The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Reading Schedule

Tuesday February 12—Begin talking about Frederick Douglass

Due Wednesday February 13—Preface, Letter from Wendell Phillips, and up to/including Chapter 3 (vii-12) & journal

Due Thursday February 14—Chapters 4-7 (12-26) & journal

No School Friday February 15

No School Monday February 18

Due Tuesday February 19—Chapter 8-10 (26-58) & two journals (one for Chapters 8-9 and one for chapter 10)

Due Wednesday February 20—Chapter 11 and Appendix (59-76) & journal

Due Thursday February 21—Journal

Due Friday February 22—Journals Due!!!

Test will be announced


You will write a journal response for each reading assignment. You must respond to 3 passages a reading. They will be checked daily and collected as a whole on Friday, February 22. Grammar and spelling count!! Do not just simply write a summary of the passage. Respond to the passage indicating two or more of the following:

Ø How did the passage affect you as a reader (how did it make you feel about the rest of the reading, Douglass, etc)?

Ø What about the passage do you think is important or essential to the rest of the text?

Ø Describe the language in the passage; were there interesting metaphors or similes?

Ø Does the passage reveal anything new about Frederick Douglass and/or the way slaves were treated?

Ø Anything else you find interesting

Include the chapter and page number each passage comes from. Each response should be no less than 6 sentences. You may hand write your nightly journals, but the final copies must be typed. You may set your journals up any way you choose, how ever, it must be clear which page and chapter the passage comes from.

Your final journals should include a cover page. The cover page should include your name, date, and your class period. Decorate your cover page with images of your own interpretation of freedom/Frederick Douglass. You may draw, use pictures from the internet, and/or some form of visual representation. Be Creative!!

** If you are absent one or more days, it is your responsibility to keep up with the reading and/or take the quiz the day you are back. You must also be responsible for showing me your journals for the day you are absent. Feel free to email me questions if you are absent or are confused about any assignments: **