Emergency Assessment Tool
KOSHI Flood Response
Select 2 formal camps; 2 spontaneous settlements and 2 villages and complete the following:
1. Community level rapid assessment form
2. Household level questionnaire (12 per location – 6 men, 6 women)
3. Focus group discussions: (these need to be small groups in a private / enclosed space)
a. 1 with group of 10-12 men
b. 1 with group of 10-12 women
c. Camp management “structure”
4. Additional FGD and observation form for Village of Origin only
Who has primarily stayed back and why?
How do they manage to meet their needs?
Have any cattle stayed? What is the status of animals?
What is the level of damage to the village?
What is salvageable?
What opportunities are there for CFW?
► Check on status of community infrastructure, situation of fields (silt deposits), other. silt deposits)
What is the predominant type of house? Do people typically build on their own? What type of materials (if any) are available in the village or nearby?
What is the predominant livelihoods? What is the land ownership structure?
What type of WASH infrastructure existed before? What was the level of damage?
1. What are the main sources of income in the community? How are you managing after the floods?
► Identify variety of income sources in the community but probe or focus discussion more on coping strategies such as migration, resorting to borrowing, children dropping out of school, sale of cattle or other assets, etc. Try to identify whether this is the same as every monsoon or different this year.
2. What were your main assets before? And now?
►Discuss change in assets, sale of livestock, etc.
3. How are you managing to obtain food on a daily basis?
► Identify locations but focus more on issues such as traveling to government camps to obtain food.
4. Who are the most vulnerable in this place, in your opinion? Why? Give specific examples.
► Try to identify whether they think this is the same as always, or different after the floods and in what ways. Probe for protection issues using examples (e.g. separation during rescue; women being left behind; safety for women at camp, etc.)
5. How are the issues different for women and young girls than for men?
► Probe to check whether responses are the same during normal times as compared to now.
6. What are your plans for returning to the village?
► Try to identify when they think they will be able to go back and how they will manage.
7. What are the priorities needs in this location, in your opinion? What about in the village?
► Try to identify their priority needs that require external (CRS/MDS) support. .
How is the camp structured? Is this according to place of origin or any other consideration?
► Identify caste or other social issues..
How is the camp organized? Is this formal or spontaneous? What groups existed before (in the village) and now?
► Identify what types of groups or committees have been put in place, if any. Probe to check whether the area “leaders” are also the village leaders.
Who are the most vulnerable in this camp, in your opinion? Why?
► Try to identify whether they think this is the same as always, or different after the floods and in what ways.
Individual, household-level questionnaire:
Respondent / 1 = Male 2= Female
Where are you staying now? / ______
Are most families from your village staying in this same place? / 1 = Yes 2 = No
Where do you obtain your meals? / 1 = Govt kitchen in camp
2 = NGO kitchen
3 = Dry food
4 = Cooking on site
5 = Other______
How many members of your family are with you? / ______
What is the family composition?
(Insert Numbers) / ____ children under 5
____ girls 6 – 13
____ boys 6 – 13
____ women (14-59)
____ men (14-59)
____ persons above 60
What is the distance from this location to the village? / ______kms
Have any family members stayed in your village? / 1 = Yes 2 = No (if no skip)
If yes, who? / 1 = Husband
2 = Father
3 = Other______
If yes, how are these people obtaining food? / 1 = Traveling to camps themselves
2 = Family is sending food
3 = On their own in the village
4 = Other
How often do you communicate with them? / 1 = Daily
2 = Every two days
3 = No communication
4 = Other______
What is the primary means of communication? / 1 = Walk
2 = Boat
3 = Other
What items were you able to salvage from the floods?
(Tick all that apply) / 1 = Clothes
2 = Cooking utensils
3 = Some furniture
4 = Animals (which?)
5 = Nothing
6 = Other
What items have you been able to obtain yourself since the floods?
(probe to check what materials they have for huts) / 1 = Jute
2 = Bamboo
3 = Mats
4 = Other
What items have you received from an NGO or govt? / 1 = Tarps
2 = Buckets
3-= Kitchen utensils
4 = Dry food rations
5 Other
Where you able to bring your identification documents (ration card, voter ID, etc)? / Yes
What is your primary source of livelihood back in the village?
Note secondary sources here: / 1 = farming
2 = ag labor
3 = other daily labor
4 = livestock
5 = petty trade
6 = wages coming from outside (migration)
7 = other / 1 = farming
2 = ag labor
3 = other daily labor
4 = livestock
5 = petty trade
6 = wages coming from outside (migration)
7 = other
How many cows do you own? / ____ / ___
How many buffalo do you own? / ____ / ___
How many goats do you own? / ____ / ___
Did you lose any cattle in the flood? / 1 = Yes 2= No
If yes, how many? / ____ out of ____ No.
Have you sold any cattle since the floods? / Yes
No / ____ Nos.
Are any members of your family migrating away from this area due floods? / 1 = Yes
2 = No
If so, who in your family is moving? / 1 = Mainly men 3 = Adolescent girls
2 = Younger boys 4 = Other
Where are they going?
Where do you obtain your water / 1 = Tubewell
2 = Pond
3= other / 1 = Tubewell
2 = Pond
3= other
Are you queuing to get water? / 1 = Yes
2 = No / 1 = Yes
2 = No
How long do you have to wait to get water? / ___ mins / ____ mins
Do you use any system for cleaning drinking water in the household? (if no, skip next) / 1 = Yes
2 = No / 1 = Yes
2 = No
If yes, what type? / 1 = boiling
2 = tablets
3 = cloth filter
4 = Other ______/ 1 = boiling
2 = tablets
3 = cloth filter
4 = Other ______
Do you have separate containers for water storage? / 1 = Yes 2 = No / 1 = Yes 2 = No
Do you have covered containers exclusively for storage of drinking water? / 1 = Yes
2 = No / 1 = Yes
2 = No
What type of (defecation practices) do you use? / 1 = open defecation
2 = pit latrine
3= flush toilet
4 = in stream / canal
5 = other / 1 = open defecation
2 = pit latrine
3= flush toilet
4 = in stream / canal
5 = other
Do you have concerns about safety when going to defecate in the camp? / 1 = Yes
2 = No
When do you usually wash your hands?
(Tick all) / ____ after defecation
____ before eating
____ after contact with child feces
____ before cooking
____ other (specify ______)
What do you usually use to wash your hands? / ____ soap ____ ash ____ water ______nothing
____ mud