SIT Agenda
October 13, 2014
School Vision- To accomplish our mission we must:
- Provide each child with a safe environment conducive to learning
- Teach essential standards to meet the individual needs of each student
- Provide opportunities for learning through exploration and enrichment
- Maintain well trained staff through on-going staff development
- Encourage communication between home and school
School Mission- Rural Hall Elementary School is an educational community working together to support and empower our 21st century learners through communication and technology so that they will develop an appreciation of the arts, academics, athletics, languages and cultures.
- SIT Responsibilities
Make sure SIT leaders are going over everything spoken about in the SIT meeting with the group of teachers, staff or parents that you represent.
- Lunch
First 5 minutes of sitting down with the student’s lunch will be on a 0 with a red cup as a visual aid. After that the students will see a green cup which will allow them to talk at a level 1 until they leave the cafeteria. This will start next Monday, October 20, 2014.
- Guidance
All Encore teachers please make sure to plan parent meetings during planning time, before or after school, just make sure your classes are covered if there is a last minute emergency. Please do not call Mason Hughes to cover Ms. Durham class please call Ms. Cotton, Ms. Barber or Ms. Taylor in that order if Ms. Durham is unavailable.
- School-wide Dates
Need a committee to be responsible for certain events that are happening throughout the school year. Each SIT rep will ask a grade level representative for each; math madness, multi-cultural day, decade week
Multicultural day-January 22-January 23-
Math Madness-moving to the 1st week of March
Character/Book parade day-Thursday, October 24thStaff is encouraged to dress up as a book character
Decade Week-May 4-May 8
Spelling Bee-Friday January 16th
- Writing Rubrics
Every teacher brought their grade level writing rubrics. Each rubric needs to be out of 100 points and specifically justify how points are earned for each category at each grade level. Representatives will bring back the final draft next time.
- SIP Goal for Attendance
Rural Hall does not have the same issues that the county has where African Americans and Hispanic children are more absent than the rest of the population. However, we would like to make sure our students will come to school on time and more days throughout the year. We will increase our daily attendance by 1% and decrease our unexcused tardies by 3%. This is only regarding unexcused tardies and unexcused absences.
1-Send out a message via phone to make parents aware
2-Ms. Cotton will call students to the office at the end of each quarter if they didn’t have any unexcused tardies or unexcused absences for the whole quarter.
3-1 class from each grade level will get a shining star on their door for the least number of unexcused tardies and unexcused absences every week. (EC will be in competition as a whole)
- Plan for Staff Development on Early Release Days
What is the school identified priority?
Focusing on raising the TRC & EOG reading (which includes science), math and writing scores
February 11- Review 1st & 2nd quarter data
March-measure progress, checkpoints by using data to see if we are on target for growth
April 15th-Will think about specifics, but will go over 3rd quarter data
How will this look like so that the school can work in teams?
Grade level teams, etc.
- Budget
Not ready to talk about specifics with this, will look over this at next month’s meeting
- Grading
Next school year high schools in the county are moving to the 10 point grading scale. We will look at seeing what that looks like for our school and if we want to change to that grading for 3-5. We are not in line with the rest of the country.
- Title 1 Compact
School specific responsibilities are being written for the parent, the child and the teacher this compact will be sent home for parents, student and teacher to sign.
- Science Vocabulary
Teachers please give the rest of this year’s science words to Ms. White, Ms. Blancas or Ms. McBride. First Quarter will be going up throughout the building and the cafeteria once they are laminated.
____ Teresa BrownX Terri Lyda
X Ana RamirezX Diamond Cotton
X Sherri KiserX Cynthia Barber
X Amy VernerX Amy Taylor
XBeverly LeonardX Sara Lickfeld
X Chris MabbX Jodi Sparks
X Erin FarmerX Patti Durham
X Lori WhiteX Yamile McBride
____ Parent Rep.X Candice Bowles