse genres, styles, and cultures
*Use singing in instrumental study, as appropriate
*Develop skills in improvising, composing and arranging music
*Develop skills in listening to, analyzing, and evaluating musical experiences
*Apply advanced reading and notating skills with traditional and non-traditional
*Demonstrate an understanding of instrumental literature in relationship to history,
culture, and other content areas.
These studies can include:
Honors Band III:
* Concert/Major scales, half notes to the 9th followed by district rhythms with arpeggios
E, A, D, G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Chromatic
*Percussion – Mallets – Scales listed above, 2 octave
Snare Drum – 13 Essential Rudiments
Timpani – Roll (ppp-fff-ppp)
Interval tuning – 3rds, 4ths, 5ths
*2 sight reading exercises per 9 weeks
*Participation in Small Ensemble – one song per 9 weeks
Honors Band IV:
*Concert/Major scales, half notes to the 9th followed by district rhythms with arpeggios
B, E, A, D, G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Chromatic
*Percussion – Mallets – Scales listed above, 2 octave
Snare Drum – 13 Essential Rudiments
Timpani – Roll (ppp-fff-ppp)
Interval tuning – 3rds, 4ths, 5ths
*2 sight reading exercises per 9 weeks
*Participation in /Lead a Small Ensemble – one song per 9 weeks
*Compare and contrast 2 pieces of music from different genres. Complete a 2 page written paper. One per semester
*Improvise a 16 Bar selection of music
Additionally, students must create and/or maintain a portfolio that contains a
combination of written, audio, or visual examples of their work. Participation in
Honors Band III / IV prepares students for further instrumental studies in music.
(Required by NCDPI to receive Honors Band Credit. Refer to: pages 24-31)