Enrollment Management Committee
Board Room
September 15, 2008
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Members: Amelia Acosta, Jo McEntire, Aura Rios-Erickson, Yvonne Terrell-Powell, Bill Sperling, Samira Pardanani, Tom Prigmore, Barb Kristek, Amy Stapleton, Susan Hoyne, Chris Linebarger, Tonya Drake
1. Introductions
2. Review and update of charge and direction of EMC
· There was discussion regarding whether to have a co-chair and it was determined to table the discussion until the next meeting when it is hoped more members will be present.
· Changes to the scheduled meetings were determined as a result of holidays, quarter breaks, and first day of the quarter. Room changes will take place if necessary and a schedule will be emailed to everyone.
· Email was decided as the best method of communication for the group.
· A review of the 2008 GAM for EMPC was reviewed and it was determined that some of the goals were still important.
· Goal #1 data gathering was discussed.
· Chris will provide a link to the EvCC Environmental Scan and the Cox-Otto Gap Survey. Amy will research PIO for other data and surveys that are available.
3. Data the committee would like to see
· There was discussion about the brainstorming that was done last year regarding the data the committee would like to see. Samira had her notes and shared the list with the group. Chris & Samira will work together to prepare three or four specific questions we would like data on by Jim James. Chris & Samira will send the questions to the group before sending them to Jim and will ask Jim for a response by January 12th. Some of the brainstorming included: retention data, advisee lists, annual comparisons, demo current students and inquiring students, FA, Educational background of applicants, transfer statistics, FTE by intent, HS trends, capacity (what start times do students want and what is the interest level)
· Bill suggested that much of the community information should be available in the current census reports by zip code.
3. Outreach to community
· It was determined that Outreach to our community is still important and Bill, Amy and Aura will contact the public schools and other sources in our district to gather demographic information including language spoken for the high schools and the larger community if available. They will bring the information from the high schools on January 12th.
· We will also ask Jeff Omalanz-Hood, Cecilia Martinez-Vasquez and Lynette Peters to join us on December 8th to provide information on Outreach efforts to non-traditional students including students of color. For example, which conferences have the college attended and who were the representatives?
· Susan provided information on the community outreach program that is happening with the pre-apprenticeship program with utility companies. They are advertising to worker retraining and workforce development. The program provides training to prepare students to take the test for entrance into an apprenticeship program with the utilities.
3. GAM
· While continuing to review the 2008 GAM there was discussion regarding the Advising Task Force about advising recommendations. Members wondered if a process was in place to provide accurate advisee lists to faculty and if those advising faculty contacted their advisees on regular basis. In other words how are we addressing one of the gaps indicated on the Gap Survey of 2007. We will ask Aura co-chair of the Advising Task Force to provide that information at the next meeting.
· Barb indicated that many of the names of advisors who are no longer at SCC have been purged by Steve Gibler. Barb has run lists of advisees for faculty in Humanities.
· We discussed the web update portion of the GAM and it was brought up that there is a Web Work Group who is working on updating our Website. Susan indicated there will be a presentation at College Council tomorrow. Susan also brought up the Early Warning email system. She indicated the presentation to the Dean Team was positive but a demonstration for faculty did not go as well. She does not believe it is currently in use.
December 8, 2008:
· Amy will bring information on additional surveys from PIO
· Chris will invite Jeff, Cecilia and Lynette for updates on outreach to communities of color
· Samira & Chris will prepare questions for Jim James share them via email with the group
January 12, 2009:
· Jim James will provide response to the three or four questions
· Amy, Bill and Aura will provide update on demographic data gathered from Shoreline School District
Notes taken by Chris Linebarger