Phase OneReview Process

for New Degree Programs

Phase One proposals for new degree programs follow the review process indicated below. Signatures of each review level should be obtained prior to submission at the subsequent level. New graduate programs are presented to the Graduate Council. New undergraduate programs are presented to the Academic and Student Affairs Senior Leadership Team. Proposals receiving phase one approval will move to the complete phase two proposal process that includes curriculum review. Proposals that are not recommended at any level will be accompanied by a memo describing the reasons for non-support.

Department Chair/Director signature and date: ______

Recommended ______Not recommended _____

Dean signature and date: ______

Recommended ______Not recommended _____

Graduate Council review date: ______

Recommended ______Not recommended _____

Academic and Student Affairs Senior Leadership Team review date: ______

Recommended ______Not recommended _____

Provost signature and date: ______

Recommended ______Not recommended _____

Board of Trustees review date: ______

Recommended ______Not recommended _____


Proposed Degree Title: ______

Proposed Start Date*:______

Proposed CIP Code†:______

  1. Briefly describe the essential features of the proposed program, including a program description and possible course offerings.
  • If the new degree is currently offered as an option in an existing degree program, give a rationale for the conversion.
  • If the new degree program is not commonly offered as a bachelor’s or master’s degree, provide a compelling academic rationale explaining how the proposed subject area constitutes a coherent degree that has potential value to students.
  1. Describe the relationship of the proposed program to the University’s role and mission and to University priorities.
  1. Provide evidence of a bona fide need for the proposed program. Provide a brief narrative explaining the state economic impact, if any, of the new program. Preliminary evidence of adequate student demand for the proposed program should include:
  • A list of neighboring institutions, public or private, currently offering the proposed degree program or a similar program
  • Information indicating substantial regional workforce demand for individuals who have earned this degree (use Department of Labor statistics, Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade and other sources as applicable and available)
  • Information indicating adequate student interest in the proposed program, as applicable depending on the degree level (e.g., number of declared undergraduate majors,number of degrees awarded in previous three years from MSU Denver and from comparative institutions, results of prospective student surveys, etc.)
  1. Describe the potential effect on existing programs at MSU Denver(e.g., enrollment changes, opportunities for collaboration, resources).
  1. Describe any regional or professional accreditation or licensure requirements that have helped shape the proposed program. Please identify the accrediting or licensure entity, whether or not approval will be sought, and how such approval would benefit the program.
  1. Provide preliminary estimates of the following resources needed to implement the program based on estimated enrollments:
  • Additional faculty positions and desired qualifications of these faculty;
  • Additional resources required for program administration (e.g., release time for a Chair or Director);
  • Additional staff support within the program;
  • Additional staff support from central units, i.e., Admission, Registrar, Financial Aid, etc.;
  • Additional space requirements;
  • Additional specialized equipment and materials (library, technology, etc).