Nebraska Medicaid Managed Care Program and AetnaBetter Health® of Nebraska
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is Nebraska Medicaid and the Nebraska Medicaid Managed Care Program?
The Nebraska State Medicaid program covers medically necessary services for certainchildren,the aged, blind and disabled, and others who meet eligibility requirements. CHIP is part of Nebraska Medicaid and provides medical assistance to children aged 18 and younger.
What are Managed Care Organizations (MCOs)?
Certain Nebraska State Medicaid clients are required to participate in the Nebraska Medicaid Managed Care Program. If you are eligible, then you’ll need to enroll in a Managed Care Organization (MCO).
The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services contracts with MCOs to administer physical health benefits for Managed Care Program members.
What happens whenyou enroll in Managed Care?
Once enrolled, you’ll receive your Client Guidebook and a Medicaid ID card.You can then complete enrollment by calling the Medicaid Enrollment Center. A counselor at the center will help you learn more about MCOs and the plan choices that you have.
The Medicaid Enrollment Center:1-888-255-2605
Lincoln area residents call: 1-402-477-4600 (TTY: 402.477.4601)
Are Nebraska Medicaid Managed Care Programbenefits the same as State Medicaid benefits?
Yes. You’ll get the same health care servicesthrough Nebraska Medicaid Managed Care Program as you get with Nebraska State Medicaid. However, youmay get added services that are not available through the State program.
These benefits include:
Physical health services
Dental services
Behavioral health and substance use disorders services
Pharmacy services
Transportation to medical appointments as necessary
Home and community-based waivers
Long-term care nursing facilities
Personal assistance
How do I apply for Medicaid?
Just contact ACCESS Nebraska. You have two ways to do this: online or by mail.
- Fill out an application online and submit
- Call and ask for a paper application that you can mail in.
855.632.7633 (TTY: 711)
In Lincoln: 402.473.7000
In Omaha: 402.595.1178
What is Aetna Better Health® of Nebraska?
Aetna Better Health of Nebraska is a health insurance company that participates in the Nebraska Managed Medicaid Program. Aetna Better Health is one of your health plan choices for managed care. Once you select Aetna Better Health, you’ll receive a Member ID card and member handbook. Extra Aetna Better Health benefits include:
Aetna Better HealthInformed Health® Line
1-877-620-1945 (TTY:711)
Healthy Mom, Happy Baby program
-Portable Crib program
-Healthy Mom Gift Card program
-Childbirth education classes
-Text4baby text messaging program
-Breast pump coverage
Ted E. Bear, M.D. Kids Club
-Paid membership to Boy Scouts of America
-Paid membership to Girl Scouts of USA
-Access to KidsHealth
-Birthday postcard during child’s birthday month
-Quarterly member newsletter
Disease management programs
Adult flu shots, immunizations and check-ups.
Referrals not needed
Aetna Better Health® of Nebraska
15950 West Dodge Road
Omaha, NE 68118
Can I choose my own doctor?
Yes. Your Primary Care Provider (PCP) is the provider who takes care of most of your health care needs. You can choose your own PCP. You’ll see your PCP for well-care check-ups and when you are sick. A PCP will make sure that you get the right medical care when you need it.
Does my doctor contract with Aetna Better Health® of Nebraska?
Most providers in your area participate with Aetna Better Health, But check with your doctor or the Medicaid Enrollment Center to be sure. You can also visit our websiteto find to find the list of providers that contract with Aetna Better Health.
Can I cover my new baby under Medicaid?
Yes. If you’re pregnant, include your expected due date on your AccessNebraska application and call as soon as your baby is born.
Am I covered for vision services?
Yes. Aetna Better Health covers your vision care. All services must be performed by a licensed Block Vision optometrist or optician. For more information, call Block Vision.
Block Vision
1-888-632-3937 (TTY: 711)
(TDD: 1-800-877-8973)
Are behavioral health and substance use disorders covered?
Yes, the State of Nebraska provides coverage for behavioral health services by contracting with Magellan Behavioral Health. Magellan coordinates, manages and provides access to mental health and substance-use disorder services for Medicaid clients.
Magellan Behavioral Health
Are transportation services covered?
Yes. Transportation is covered through Nebraska Medicaid but not through Aetna Better Health. You’llneed to contact IntelliRide to arrange for transportation.
Omaha: 402-401-6999
TTY Line: 402-401-6998
Are dental services covered?
Yes. Dental services are covered, but not through Aetna Better Health. You’ll need to contact the Nebraska Medicaid program for more information.
Are pharmacy services covered?
Yes. Pharmacy services are covered but not through Aetna Better Health. You’ll need to contact the Nebraska Medicaid program for more information.
Ted E. Bear, MD call-out: “To find out more about our managed care program, just call us at 1-888-784-2693 or visit
(feel free to change call out)