Aquarius R2 Grids

Sign Verbs / Ray Nouns
  1. Amalgamate
  1. Adhesion(s)

  1. Associate
  1. Ageless Wisdom

  1. Burden
  1. Allure

  1. Change
  1. Anxieties

  1. Combine
  1. Attachments, Sentimental Attachments

  1. Create
  1. Attraction

  1. Create
  1. Beauty (the Beautiful), Beauty and Truth

  1. Deviate
  1. Being One with

  1. Distribute
  1. Benediction

  1. Dream up
  1. Blessing

  1. Electrify
  1. Bonds

  1. Excite
  1. Builder

  1. Group together
  1. Building

  1. Innovate
  1. Care

  1. Join forces with
  1. Carefulness (Carefully)

  1. Join together
  1. Closeness

  1. Modernize
  1. Comfort

  1. Offer
  1. Compassion

  1. Reform
  1. Consciousness

  1. Renew Modify Network
  1. Cowardice

  1. Renovate
  1. Depression

  1. Reorganize
  1. Despondency

  1. Serve
  1. Diffidence

  1. Share
  1. Divine Pattern

  1. Transform
  1. Education

  1. Try new ways
  1. Education for the Soul

  1. Unify
  1. Enlightenment

  1. Unite With
  1. Empathy

  1. Update
  1. Entirety, Entirely

  1. Update
  1. Excessive Responsibility

  1. Vitalize
  1. Expansion

  1. Vivify
  1. Expansion of Consciousness

  1. Fear

  1. Gentleness, Gentle

  1. Giving

  1. Group(s)

  1. Group Love

  1. Group Soul

  1. Group Unity

  1. Growth

  1. Guarding

  1. Hierarchy

  1. Identification

  1. Illumination

  1. Illumined Soul Infusion

  1. Inclusion

  1. Inclusiveness

  1. Inertia, Inactivity

  1. Intimacy

  1. Kindness

  1. Joy and Happiness

  1. Light

  1. Love

  1. Love-Wisdom

  1. Loving Interplay

  1. Loving-Understanding

  1. Magnetism

  1. Magnetization

  1. Meditation

  1. Merging

  1. Mesmerism

  1. Mystery of Love

  1. Nuggets of Truth

  1. Openness

  1. Over-Conscientiousness, Selfishly Conscientious

  1. Pondering

  1. Preservation

  1. Protecting

  1. Radiance of the Soul

  1. Radiation

  1. Relationship

  1. Revelation, Revelation of the Light

  1. Riches

  1. Right Human Relations

  1. Right Relations

  1. Salvaging

  1. Saving

  1. Scholars, Scholarly Activities

  1. Schools

  1. Sensitivity; Over-Sensitivity

  1. Sharing

  1. Sight

  1. Slowness, Slowly

  1. Social Responsibility

  1. Soul

  1. Soul Culture

  1. Sympathy

  1. Teaching

  1. Timidity

  1. Treasures of the Soul, the Causal Body

  1. Truth

  1. Unanimity

  1. Understanding

  1. Unfoldment

  1. Unification

  1. Union

  1. Unity

  1. Vision

  1. Warmth

  1. Weakness

  1. Wisdom

Ray Verbs / Sign Nouns
  1. Abide
  1. Assemblies

  1. Abide with
  1. Associations

  1. Adhere to
  1. Bearing (Burdens)

  1. Ameliorate
  1. Brotherhood

  1. Attract
  1. Circulation

  1. Be Faithful
  1. Club

  1. Be Generous
  1. Coalitions

  1. Be Loyal
  1. Distribution

  1. Be Patient With
  1. Esprit de Corps

  1. Be Wise
  1. Federations

  1. Bear with
  1. Fellowship

  1. Bless
  1. Fraternity

  1. Bring Benediction
  1. Groups

  1. Bring Light (“The Light Bringer”)
  1. Groups

  1. Build
  1. Innovations

  1. Build Masterfully, with Mastery (“The Master Builder”)
  1. Inventions

  1. Calm, Calmly
  1. League

  1. Care for
  1. Networks

  1. Care for the Quality of
  1. Service

  1. Clearly See
  1. Sharing

  1. Confer Names (“The Conferrer of Names”)
  1. Societies

  1. Display Glory (“The Displayer of Glory”)

  1. Dissolve Through Love

  1. Draw Forth

  1. Draw Unto You

  1. Educate

  1. Endure

  1. Encourage

  1. Exercise Patience

  1. Expand

  1. Express Love Eternal (“The Lord of Eternal Love”)

  1. Fulfill

  1. Fuse and Blend

  1. Geometrize (“The Great Geometrician”)

  1. Gently Dissolve

  1. Generously Provide

  1. Give Wisdom (“The Giver of Wisdom”)

  1. Help

  1. Instruct

  1. Keep

  1. Love

  1. Magnetize (“The Cosmic Magnet”)

  1. Nurture

  1. Neutralize with Light and Love

  1. Open

  1. Pity

  1. Preserve

  1. Ponder

  1. Promote Brotherliness

  1. Proceed Serenely

  1. Protect

  1. Quiet

  1. Radiate

  1. Radiate within the Form (“The Radiance within the Form”)

  1. Remain, Remain Loyal to the Soul

  1. Reveal

  1. Safeguard

  1. School

  1. Send Forth

  1. Share

  1. Shelter

  1. Spread

  1. Suffuse with Love

  1. Teach

  1. Tranquilize

  1. Tutor

  1. Unify

  1. Unite

  1. Wisely Understand