3rd-4th Grade Sunday School Curriculum, 2015-2016
Date: October 2, 2016
Title:Stewards of Creation
Scripture Reference:Gen 2: 1-23
Lesson Objective: Recall select biblical stories; recognize how scripture relates to social responsibility and justice
Teacher Background: / This is the second of a two part series on creation. Today, we are discussing how Christians are called to be stewards of the earth. Next week, we’ll discuss what it means to be made in God’s image. As you prepare for these sessions, reread the first two chapters of Genesis. The creation story, as with many stories in the first five books of the bible, is told twice. In the creation stories, perhaps the most significant difference is the order of creation.Order of Creation in Genesis 1 / Order of Creation in Genesis 2
Vegetation / Male
Animals / Vegetation
Male and Female / Animal
Despite the differences in the text, both demonstrate the necessity of being adept stewards of creation.
We’ll be using Genesis 2 for our lesson today. In the first 14 verses, we see an outline of creation and a description of Eden. In verse 15, we see the call of stewardship where God tells Adam to cultivate and keep the land. Adam is allowed to use the land for his benefit, but it must be as God intends.
This raises many important questions. What does it mean to be the gardeners or keepers of the earth today? Are we using the earth as it was intended? Who ‘owns’ the earth?
We know from the scripture and from the creed that God, the Father was the creator of heaven and earth and that what was created was good. While the earth belongs to God, it is ours to enjoy and care for according to God’s purpose. In other words, we are called to live in harmony with the earth and with nature. Even the smallest thing we do to help the environment is pleasing to God.
We weren’t just told this in the creation stories, but remember we were also told this after the flood. If you remember Noah and his sons were charge to care and tend for the earth.
“Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. The fear and dread of you shall rest on every animal of the earth, and on every bird of the air, on everything that creeps on the ground, and on all the fish of the sea; into your hand they are delivered. Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you; and just as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.”
If it is important enough to be told twice – perhaps we should listen.
Resources Needed:
Book of Common Prayer
Energy Saver sheet
(5 Minutes) / Talk with the students as they enter class. Ask them if they know who St. Francis is? Today is his saint day and he is remembered for caring for creation – plants, animals and people.
Opening Prayer
(5 minutes) / Have a child read the Collect of the Day from the Book of Common Prayer.
The Word –
Lesson and Discussion:
(15-20 minutes) / We continue to learn about the different stories of Creation. Today we are going to read the 2nd creation story in the bible to start our conversation about being good stewards of Creation.
- What does the word steward mean?
- Are we good stewards of creation, like St. Francis?
- How can we be better stewards of the earth?
- Let’s see if we can think about how to be better stewards of the earth? (water conservation, energy conservation, reduce air pollution, recycling, etc) Give them attached handout on ways their family can save energy to take home.
Our Response - Activity:
(20 Minutes) / Today we will be creating a classroom garden. Plant bulbs in the garden by the window. Alex Sherrill will be getting supplies and have them in your room for Sunday.
-How will the class care for the plants they planted?
Do they need to be watered? Checked on? What will you do when they bloom with flowers? Share them? Enjoy them as a class? How will you be good stewards of these plants?
Energy Saver Suggestions
- Use a slow cooker instead of an oven (not as much space to heat)
- Decide what you want before opening the fridge or freezer
- Fill empty spaces in freezer with gallons of ice water
- Support green energy production through Georgia Power…
- Turn off appliances and electronics when not in use
- Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs
- Turn off the lights when not in the room
- Use task lighting (don’t light a whole room if you are only using one area of it, such as a desk)
- Dust light bulbs
- Ask that bike racks be installed at your community of faith, school and workplaces to encourage bicycle use
- Carpool or use public transportation
- Use energy saving settings on refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and clothes dryers
- Drive at moderate speeds (55 mi/h is best) to save energy and reduce pollution (don’t start and stop quickly if possible)
- Drive a fuel-efficient vehicle
- Walk or bike short distances instead of driving
- Have an energy audit don at home and make energy saving changes
- When buying appliances, choose energy efficient models
- Use manual instead of electric appliances when possible
- Run full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine
- Sort laundry for drying according to thickness of materials to avoid over-drying items, or remove items as they dry
- Air-dry dishes in the dish washer by using the efficiency cycle or opening the door after the final rinse
- Hang laundry on a clothesline or drying rack
- Turn the temperature setting on your water heater to 110-120 degrees F
- Make sure your water heater has an insulating blanket
- Close registers in and doors to unused or rarely used rooms
- Change furnace filters twice a year
- Plant shade trees and shrubs around your house to help cooling (deciduous trees are best on the south and west side of house so that the sun can heat the home in the winter)
- In hot weather, set the thermostat at 78 degrees F or higher; use ceiling and floor fans for further cooling
- In cold weather, set the thermostat at 68 degrees F of lower and dress warmly. Lower the thermostat at night and when you are not home
- Do not block air or heating vents with drapes or large furniture
- Install solar panels for electricity if possible
- Be sure to set your computer to go on stand-by when not in use after 5-10 minutes
- Install room sensors for lighting if possible
- Recycle aluminum, plastic, paper and glass