Math Vocabulary Words for 2nd Grade
Old, New and Some that are nice to know.
- abacus – A board or frame with discs, beads or counters. Used for counting.
- abbreviation – A shortened from of words. ex. - ante meridiem - a.m.
- acute – A thin angle with a measurement of less than 90 deg.
- acute triangle – A triangle with all 3 inside angles less than 90 deg.
- add – Join two or more numbers together.
- addend – Any number that is to be added. Ex. 4 + 4 = 8
- addition – The joining of values of two or more numbers together. The symbol is + .
- addition property of zero – When zero is added to any number the sum is still the same number.
- algebra – Math that uses numerals, symbols or letters for values that we don’t know.
- a.m. – Ante meridiem The time after midnight [12:00] until noon [12:00].
- amount – How much of that thing.
- analog clock – A clock or watch that has numbers and hands on the face to tell time.
- angle – The space between two straight lines with a common endpoint.
- annual – Happening only once a year.
- approximately – Nearly, not exactly, but almost.
- Arabic numerals – 1,2,3,4,5 numbers now commonly used in all western countries.
- arc – A part of any curve, usually means part of a circle.
- area* – The amount of surface or the size of a surface. Measured in square units.
- arithmetic – Part of math that studies numbers.
- array – Arrangement of objects and numbers in columns or rows.
- arrow – Used to indicate direction.
- ascending order – Going up or increasing in value [from smallest to largest].
- associative property of multiplication – When 3 or more numbers are multiplied, changing the order of the numbers doesn’t change the answer [product].
- asymmetry – Has no symmetry. Can’t be cut it into matching halves.
- average – Add all numbers together and divide by the number of addends.
- axis – the lines that form the framework of a graph. X = left/right [horizontal] Y = top/bottom [vertical].
- balance – Equal amount of weight on both sides. Or Money in a bank account.
- bar graph – Graph that uses horizontal or vertical bars to show information.
- base – The face that a shape or solids sits on.
- base line* – The horizontal axis of a graph – X line
- base ten blocks – A set of blocks used to give a representation of a unit of numbers used in the base ten system.
- base ten system – A number system using ten as a base for grouping.
- basic facts – Operations performed with 1- digit numbers 0 thru 9.
- bicentennial – 200th anniversary.
- billion – A billion is one thousand millions. 1,000,000,000
- boundary – A line around a region.
- budget – A plan for using money wisely.
- C – is a symbol use for Celsius temperature scale. Also a symbol for circumference in problems about circles. In Roman numerals it stands for 100.
- calculate – Work out the answer.
- calculator – A electronic aid used in calculating answers for math problems.
- calendar – Shows the 12 months of a year in order. Shows months, weeks and days.
- cardinal number – The number of all the members in a set.
- carrying – Another word for regrouping.
- Celsius scale – Scale used to measure temperature in the metric system.
- cent – a penny – One cent is one hundredth of a dollar.
- Centigrade – Former name of the metric temperature scale, now called Celsius scale.
- centimeter – [cm] A unit of length in the metric system. Almost ½ inch.
- center – A point exactly in the middle of something.
- century – 100 years
- certain - Something or event is going to happen.
- chance – Something or event may happen.
- change – The difference between what something costs and the amount of money given to the clerk.
- chord – A line joining two points on a circle.
- chronological order – Events or things arranged by the date or time when they happened.
- circle – A perfectly round shape.
- circle graph – Same as a pie chart. Uses a circle to show information collected.
- circumference – The distance around a circle.
- class – A group, set or collection of things.
- classification – Putting groups, sets or classes together that belong according to attributes.
- classify – Sort things into groups, classes or sets according to attributes.
- clockwise – The direction the hands on a clock usually move toward the right.
- closed curve – A curve that starts at a point and ends at that same point.
- closed shape – A shape [polygon] whose sides begin and end at the same point.
- cm – A symbol for centimeter. Measurement used in the metric system.
- column – A vertical arrangement.
- column addition – Adding numbers in a column. Starting from right to left.
- combination – Arranging objects in a group, the order doesn’t matter.
- common denominator* – For two or more fractions, a number that is a common multiple of the denominators.
- common fraction* - A fraction such as ¾, ½, 7/10 in which the numerator is less than the denominator. Also called a simple or proper fraction.
- commutative property of addition - The order of the numbers doesn’t change the answer [sum].
- commutative property of multiplication – The order of the numbers doesn’t change the answer [product].
- comparison – Identifying whether objects, measures or quantities are the same or different.
- compass – An instrument that shows direction or an instrument used to draw circles.
- complementary addition* – Finding the amount to complete a set. Ex. 7+ _ = 10 [3]
- composite number – A number with factors other than itself and 1.
- concave – A shape rounded inward like a bowl.
- concentric circles – Circles that are in the same plane and have the same center.
- concrete graph – A graph that uses real objects to show the information collected.
- cone – A solid that has a circular base and comes to a point – like an ice cream cone.
- congruent – Figures that are the same size and shape. Match exactly.
- consecutive numbers – Numbers that follow each other in a sequence.
- convex – Shaped like the outside of a circle. Opposite of concave.
- coordinates* – A pair of numbers or letters that show the position of a point on a plane. X – coordinate is always the first number, Y- coordinate is always the second number.
- cost – The price of something.
- count back – Moving backwards on a number line to find the difference.
- counterclockwise – The direction opposite of what the hands on a clock usually move. Circling to the left.
- counting - Giving one number [in order] to every item in a set.
- counting number – Set of numbers used in counting. 0 is not a counting number. Natural numbers.
- count on / forward – Moving forward on a number line to find the sum.
- count backward – Moving backward on a number line to find the difference.
- cube – A solid, shaped like a box, has 12 equal edges, 6 equal square faces, and 8 corners.
- cup – A unit of measuring liquid, equal to 8 ounces [oz] c
- curve – A line that is not straight, can be open or closed.
- cylinder – A solid shape with 2 circular faces at each end and round like a can.
- data – A collection of things .
- day – One 24 hour period starting at midnight and ending again at midnight.
- days of the week – The seven days from Sunday – Saturday.
- decade – 10 years.
- decagon* – A polygon with 10 sides.
- decimal - A number containing a decimal point. Ex. 0.013 or 1.25
- decimal place-value system – A number system based on groups of ten.
- decimal point – A point that separates the whole number from the part of a number.
- decrease – Make smaller. Make it less in value.
- degree – A unit for measuring temperature. Also a unit used to measure angles.
- degree Celsius – Common unit of measuring temperature in the metric system.
- degree Fahrenheit – Common unit of measuring temperature in the customary system.
- density – The mass/weight of an object.
- depth – How deep something is.
- descending order – Decreasing in value.
- diagonal – A line segment that joins two corners that are not next to each other.
- diagram – A simple drawing or sketch of a geometric figure.
- diameter – A line segment joining two points of a circle going through the center.
- diamond – A 2- dimensional shape with 4 equal sides with no 90 deg. angles. A rhombus.
- difference – The amount that two numbers differ. [answer in Subtraction].
- digit – Numerals 0, 1,2,3, …9 – can go from 1 digit numbers to multiple digit numbers.
- digital clock – A clock or watch that shows time with numbers. [has no hands]
- dime – A coin worth 10 cents.
- dimension* – A property that can be measured related to plane and space.
- direction – The way to go.
- distance – The length between on point and another.
- distribute – Give a piece of something to each, deal out.
- dollar – A unit of money worth 100 cents, 20 nickels, 10 dimes or 4 quarters. $
- dot paper – Paper printed with dots arranged in a pattern.
- double – Twice as many.
- dozen – Twelve items.
- edge – The line where two faces meet.
- element of a set – One of the objects that belong in a set.
- ellipse – A closed curve that looks like a flattened circle – an oval.
- enlargement – Make bigger.
- equal – The same amount. Identical in quantity. The = sign/symbol means both sides of an equation have the same value.
- equal parts – Divided into the same size pieces.
- equal to – One side is the same as the other side.
- equation – A way to write that two quantities are equal. Has 2 sides that are equal.
- equilateral – A figure with sides of equal length.
- equivalent – The same amount. Equal value.
- estimate – A guess or approximate amount.
- even – Equal in number, value, or balance.
- even number – A number that can be divided evenly in half. Ex. 0, 2,4,6 ….
- event – Something that has a possible outcome.
- exact – The correct or actual amount, not a guess.
- face – The flat surface on a solid figure.
- figure – another name for a numeral, line, shape, or solid.
- first – the one at the beginning.
- flat – One plane. A slice off of a solid figure.
- flexible – Something that can move or bend without breaking.
- flip – To turn a shape or figure over.
- foot – A unit of measurement that equals12 inches. Plural is feet. ft or ’
- fraction – A part of an object that compares it to the whole object. Ex. ¼, ½ , ¾
- front view – Looking at a shape or figure from the front.
- gallon – A unit of measuring liquid. 1 gal. = 4 qts = 128 ozs gal
- gram – A small unit of measuring mass in the metric system. g
- graph – A drawing or diagram that shows data that has been collected.
153. greater than – One is more than the other. > Ex. 56 > 34
- greatest – The largest number or amount.
- grid – Lines that go up and down and across. Used on graphs.
- group – A set of things.
- grouping – Putting things together into sets.
- half – One part of two equal parts.
- half-dollar – A unit of money worth 50 cents. ½ of a dollar.
- half-gallon – A unit of measuring liquid. Equals 2 qts. = 64 ozs.
- half-hour – A unit of time equal to 30 minutes. The min. hand is on 6. Ex. 9:30
- half past – Another way to say half-hour; equal to 30 min. The minute hand is on 6.
- height – How tall something is. Measure from top to bottom.
- hemisphere – Half of a sphere.
- heptagon – A polygon with 7 sides and 7 angles.
- hexagon – A polygon with 6 sides and 6 angles.
- histogram- A bar graph with no spaces between columns.
- horizontal line – A line that is parallel to the horizon. Side to side.
- hour – A unit of time that equals 60 minutes. Hour hand is on a number – minute hand is on the 12. h
- identical – Exactly alike.
- image – A exact copy.
171. impossible – Not a chance for something to happen.
- inch – A measure of length. in or ”
- increase – Make larger by adding some on.
- inequality – Not equal to. One side is not the same as the other one.
- infinite – No starting or ending point. Goes on forever. – infinity
- integers – Positive and negative whole numbers including 0.
- intersect – A point where two or more lines cross each other.
- intersection – A point where two lines meet.
- irregular polygon – A shape in which all sides are not the same in length.
- isosceles triangle – A triangle having 2 sides the same length and 2 angles equal.
- kilogram – A unit of measure of mass [weight] in the metric system. kg
- kiloliter – A unit of measure of volume [capacity] in the metric system. kL
- kilometer – A unit of measure of distance in the metric system. km
- kite – A quadrilateral with 2 equal short sides and 2 equal long sides.
- L – The symbol for liter [liquid measure/volume] in the metric system. L
- leap year – A year that has 366 days. Happens every 4 years.
- least – the smallest thing or amount in a group.
189. least likely – The smallest chance that something will happen.
- length – How long something is from end to end.
- less likely - Less of a chance that something will happen.
- less than – One is smaller than the other one. 25 < 63
- likely – A chance that something will happen.
- line – A straight path that goes forever [infinity] in each direction.
- line graph – A graph with a straight lines that connect points that represent data.
- line of symmetry – A line that divides something into 2 identical pieces. Looks the same on both sides.
- line segment – A part of a straight line. Has a beginning and an end.
- liter – A unit of measuring liquid/volume [capacity] in the metric system. L
- m – The symbol for meter [length measurement] in the metric system. m
- mass – The amount of matter [weight] in an object.
- matching – One to one or many to one correspondence.
- maximum – The greatest or biggest value/number.
- maze – A kind of a puzzle that has a path that has to be followed to get to the end.
- measure – To determine the size of something.
- meter – The base unit of length [distance] in the metric system. m
- metric system – A decimal system of weights and measure used in other countries and in Science. The United States uses the Customary System.
- midpoint – the middle between two points.
- mile – A measure of length [distance] in the customary system. mi
- milligram – A small unit of measurement of mass in the metric system. mg
- milliliter – A unit of capacity [volume] used in the metric system. mL
- millimeter – A unit of measuring length in the metric system. mm
- million – One thousand thousands. 1,000,000,000
- minimum – The smallest or least value.
- minus – Subtract. Finding the difference between 2 numbers.
- minute – A unit of time equal to 60 seconds. min.
- model – A 3-dimentional representation of an actual object.
- month – A measurement of time- using days – 28, 30 or 31 per 1 month. There are 12 months in a year.
- more – Greater in amount.
219. more likely – A greater chance that something will happen.
- most – The greatest amount.
- most likely – The greatest chance that something will happen.
- natural number – One of the counting numbers. Ex. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,
- negative numbers* – A number is less than 0. Located to the left of the 0 on the number line.
Ex . -1, -2, -3….
- nickel – A unit of money equal to 5 cents.
- nonagon* – A polygon with 9 sides and 9 angles.
- none – Nothing. Not one. Not any.
- not equal - Not the same on each side. =/=
- nothing – 0 - Zero. Not one.
- number – How many things.
- number line – A line with equally marked points and numbers underneath.
- number sentence – An equation written is a line – not column. Ex. 2+5 = 7.
- obtuse triangle – A triangle with one obtuse angle [larger than 90 deg.]
- o’clock – Used in telling time.
- octagon – A polygon with 8 sides and 8 angles.
- odd number – A number that cannot be divided in half. Ex. 1, 3, 5, 7…
- one-dimensional – A figure which has only one length. Ex. a line
- one-to-one correspondence – Matching the objects of two sets.
- open curve – A curve that has an beginning and end that doesn’t connect.
- opposite numbers – Numbers that add up to 0. Ex. 3 – 3 = 0
- order – Arrange things in a pattern or a sequence.
- ordering – Arranging things according to size, color, or value.
- ordinal number – A number that indicates position. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
- origin* – The point where something begins.
- ounce – Unit of measure for weight or liquid. Oz
- outcome – The results of a given problem.
- oval – An egg shaped figure. As ellipse – a flattened circle.
- pace – The distance that you step measured from heel to heel.
- pair – Two things that go together. Ex. shoes, gloves, socks
- parallel lines – Two or more lines that are equal distance apart going in the same direction. They will never intersect/cross.
- parallelogram – A four-sided figure. A quadrilateral where opposite sides are parallel and equal and opposite angles equal.
- pattern – A repeated design using a variety of designs, colors, numbers, etc.
- pattern blocks – A set of shapes cut into various geometric shapes.
- pattern unit – A pattern that is created before repeating itself.
- penny – A unit of money equal to one cent.
- pentagon – A polygon with 5 straight lines and 5 angles.
- percent – A number out of a hundred. %
- perimeter – The distance around a closed shape.
- pictograph – A graph drawn with pictures to represent data. It has a key and a name. Same as a pictogram and picture graph.
- pie graph – A circle graph that shows data.
- pint – A unit of measuring liquid that equals 2 c = 16 oz pt
- placeholder – A symbol that holds a place for an unknown number. A box [] or any letter, or a 0 used as a digit – 206.
- place value – The value of each digit in a number determined by its place in that number.
- plan – A diagram of a place or an object as seen from above.
- plane – A flat surface like a top of a desk, a wall or a plane shape drawn flat.
- plane shape – A closed plane shape that lays in one plane – as if it is flat. A slice off a solid shape. Ex. circle, square, triangle, rectangle, etc.
- plus – The name of the symbol that means addition. + 6 + 3 = 9
- p.m. – Post meridiem. The time right after noon [12:00] until midnight [12:00].
- point– Small dot on a surface. Also know as the decimal point. Ex. 12.5 or $3.89
- polygon – A plane shape that has 3 or more straight lines.