Suburban Construction Management Taskforce


Brisbane City Council has a dedicated taskforce to ensure development approved construction occurs with minimal disruption to the surrounding community. This taskforce is called the Suburban Construction Management Taskforce (SCMT).



Construction occurring across Brisbane is important for jobs and the economy but if not managed well, this activity can create issues and be a nuisance for those close to development sites.

The safe management of the site and minimisation of impacts on nearby properties is the responsibility of developers, builders and contractors.

Council has a responsibility to ensure construction, demolition and excavation sites do not adversely affect health, safety, amenity, traffic or the environment in the surrounding area.

The SCMT is a dedicated team created specifically to ensure effective management of concerns that may arise during construction. Types of construction concerns that the SCMT may investigate include:

  • air quality and dust management
  • construction noise and vibration
  • stormwater and sediment control
  • out of hours construction
  • pedestrian and traffic provisions
  • non-compliance with development approval conditions.

The SCMT works with builders and residents to ensure construction activities are carried out within the requirements of the Planning Act 2016,Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EPA), Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) and the City of Brisbane Act 2010 (CBA).

The SCMT works to ensure requirements are met by the following.

  • Proactively engaging with developers, builders and contractors, for sites that may be high risk prior to the commencement of construction work.
  • Partnering with industry to create a culture of operating with regard and consideration to the surrounding area early in the process to identify potential nuisance issues.
  • Responding to community concerns and complaints about nuisances caused to the surrounding area as a result of construction activities.
  • Engaging with developers, builders and contractors to discuss measures for overcoming possible nuisance issues.

Frequently asked questions

Council regularly receives questions from the industry relating to effective management of construction sites. The information below provides a summary of the most frequently asked questions and associated responses.

What are the allowable hours for construction works?

The EPA specifies 6.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday as standard work hours for construction activities.

When are out of hours permits required?

Sometimes, a development may need to carry out works outside of the standard EPA hours. In such circumstances, a request can be made to Council

to assess and issue a permit to operate under
modified hours.

A request to operate out of hours is only available for
works resulting from development approval issued by Council. Requests can be made to d must include supporting information justifying why works cannot be undertaken within the standard EPA hours.

Who sets allowable noise and dust levels?

The EPA sets the acceptable noise and dust level requirements for general construction works.

Who sets requirements for signage attached to construction site fencing?

The Queensland Building and Construction Commission sets the requirements relating to construction site signage.

Who regulates footway signage requirements?

The Queensland Department for Workplace Health and Safety is responsible for inspecting construction site safety signage requirements.

Do I need a permit to close a lane or a road?

Yes. Builders can apply to Council for a permit to temporarily close a lane or road for a set period of
time and duration (e.g. 7-9am Monday to Friday from
15 January to 14 February 2016). A permit is also required from the Queensland Police Service to close
a lane or road temporarily. Permits only allow for certain activities to occur such as deliveries or required construction works during approved times.

Permits do not give the right for contractor vehicles
or construction materials to be stored on the roadway.

A traffic management plan is also required as part of the permit process. Traffic controllers and certain signage may be required as part of the traffic management plan. A copy of the approved traffic management plan and permit conditions is required to be kept on site and available for inspection by a Council officer at all times.

To apply for a Temporary Road ClosureCertificate,
visit Council’s website.

Do I need a permit to close a footpath?

Yes. A footpath closure is different from a lane or
road closure. On many occasions, both permits are required. Builders can apply to Council for a permit to temporarily close a footpath. A set of conditions regulate the specification of the footpath closure
(e.g. partial closure with 800 mm set back from kerb). Signage is to be installed to direct footpath users if they can be directed around the site on the footpath and a pedestrian detour plan will be required if pedestrians are to be directed across the road at the site location.A registered Traffic Control company can provide this.

Materials or metal bins cannot be stored on the footpath without a footpath closure permit.

For information on how to apply for a full or partial footway closure, visit Council’s website.

What documents are required to be kept on site?

The following documents must be available on site
for inspection by Council officers as required:

  • Construction Management Plan
  • Council approved development approval conditions package
  • Council approved development approval plans
  • engineering certified/Council approved soil
    and sediment control plans
  • footpath/road and lane closure permits.

What are the rules attached to traffic congestion caused by construction?

The City of Brisbane Act 2010 legislates the requirements attached to road closures and stop/go traffic control. Council has a Congestion Reduction Unit which monitors all road closures to ensure requirements are complied with.

Failure to comply may result in Council issuing infringement notices to the offending building company or property owner.

Can trees be removed as part of construction works?

Protected vegetation can be identified through a number of mechanisms, including Council’s Natural Assets Local Law 2003 (NALL), the Brisbane City Plan 2014 (e.g. Significant Landscape Tree Overlay map or Heritage overlay), development approval conditions, a covenant or other Queensland Government legislation.

A Council-issued permit may be required to manage protected vegetation.

If a protected tree is removed or pruned without Council approval, Council may issue infringement notices to the offending building company or property owner. Council’s website provides detailed information on protected vegetation.

Who is responsible for managing boundary dividing fence disputes between property owners?

The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) manage disputes between property owners with regard to “boundary dividing fences”. The Neighbourhood Disputes (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2011 sets the legislation requirements which are administered by QCAT.

Who is responsible for managing water pollution, soil and sediment control generated from a construction site?

Council’s Compliance and Regulatory Services officers manage the requirements under the provisions of the Queensland EPA. Heavy metals, pH and total suspended solid are the main criteria for stormwater quality control, but the criteria may vary depending on individual site conditions. Property developers and their consultants/contractors are responsible for ensuring adequate erosion and sediment control measures are implemented and maintained on construction sites. If appropriate action is not taken, on-the-spot fines can be issued.

More information

For more information about the Suburban Construction Management Taskforce, visit call Council on (07) 3403 8888

Disclaimer: The content of this document has been developed to provide general advice and information on what a well-managed construction site should look like and the role of the Suburban Construction Management Taskforce.Brisbane City Council expressly disclaims all liability for errors and omissions of any kind whatsoever whether negligent or otherwise for any loss, damage, injury or other consequences that may arise from reliance on this publication

