May 20, 2008
Dear Mike Humphrey,
The following includes a monthly report of participation data; summary of services, workshops and events; program development and direction; and a few of the comments we received from staff and faculty regarding the Health in Action Wellness Program. If you have any suggestions, feedback or questions, please let us know.
Thank you for this opportunity. We look forward to meeting with you again soon.
Your WIN for Alaska, Inc. Wellness Team
UA Health In Action Report—2008
Health In Action Services / Jan / Feb / Mar / AprIncoming Email* / 204 / 329 / 259 / 592
Telephone Calls* / 52 / 197 / 182 / 104
Event Participation – (see below) / 204 / 226 / 349 / 449
Health Activity Tracker Registration (total to month end) / 793 / 893 / 943 / 990
Get the Point Participants
(total to month end) / 235 / 279 / 323
IHP Participants / 184 / 261 / 302
*This includes only incoming emails from UA staff and faculty.
Event and Participation Report – April Only / # of ParticipantsWellness Breaks—Counts taken at the end of each session.
Participants could have attended more than one session.
Massage and Cholesterol Analysis have limited registration.
UAS Staff Councils / 31
Massage / 10
UAS School of Education / 43
Massage / 7
UAA School of Nursing / 47
Cholesterol Analyses / 7
Massage / 12
UAA OPS and Grants and Contracts / 62
Massage / 14
Ketchikan / 40
Cholesterol Analyses / 8
Massage / 12
Sitka / 61
Cholesterol Analyses / 9
Massage / 11
Kodiak / 25
Body Composition Analysis / 9
Dillingham / 25
Blood Pressure / 8
Biometric Screening Events limited registration (BP/Body Comp) / 65
Blood Cholesterol Numbers,above the Healthy Range, April = 24 participants
Total Cholesterol
12 (50%) / Glucose
2 (8.3%) / Low Density Lipoprotein
3 (12.5%) / Triglycerides
8 (3.33%)
April Services - Individualized Health Planning Sessions (IHPs)
IHP Biometric Screenings
WIN for Alaska provides biometric screenings for IHP participants at either the first or second IHP session. The following results are shown for all readings through April 30.
A blood pressure result that was 140/90 or higher was considered a high reading.
If a participant had a systolic result of over 140 and a diastolic result of under 90 it was still considered a high reading as was a systolic result of under 140 and a diastolic result of over 90.
We used the National Heart and Lung Institutes guidelines for body mass index (BMI).
- Normal = 18.5-24.9
- Overweight = 25-29.9
- Obesity = 30 or greater
Since the beginning of the IHP sessions we have provided the following screenings: 128 cholesterol analyses, 202 bloodpressure screenings, 213 body composition screenings, and 214 BMI screenings.
Of the 128 Cholesterol Screenings, there were 52 readings (40.63%) that showed TC greater than or equal to 200.
IHP Wellness Consultants Report
Our IHP Wellness Consultants report that staff and faculty want to share their thoughts and goals. Most are ready to change. Some have already started. Guidance and navigation is really what they are seeking. This program is fulfilling their need.
- Through the end of April, IHP Wellness Consultants met with 302 clients for an Initial IHP Session, 38 in Juneau and 264 in Anchorage, respectively.
- Called or emailed all of the IHP Session “no shows” and offered to reschedule them.
- The trends for participating seem to be to improve their overall health and weight management.
- Continued calling the Deans and Directors requesting a short time slot to promote the IHP sessions.
- From these contacts we have provided presentations to:
- College of Health and Social Welfare, IHP program, Wellness Breaks, etc. (100)
- College of Technical studies, IHP program, Wellness Breaks, etc. (20)
- College of Education, IHP program, Wellness Breaks, etc. (10)
- School of Engineering, IHP program, Wellness Breaks, etc. (25)
- Student Affairs Conference, Office Ergonomics, Stress, Nutrition, IHP (50)
- Student Advancement, IHP program, Wellness Breaks, etc.
- Managed IHP registration, modification, and cancellation emails.
- Updated our best practices for the IHPs to keep sessions consistent and help meet established goals.
- Maintained all the established processes for cancellations and management reports.
- Provided follow up calls for all cancellation or no shows appointments.
- Provided two team networking meetings in Anchorage and one in Juneau.
- Continued to answer questions about why UAF and rural locations are not currently getting IHP sessions.
- Reset user names and passwords for the IHP registration system.
- Promoted the IHP Sessions and the IHP Networking Sessions.
- Continued walk thrus of departments to discuss the IHPs whenever we had a no show.
- Began issuing the one month certificates to anyone who completed their one monthsession.
- Began issuing The Alaska Club one month passes to anyone who completed their three month session in Anchorage and Juneau and also the Juneau Rec Center passes to participants in Juneau.
April Services - Get the Point Incentive Program
- Revised GTP Reward email to include an option to choose your prize.
- Distributed GTP Tracking email mid April.
- Distributed GTP Reminder email end of April.
- Mailed pedometers and gym bag prizes for the Fairbanks UA Joint Health Care Committee.
- Responded to general questions about GTP as well as specifics on the points and prizes.
- Continued walk thrus of departments to discuss the GTP Incentive Program.
- Reset user IDs and passwords on HAT.
- Continued work on the logistics of HAT with the incentive program, breaking down the point totals for each group.
- Promoted the GTP incentive program.
- Evaluated requests from staff and faculty for new health events added to HAT.
April Services - Wellness Breaks
- Provided a Wellness Break for UAS Staff Councils, UAS School of Education, UAA School of Nursing, UAA OPS and Grants and Contracts, Ketchikan, Sitka, Dillingham, and UAA Human Development.
- Started organizing Wellness Breaks for Bethel, Kenai/Soldotna/Homer, Kodiak, Nome, and Valdez.
- Worked on travel arrangements with the rural coordinators.
- Received emails, phone calls, and faxes from Bethel, Dillingham, Kenai, Homer, Soldotna, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Mat-Su, Nome, Seward, Sitka, and Valdez regarding Wellness Break scheduling.
- Coordinated with massage therapists in Anchorage, Juneau, and Fairbanks, as well as rural locations for Wellness Breaks.
- Prepared for and met with Wellness Break coordinators. Worked on Wellness Break topics, faculty and staff questions, room preparation, etc.
- Continued working with out-of-town staff and faculty on spring visits for presentations and workshops.
- Followed Wellness Break promotion schedule: Save the Date flyer sent one month in advance of the Wellness Break, invitation sent two weeks in advance, reminder emails sent two days before, and appointment confirmation/reminder the day before.
April Services - Program Development and Miscellaneous Reports
WIN for Alaska works consistently to identify and develop relationships with UA staff and faculty. Below are a few of the strategies and programs we are working on:
- WIN for Alaska’s team attended and presented to the UA Joint Health Care Committee. We provided information on our current programs as well as the direction we would like the program to go.
- Began working with Sandy at UAA on the SDD planned for May. We will be hosting a mini-health fair and will provide body composition, blood pressure, cholesterol screenings, as well as partnering with other department on campus to provide additional screenings and presentations. We are planning to incorporate the Culinary School and Nursing School.
- Working with Kirk and Jeri in Juneau to provide a presentation at the UAS SDD.
- Continued to garner support for Individualized Health Planning (IHP) sessions and the Get the Point Incentive Program.
- Learning about campus-run programs and developing ways to help support them.
- Developing targeted email communication based on the feedback from faculty and staff evaluations, interest surveys, and emails and telephone conversations.
- Started designing a new, more targeted department-requested event called Wellness Checks. These are for departments interested in only biometric screenings and analysis.
- Working towards the Well Workplace Award.
- Annual report compilation for June.
- The IHP consultants continue to encounter staff and faculty who are having a lot of difficulty with the registrations for Kate Wattum's, Everest Expedition and many have given up. Others find that running two programs simultaneously is confusing.
- Worked with the various campuses on room schedules for our events and presentations.
- Began scheduling body composition and blood pressure screening events in Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau for May. Worked on locations, advertising, and scheduling.
- Spoke with the Weight Watchers facilitator, Michelle Littell in the Fairbanks campus. The group has lost a total of 436 pounds as of mid April. Series #2 will begin May 27th for 17 weeks.
- People continued to ask about the walking program and when it is going to begin again.
- Promoted the UA Health In Action Website, IHPs and the Get the Point Incentive Program.
- Communicated with staff and faculty by telephone and email on a regular basis. A majority of the calls and emails were from faculty and staff who had questions about the IHPs, Get the Point Incentive Program, Wellness Breaks, and resetting user IDs and passwords.
- Continued adding to our internal resources document.
- Added new audiocasts to the Health Link eNewsletter and UA Health In Action website.
- Worked with various people throughout the state to find locations that will allow more staff and faculty to participate in workshops and events.
- Continued to promote the Health Tip of the Month and invited staff/faculty to sign up. The number went down to 97 after the mailing list was cleaned up.
- Presented at the Department of University of Advancement regarding the IHP Program.
- Provided various departments information on our massage therapists so that they can use them on their own for stress reduction events after our Wellness Breaks.
April Services - Staff and Faculty Feedback
This information was provided to us via emails and evaluations.
Wellness Break Comments:
•Snacks and walk were great!
•Thanks for sponsoring the Chair Massage.
•It was good and I found some things I hadn’t tried.
•Good presenter, but needs to be interactive.
•Thank you!
•I attended all sessions-enjoyed them all. Snacks were great too! Would like to see this happen each semester. Thank you.
•Stephanie ROCKS! Jenna’s massages were great and it was nice getting her input on the topics as well.
•Stephanie is delightful. . .
•It was great. I look forward to seeing you again.
Wellness Break Suggestions:
•When talking about and demonstrating body dynamics and positions, have students stand and do them!
•Clone Stephanie!
•Have water available
IHP Program Comments:
•I appreciated Heidi's positive and non-judgmental attitude, even in the face of my less than stellar effort. This is very helpful when one is trying to get 'back on track' in a fitness and nutrition routine. THANKS!
•I look forward to seeing you at the UAA Community Celebration.
•Judy is fantastic.
•Thank you again for this additional help from WIN and UA for offering this valuable program to the employees to achieve a healthy life style. In only two months, I feel I am well on my way to achieving my goals and I look forward to continued help and feedback in my remaining sessions.
•The get the point stuff is very specific, it needs to be broadened a bit. For example, "I ran a marathon this month" is an option, but what about all the months of training for the marathon that I can't mark down?
•I think this is a very valuable program and really want to see it continue.
•I found the IHP Initial session to be very informative and comprehensive. I feel I received information and an overall health plan that is very tailored to my lifestyle and life circumstances, which makes the plan easy and realistic to me.
•I am looking forward to the walks around Goose Lake starting in June.
•Great idea to be a part of the University Celebration May 15th with the Health Fair! Thanks!
•Heidi is wonderful! :o)
•Heidi was fabulous and I think she and this plan will be very helpful to me in reaching my goals.
•This is a great program. Thanks.
•Thank You
•Heidi is so nice and personable. I just love going to my IHP sessions.
•Very nice benefit, great support, good motivational tool.
•Thanks for the opportunity!
IHP Program Comments—continued:
•These sessions with Brook has been extremely helpful in getting me motivated and setting new goals. He is great at giving me new goals and ideas for making small but valuable changes in my eating and exercising habits. I really like meeting with him; he has definitely helped motivate my desire for weight loss and adding more diverse exercise.
•People should be made aware of the value of knowing their body PH. Perhaps include in the testing the saliva PH strip test as a gauge. Also there was no discussion of water consumption.
•They need a larger room! However, having him so close is wonderful.
IHP Program Suggestions:
•Perhaps a weekly, automated email reminder of the goals set during the session.
•Target information would be helpful. When we did the testing I am too big for the charts so we just guessed.
•More free screening tests - Vit D, blood sugar, liver function, ...
•I thought the session went very well and I feel like things are off to a good start.
•My only suggestion would concern the set-up of the room. Wi-fi was not working this morning. A location with a dedicated hard line Internet connection would reduce that sort of problem.
•more interactive activities, like trips to the gym to show equipment.
•Thought it went well, Judy had a great deal of knowledge and I really appreciate the help.
•You need a bigger office.
•Not such cramped rooms. Not very private.
•Would be easier to attend sessions at the University Center also.
•a more user friendly website
•A private room for consultations.
•Continually offer this service.
•This is a great program!!! Many people are struggling with health issues and this program, with the individualized attention, is working great for me and others.
•its a good process - I’m looking forward to getting some bench mark measurements
•A little more time each session. There isn't enough time each session for the questions that I have.
•Longer than 6 sessions, maybe more often? Also, have it continuous year round! ; )
•Longer session time. Provide eating plan tailored to individual.
Wellness Consultant Feedback:
This information was provided to us from our Wellness Consultants.
•(Body Comp / BP Event in Fairbanks) During the last few minutes, an employee walked in to browse around because his female coworkers urged him to. Since the scheduled appt was not there, we had a conversation about the program, and he filled me in on some personal changes he was going through. He voiced a concern about his health, especially his eating habits and chewing tobacco. He was interested in tobacco cessation classes, and getting support for making lifestyle changes. Told him we might have one on one coaching coming to Fbks, and let him know about the Alaska Quit smoking Hotline. About an hour later, I arrived at my Vet's office to pickup one of my dogs, and ran into him again as he was also picking up his dog! He's had his dog for 14 years so now I know his family! Just thought I'd comment on this because it really demonstrates how, as part of the same community, we can connect with people and have additional unplanned opportunities!
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