August 31st
Overcast skies failed to dampen the enthusiasm and spirit of the large attendance at the annual Newport Agricultural Show, yesterday, which attracted an increased entry in the various sections.
The Dr. Walsh Cup for the best cow at the Show was: won by Mr. A. McMahon, Carrowholly.
The Burrishoole Cup for the best Shorthorn went to Mr. P. Cawley, Cultrain, Westport.
Miss T. V. Stoney, Rosturk Castle, was awarded the Tiernaur Cup for having the best horse on view.
In the farm and garden produce section Mr. J. Quinn, Cultrain, Westport, captured the Kilmaclasser Cup.
For the most points obtained in this section Mr. John Quinn, Cultrain and Mr. Tom Geraghty, Kilbride, Newport, tied for firstplace and the Hastings Cup. Each will hold the trophy for six months.
The Clew Bay Cup for the best six exhibits in Cookery, went to Miss Kathleen McGovern, Carrabawn House, Newport.
For the best six exhibits in Homecrafts Miss E. Tobin, Newport was awarded the Mulranny Cup. And for the best bunch offlowers from an open garden, displayed in one vase, Mrs. M. Brown; Alpine Lodge, Westport, obtained a silver perpetual challenge cup. This was her seventh time winning the cup.
The Macra na Feirme Cup (confined to Newport members) for best three exhibits in farm and garden produce went to Mr. Pat Gannon,Acres, Newport.
Sept 7th
Irish Draught Mare—1, J. Fadian, Lecarrow; 2, J. Dyra, Carrickeneady; 3, T. Cawley, Clogher.
Irish Draught Gelding-1, Gallagher Bros., Fahy; 2, J. Quinn, Cultrain,: Westport; 3, P. Moore, Aughagowla, Newport.
Farmer's Working Mare-1. A. McNeela, Derrylahan; 2, Miss M. Hoban, Brockagh, Newport.
Farmer's Working Horse—1, J. Cusack, Cultrain, Westport; 2, Gallagher Bros., Fahy, Newport; 3, J. Campbell Mayour, Kilmeena;
Best Cob at Show—1, M. O'Donnell, Cultrain, Westport; 2, P. Cawley, Cultrain, Westport; 3, T. Mulchrone, Derryloughan.
Pony, any age, under 14.2 but not under 12.2—1, Miss T. V. Stoney, Rosturk Castle, 2, W. Gibbons, Clogher, Westport; 3, J .J. Geraghty, Cuilmore.
Pony, any age, under 12.2—1, Miss T. V. Stoney, Rosturk Castle; 2, M. McGarry Fergus, Ardagh, Newport; 3, T. Cawley, Clogher, Westport.
Best Donkey shown in hand—1, J. McGovern, Sandymount House, Newport; 2, S. Kelly, 17 Main St.
Donkey Derby—1, J. McGovern, Sandymount House, Newport; 2, S. Kelly, 17 Main Street.
Best Shorthorn-type General Purpose, Cow, in Calf or in Milk 1, P. Cawley, Cultrain, Westport; 2, J. McGee, Sandymount; 3, J. Roache, Knockgloss.
Best Cow, any other type, in Calf or in Milk—1, M. Kelly, Castlebar Street; 2. P. McLoughlin, Barrack Hill; 3, E. Langan, Mayneen, Aughagower.
Best General Purpose Cow, in Calf or in Milk, which never won a show prize-1, P. McManamon, Teevemore; 2, P. A. Keane, Knockgloss; 3, M. Kelly, Castlebar Street.
Bullock, A.A. or A.A. Cross, having two permanent teeth—1, C. Moran, Main Street; 2, J. McManamon,: Newport. ;
Bullock, A.A. or A.A. Cross, not having permanent teeth—1, J. McManamon, Newport; 2, T. Burke, Rossinrubble; 3, J. Ryce, Carrowmore.
Bullock, any breed or cross, not having permanent teeth—1, C. Keane, Cuilmore; 2, J. Campbell; Mayour; Kilmeena; 3, M. Kelly, Castlebar Street.
Bullock, any breed or cross, having more than two permanent teeth-1 and 2, Feehan Bros., Kilmeena.
Heifer, any breed or cross, not having permanent teeth—1, F. Cusack, Andagh, Newport; 2, Do.; 3, P. McManamon, Carramore.
Heifer, A-A. or A.A. cross, not having permanent teeth—1, A. McNeela, Derrylahan; 2, T. Geraghty, Kilbride; 3, V. Jordan, Acres,
Heifer, Shorthorn type, having at least two permanent teeth—1, C. Moran,Main Street; 2, P. McManamon, Teevemore.
Bull Calf, 3 to 6 months—1, M. Kelly, Castlebar Street; 2, Do.; 3, J. McManamon, Newport.
Heifer.Calf, 3 to 6 months—1, V.Jordan, Acres; 2, M. Kelly, Inishower, Newport;; 3, Ei: Langan, Mayneen, Aughagower.
Bull Calf, under 3 months—1, J. McManamon, Newport; 2 and 3, M. Kelly, Castlebar Street.
Best Calf, fed, led and groomed by Boy or Girl, under 14 years-1, P. McManamon, Derrylahan; 2, P. McManamon, Carrowmore; 3, M. McManamon, Derrylahan.
Blackfaced Ram, any age—1, B. McLoughlin; Knockloughra; 2, T. Mulchrone, Buckagh; 3, S. Chambers, Treenbeg.
Blackfaced Ram, yearling—1, P. J. Quinn, Newport; 2, M. Walsh, Derrylqughan; 3, J. Moran Derrygarve.
Blackfaced Ram Lamb—1, P. J. Quinn, Newport; 2 and 3, D. Horan, Doogra
Pen of Two Blackfaced Ewes—1, P. Moran, Doughill, Mulranny; 2, P. J. Quinn, Newport.
Pen of Two Blackfaced Ewes, one year old—1, P. J. Quinn, Newport; 2 and 3, J. Walsh, Derryloughan.
Pen of Two Ewe Lambs (Black-faced)—1. J. Walsh, Derryloughan; 2, M. McFadden, Buckagh; 3, P. J. Quinn, Newport.
Pen of Two Cross-bred Ewes- 1, P. J. Quinn Newport; 2, J. Campbell, Mayour, Kilmeena; 3, P. Casey, Lecarrow.
Pen of Two Cross-bred Ewe Lambs- 1. P. J. Quinn, Newport; 2 and 3, J. Cusack, Cultrain, Westport.
Best Bacon Pig, 12-16 st.—1. J. Durkan, Aughagowla, Newport.
Pair of Bonhams—1, T. Geraghty, Kilbride, Newport; 2, J. Durkan, Aughagowla, Newport.
Sheep-Dog Trials—Tie between John M. McNulty, Doontrusk and Frank McHale, Sandhill.
Collie—1, M. Walsh, Carrowbeg House, Newport; 2, F. Cusack, Ardagh; 3, M. Staunton, Rossduane, Kilmeena.
Sheepdog—1, F. Cusack, Ardagh; 2, Miss A. McDonnell, Meddlicott Stret; 3, P. Mulchrone, Newport.
Irish Setter-1. C. Moran, Main Street; 2, J. McGee, Sandymount.
Terrier, any variety-l, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 2. V. Jordan, Acres; 3, P. Gannon, Acres.
Any other variety-1, Miss A. Chambers, Kilbride; 2, J. Nixon, Inishower, Newport; 3, E. Langan, Maynee, Aughagower.
Rhode Island Red Pullet—1, Convent of Mercy, Newport; 2, Miss M. Moran, Derradda,
White Leghorn Pullet—1, Convent of Mercy, Newport; 2, Mrs. A. Moran, Deradda.
Light Sussex Pullet—1, Miss C. Dyra, Carrickaneady; 2, Miss C. Ryder, Kilbride.
Cockerel, suitable for table purposes—1, Miss, M. B. McNulty, Doontrusk.
Gander or Goose, any pure breed —1 T. Costello, Knocknageeha, 2, Mrs P. McManamon, Lecarrow, 3, V. Jordan, Acres
Duck or Drake, any breed—1, and 2, Mrs. M. Nixon, Inishower.
Four entries in Farm & Garden produce from each exhibitor. 1, J Quinn, Cultrain Westport, 2, J. J. OMalley, Carrowmore, 3, T. Geraghty, Kilbride
Five Potatos (Kerr's Pink)—1, Miss A. J. Walsh, Newport; 2, J McGee, Sandymount; 3, S. Heneghan, Brockagh.
Five Potatoes (Arran Banner) —1, T. Geraghty, Kilbride, 2, J. Quinn, Cultrain, Westport; 3, Mrs. A. J. Walsh, Newport.
Five Potatoes (Champion)—1, Lady N. Bevir, Melcomb, Newport; 2 and 3, S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport.
Five Potatoes: (Golden Wonder) —1 and 2, T. Geraghty, Kilbride; 3, P. Lavelle, Rosclave.
Five Potatoes (Early Variety) —1, J. Campbell, Mayour, Kilmeena; 2, Lady N. Bevir, Melcomb; 3, Mrs. J. Walsh, Newport.
Five Largest Potatoes—1, A. McNeela, Derrylahan; 2, Lady N. Bevir, Melcomb; 3, J. Quinn, Cultrain.
Three Swede Turnips—1, Mrs. A. J. Walsh, Newport; 2; P. Gannon, Acres.
Three Mangolds—1, P. Gannon, Acres; 2, B. Ruttledge, Newport; 3, P. Gannon, Acres.
Two Heads of Field cabbage—l, J. B. Ruttledge, Newport; 2, T Geraghty, Kilbride.
Sheaf of Wheat, as cut—1, M. Staunton; Rossduane, Kilmeena; 2, J. B. Ruttledge, Newport.
Sheaf of Potato type Oats—1, J. Quinn, Cultrain, Westport; 2, J. B. Ruttledge, Newport; 3, P. McManamon, Derrylahan.
Sheaf of Victory type Oats—l, U. Quinn, Cultrain, Westport; 2, J. J. O'Malley, Carramore, Newport; 3, T. Geraghty, Kilbride.
Sheaf of Barley, as cut—1, J. McGee, Sandymount; 2, J. Quinn, Cultrain, Westport; 3, J. B. Ruttledge, Newport
Sheaf of Rye, as cut—1, S. Costello Knappagh; Westport.
Three Heads York Cabbage—1, Mrs. C. O'Donnell, Rosbarnagh; 2, T. Geraghty, Kilbride; 3, J. Ryder, Kilbride.
Five parsnips—1, T. Geraghty, Kilbride. 2. and 3 , J. Corcoran, Carrowmore.
Five Carrots—1, S Callaghan, Clooneshil; 2, Mrs. C. O'Donnell, Rosbarnagh; ,'3, J. Corcoran, Carrowmore.
Three Heads Lettuce—1, Lady N. Bevir, Melcomb; 2 and 3, J. Nixon, Imshower, Newport.
Three Heads Cauliflower—1. Lady N. Bevir, Melcomb; 2, J. Ryder, Kilbride.
Ten Shallots—1, Mrs A. J. Walsh, Newport, 2, J. Nixon Inishower, Newport, 3, Mrs A. Kealy, Newport
Five Onions from Seed—1, and: 2, J. Nixon, Inishower, 3, Mrs C.: O'Donnell, Rosbarnagh, Newport,
Twelve Pods Peas—1, J. Nixon, Inishower; 2 and 3, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport.
Five Pods Broad Beans—1 and 2, J. Nixon, Inishower.
Five Beet, any Garden Variety —1, S. Costello; Knappagh, Westport; T. Geraghty, Kilbride; 3, S. O'Malley, Carrowmore.
Truss Tomatoes—1, Mrs. J. Kilroy, Carrickeneady; 2, J. V. McGovern, Sandymount House,
Five Sticks Rhubarb—1, Lady N. Bevir, Melcomb; 2, J. Callaghan, Derryloughan; 3, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport.
Collection of Vegetables—1, Lady N. Bevir, Melcomb; 2, S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport; 3, Mrs. A. J. Walsh, Newport.
Five Dessert Apples, Beauty of Bath—1, Mrs. A. Humphreys, Derrydeevagh House; 2, J. Nixon, Inishower.
Five Cooking Apples (Green Brambley)—1, T. Geraghty, Kilbride; 2, J. Campbell, Mayour, Kilmeena; 3, Mrs. P. McManamon, Teevemore. I
Collection of Three Varieties Dessert Apples—l. T. Geraghty, Kilbride, Newport.
Collection of Three Varieties Cooking Apples—1, T. Geraghty, Kilbride, Nevirpbrt.
Plate of Six White Hen Eggs —1, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport; 2, Convent of Mercy; Newport.
Plate of Six Hen Eggs, other than White—1, Mrs. N, Lavelle, Rosclave; 2, Miss M. Fadian, Lecarrow; 3, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh Westport.
1lb brick (Salted)—1, Mrs.M. V. Walsh, Carrowbeg House 2, Mrs. N. Lavelle, Rosclave;3, Miss M. McManamon, Teevemore.
1 lb Brick (Unsalted)—1, Mrs. M. V. Walsh, Carrowbeg House; 2, and 3, Mrs. J. O'Malley, Carrowmore.
Decorated Plate of Butter-l, Mrs. O'Neill, Lettermoghera; 2, Mrs. J. Ryder Kilbride.
Six Sods Black Turf—1, J. Moran, Derrygarve; 2, G. Murray, Kilbride; 3, G. Mulchrone, Buckagh.
Six Sods Brown Turf—1, C. Murray, Kilbride; 2, P. Lavelle, Rosclave; 3, J, Moran, Derrygarve.
Bunch of Flowers from Open Garden -1, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport. 2, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport; 3, Mrs. H. F. Mumford-Smith, Newport House.
12 Blooms Sweet Pea shown in one vase—1, Mrs. A. Humphreys, Derrydeevagh House, 2, Miss M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport, 3, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport.
Six Decorative Dahlias—1, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport.
Six Cactus Dahlias-1, Mrs. M Kealy, Newport; 2, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport.
Six Asters, Double Variety-1, J. V. McGovern, Sandymount House; 2, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport; 3, J. V. McGovern, Sandymount House
Six Gladioli—1, Mrs. M. Browne, Alpine Lodge; 2, Mrs. M. Kealy,
Six Hybrid Tea or Perpetual Roses—1, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport; 2, Mrs. M. Browne, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 3, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport
Six Polyantha Roses—l, and 3, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 2.Mrs. M, Kealy, Newport.
Bunch of Wild Flowers, exhibited by Primary School Child-l, Mary Kenny, Derrylahan; 2, Mary O'Malley, Treenbeg; 3, D. Nealis, Meddlicott Street.
Brown Soda Bread—1, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh; Westport; 2, Miss M. B. McNulty, Doontrusk; 3, Mrs. D. Nealis, Meddlicott Street.
White Soda Bread—1, Mrs. J. Ryder, Kilbride; 2, Mrs. C. Murray, Kilbride; 3, Mrs. J. Ryder, Kilbride.
Homemade Scones (1/2 doz.)—1, Mrs. M. A. Henderson, Wood Cottage, Westport; 2, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 3, Miss G. Harte, Derrydeevagh House.
Fruit Tart-1, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport; 2, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 3, Mrs. J. Ryder, Kilbride.
Sponge Cake—1, Miss K.McGovern, Carrabaun; 2, Miss M. B. McNulty, Doontrusk.
Sponge Sandwich (Iced)—1, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 2, Mrs. J. Kilroy Carrickeneady; 3,Mrs. J. Ryder, Kilbride, Newport.
Sponge Sandwich (uniced)—1, Miss K. McGovern, Carrabaun; 2, Mrs. E. Bracken, Meddlicott Street. 3, Mrs. J. Kilroy,Carrickeneady.
Jam Sandwich—1, Mrs M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 2, Miss K. McGovern, Carrabaun;3, Mrs E. L. Mairs, Carrickeneady.
Small Cakes, Doz. Queen or Cheese Cakes-1, Mrs. N. Lavelle, Rosclave; 2, Miss A. Kelly, Meddlicott Street 3, Mrs. M. Browne, Alpine Lodge, Westport.
Rich Fruit Cake (Iced)-1 Miss M. McGovern, Sandymount House,Newport.
Rich Fruit Cake (uniced)—1,Mrs. E. Bracken, Meddlicott St, Newport; 2, Miss.K. McGovern, Carrabaun, Newport, 3, Mrs J Kilroy, Carrickeneady.
Marble Cake-1, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport; 2, Miss M. B. McNulty,: Doontrusk; 3, Mrs. E. Bracken, Meddlicott Street.
Carraway, Madiera or Walnut Cake—1, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport; 2,Mrs. E. L. Mairs, Carrickeneady; 3, Miss M. B. McNulty, Doontrusk, Newport.
Swiss or Chocolate Roll—1, Mrs. J. Kilroy, Garrickeneady; 2, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport; 3, Mrs. J. Ryder, Kilbride.
Ginger Bread—1. 2 and 3, Mrs. J. Ryder, Killbride, Newport.
1 lb. Blackcurrant Jam-1, Miss M. McManamon, Teevemore; 2, Mrs D. Nealis, Meddlicott Street; 3, Mrs. J. Kilroy, Carrickeneady.
1 lb. Goosberry Jam—1, Miss. S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport; 2, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 3, Mrs. P. McManamon, Teevemore.
1 lb. Marmalade—1, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 2, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport; 3, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport.
1 lb. Homemade Jelly—1, Miss B. Casey, Lecarrow; 2 and 3, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport.
1 lb. any other jam or Preserves —1, Mrs. M. Kealy. Newport; 2 and 3, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport.
Lady's Hand-knit Jumper—1 Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport; 2, Miss M. MoGovern Sandymount House; 3, Mrs. G. M. Kelly, Barrack Hill.
Lady's Hand-knit Cardigan—1 Miss H. B. Ferris, Wood Cottage, Westport; 2, Miss A. Cafferty, Glenhest; 3, Mrs. M. Nixon Inishower.
Hand-knit Lady's or Man's Sleeveless Pullover—1, Mrs. M. Nixon, Inishower.
Best Article in Fairisle-1, Miss B. Tobin, Newport; 2, Miss. M. Kealy, Newport; 3, Miss E. Tobin, Newport.
Pair of Lady's or Gent's Gloves —1, Mrs. J. Ryder, Kilbride; 2, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 3, Mrs. J. Ryder, Kilbride.
Pair of Men's Socks, (Homespun) —1, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 2 Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport; 3, Mrs. J. Ryder, KUbride.
Pair of Men's Socks (Factory Thread)—1, Mrs. M. Browne, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 2, Miss E. Tobin, Newport; 3, Mrs. M. Sammon, Carrowmore.
Child's Hand-Knit cardigan. Jumper or Frock—1, Miss; M. McGovern, Sandymount House 2, Mrs. D. Nealis, Meddlicott Street; 3; Miss A. Mulchrone, Derryloughan.
Any Other Knitted Article—1, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh; Westport; 2, Miss E. Tobin, Newport; 3, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport.
Any Wool Crochet Article—1 and 2, Mrs. J. Ryder, Kilbride; 3, Mrs. A. Geraghty, Kilbride.
Wool Embroidery, any article— 1and 2, Mrs. R. Sammon, Ballinrobe; 3, Mrs. M. Dolan, Carrabaun, Westport.
White Embroidered Tea or Supper Cloth—1, Mrs. M. A. Henderson, Wood Cottage, Westport; 2, Convent of Mercy, Newport; 3, Miss K. Kelly, 17 Main Street.
Coloured Embroidered Tea or Supper Cloth—1, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport; 2, Mrs. P. Sheridan, Main Street; 3, Miss M. P. Cusack, Ardagh.
Hand Embroidered Tray Cloth— 1,Mrs. B. Mulchrone; 2, Mrs. M. Dolan, Carrabaun, Westport; 3, Mrs.M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, do.
Any Other Embroidered Article - 1, Mrs. M. Chambers, Buckagh; 2, Convent of Mercy; 3; Miss M. Kelly, 17 Main Street.
Hand Embroidered fire Screen, —1, Miss A. Cafferty,Glenhest; 2, Miss E. Tobin, Newport.
Fire Screenother than Hand Embroidered-1, Mrs. M. A. Henderson, Wood Cottage; Westport,
Homemade Cosy Cover 1, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport; 2and 3, Miss E. Tobin, Newport.
Canvas Work-using Cross Stitch or Tent Stitch -1, Miss E. Tobin, Newport; 2, Mrs. M. Brown, Alpine Lodge, Westport; 3, Miss E. Tobin, Newport.
Irish crochet, any article—1, Mrs. B. Mulchrone, Newport; 2 and 3, Mrs. M. Kealy; Newport.
Homespun, any article-1, Miss. M. Jordan, Acres; 2,- Mrs. M. Mulchrone, Knockgloss.
4-oz. Handspun Knitting Yarn— 1, Mrs. A. Geraghty; Buckagh; 2, Mrs. M. Mulchrone, Knockgloss.
Homemade Bedspread—1, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport.
Homemade Hearth rug—1, Miss P. Campbell, Kilmeena; 2,Miss R. Murray, Kilbride.
Best Rag Rug - 1, 2, and 3, Mrs. S. Costello, Knappagh, Westport.
Best Homemade Blanket - 1, C. Mulchrone, Buckagh.
Handsewn Garment for Child - 1, Miss E. Tobin, Newport.
Machine-sewn Garment for Child - 1, 2 and 3, Mrs M. Kealy, Newport.
Stool Seat in Rush, String or Sea Grass -1, Miss A. Cafferty, Glenhest; 2, Mrs. R. Sammon, Ballinrobe; 3, Mrs. Marsden, Quay Road.
Best Article in Tapestry - 1, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport.
Best hand-painted Article - 1, 2 and 3, Miss H.R. Ferris, Wood Cottage, Westport.
Best Homemade Soft Toy-1, 2and 3, Mrs. M. Kealy, Newport.
Leatherwork Handbag or wallet 1,L.McGovern, Carrabaun; 2, Mrs, G. Murray, Kilbride; 3, J. Leneghan, Rosnarubble.
Homemade Article in Woodwork -1, Mrs. Marsden, Quay Road; 2, Mrs. P. Sheridan, Main: Street.
Rod Basket Work (Farm Basket Potato Scib or Creel) —1, Miss E. Dolan, Carrabaun, Westport; Mrs. M. Dolan, do.
Rod Basket (Shopping Basket or Flower Basket)—1, Mrs. A. J. Walsh,: Newport.
Work Basket—1, Mrs. M. Dolan, CLarrabaun, Westport; 2,-Miss B. Dolan, do.
Pair of Hand-knit Socks—1, Mary McNeela, Derrylahan; 2, Kathleen Moran, Derrygarve; 3, Mary McManamon, Teevemore.
Pair of Mittens or Gloves—1, Charlotte Ryder, Kilbride; 2, Helen Mulchrone, Derryloulghan; 3, Annette McDonnell, Meddlicott St.
Child's Hand-made Cotton Frock -1, Mary Keane, Knockgloss.
Scarf-1, Mary T. O'Malley, Carrowmore; 2 and 3, Mary Keane, Knockgloss.
Embroidered Tray Cloth — 1, Charlotte Ryder, Kilbride; 2, Mary Moran, Derrygarve; 3, Miss E. Toolan,: Westport.
Embroidered Cushion Cover—1, Patricia Sammon, Lecarrow; 2, Brenda McGovern, Sandymount House; 3, Katherine Dyra, Carrickeneady.
Canvas Work, using Cross Stitch or Tent Stitch—1, Miss E. Dolan, Carrabaun, Westport; 2, Miss K. Mulchrone, Derryloughan, Newport; 3, Miss M. E. Walsh, Derryloughan, Newport.
Aug 24
Record Entry For Sparkling Newport Show
It's show time in Mayo and among the top attractions is the Newport Show being held on Wednesday next. With a record entry this year's show promises to be the most sparkling to date.
With nine magnificent perpetual trophies to be won, patrons are assured of keen competition in all classes. As usual the judging rings will draw the largest attendances, an aspect of the Newport show that was recently the subject of a very favourable comment by a radio commentator. The coveted Dr. Walsh Cup goes to the owner of the Champion Cow at the Show, and the judging of this, apart from the headache it causes to the judges, provides a great attraction for visitors to the show.
This year the committee have introduced sheep-dog trials, the first to be held in conjunction with the show.
A Donkey Derby — for the Championship of Mayo is also included in the programme. The winner receives a silver trophy and cash prize.
And as always, the highlight of the show is the Monster Show Dance in the Parochial Hall, Newport, on the same night. Music will be supplied by the showband of showbands -the Oriole.